private Nights of terror and crystal tears // goatcrash


they’re the tear in my heart
Jan 18, 2024

The night sky stretched onwards above the tree tops of Shadowclan territory. The frosted branches glittered in bright moonlight, and the snow was like little stars glimmered on the ground. It was a rather beautiful sight and the cold seemed so far off from such a picture perfect moment. The young cat though moved through the shadows of marshland and pine trees, and little white paws moved long snow like they where dancing on ice.

The night had been restless. Nightmares had plagued the young cat for the fourth time that week and they had half a mind to ask Magpiepaw or Starlingheart for something like poppy seeds to just knock them out. Something for just one night of peaceful sleep.

Though it had been months since their mother left Shadowclan, just enough to see her only child graduate into a warrior. It was in the middle of the night and she didnt even say goodbye to anyone either. Nightfur hadn’t been the same since them and it was rather difficult now with him.

Their father had always been rather abrupt and abrasive, always wanting their child to ascended the world and become something great. Though their delay in warriorhood didnt settle well with Nightfur and it only strained things further.

A breath billowed around a white and brown muzzle as they breathed out softly. Coming to an opening in the trees, they sat down in the snow and sighed heavily to themselves. They felt so lost in the world- so alone- and they weren’t sure what to do with themselves anymore.

Skywish then looked up to the sky’s where there was stars twinkling above. Not a cloud in the sky and it was like a blanket of soft velvet purple through the empty branches of trees. They swallowed thickly, and curled their fluffy brown tail around white paws.