private NIGHTS OUT IN BABYLON | sasha


she be like, 🙶 super! 🙷
Jun 19, 2023
Goldfish is incredibly bored. And things happen when Goldfish is bored, none of it good. Last time, she had taken one of their poor young members to the river, challenging them to a race. Yeah... It didn't end up well, with Goldfish tripping over her paws as they streaked across the receding river-bank. She blamed it on the pebbles causing a rocky place to grip with her claws just to save face. She had tumbled straight in to the shallow end of the murky water and completely freaked out, spending forever trying to get the nastiness off her pelt.

Oh well! Goldfish knows to be more careful now. And she knows now that she has to pick one of her close friends to race! Cause that younger cat just laughed the whole time, making Goldfish giggle too.

She finds herself looming over Sasha, peering at her self-proclaimed best friend curiously. "Hi Sasha!" her voice is loud, but her face has a huge grin on it. "Do you wanna hang out with me? I'm bored! And- And we can go to the river, uh huh!" she blabbers on, excitement clearly evident in her voice. Goldfish has found herself more and more drawn to it, despite the powers of destruction water had brought to their last camp. Perhaps one day she'll learn to swim? Oooh, what a cool thought! Goldfish eventually wants to learn how to fish, too... "And we can, uh, sunbathe! Yup, uh huh, I found a really, really good spot." Goldfish isn't lying, per se, but she's definitely not going to rest, offering the spot to Sasha instead. Oh! Maybe Sasha would like to see the tricks she learned!

I can feel you staring at me. Sasha herself has no issues with Goldfish, which is another way of saying she quite enjoyed Goldfish's presence. What she didn't know was that apparently they were best friends. If anything she thought that Goldfish simply admired her or something, because why hang out with her when there were better options? The strength to ask Goldfish what she needs fades away when she tilts her head up and comes face to face with a bright smile. DARN YOU! Your smile is a crime I swear. Whatever she'll play it off and be cool. She returns Goldfish's grin with a smug one of her own, "Whaddup Goldy!" Her tail flicks lazily as Goldfish explains or rather invites her to join her in a game. "Hmm so you just wanna hang out me because you're bored? I see how it is~," she teases. Goldfish is quite innocent, so she figures pretending to be upset would only drive her away.

A chuckle escapes her maw, "I'm kidding Goldy, I'd love to hang out with ya. And whad'ya wanna do at the river?" Funny how she's entertained this for so long. Hasn't even moved a single inch, her head still looking up at Goldfish who is looming over her. When Sunbathing is brought up, she bites the inside of her cheek to refrain herself from being mean to Goldfish. The reality is that Sasha doesn't really like to sunbathe or rest. Sunbathing only makes her rattled, the itch of wasting time gnaws at her. Goldfish is nice and she refuses to release her biting comment at the activity choice. Nevertheless, the activity still manages to bother her. Sunbathing? I thought you were bored? Isn't Sunbathing just sitting around and doing nothin'? How is that fun?

Sasha can't help herself in the end. "Eh? Goldy ya sure you wanna Sunbathe? The spot is probably uber cool, but ya really wanna do that? We could do somethin' else, like muck around in the river. I'm still cruddy with water... river stuff, but I'll put up a good one. Or maybe you could show me some stuff?" Hopefully Goldfish is not at all disappointed or catches wind that Sasha truly doesn't want to Sunbathe. That would just make things awkward and Sasha is not one to apologize, so for sure it would be amazing if Goldfish was clueless and happier with this instead.
Unfortunately, Sasha's first tease goes straight over her head and Goldfish just HAS to butt in to clear any misunderstandings! Yeah huh, she doesn't want Sasha to think she doesn't like her! Goldfish really really really likes her, yup! "Nuh- Nuh uh! I go to you when i'm bored because you're fuh-n." she grins broadly, annunciating fun to drive her point across. But then Sasha continues and Goldfish visibly relaxes from her slightly startled state. "Hooray! Hang-out with Sasha time!" she sings and parades it around, doing a small little dance in place. But the other girl asks her what she wants to do and Goldfish raises her paw to her face, tapping an unsheathed claw against her lip.

... Does she tell Sasha that she wants to show off the tricks she learned? Goldfish did just learn how to do a pretty sick looking backflip....

She picks up speaking again. "OH!" she bursts out with a gasp as Sasha suggests something else and its absolutely perfect because Goldfish was totally pulling something from nothing about the spot. Yeah, it didn't exist. Could it exist? Maybe. She's sure theres a perfect super duper spot out there somewhere. BUT Goldfish thought of herself as a preeeetty decent pretender- enough of that! "Erm- Yep! We can race there! Do you want to race? And I can teach you how to backflip! Yeah huh, uh huh, it's really fun, trust me!" she's practically vibrating with excitement. She jogs in place, staring down at Sashas form as she suddenly drops to a crouch. Pupils grow big and her ears pin back, oh, oh, shes so ready for a race! Please, please! She doesn't voice it, but the begging pout on her face makes it obvious.

Move, move, play, play! Oh, shes so excited! "I'll teach you how to float too!!" cause uh, Goldfish hasn't mastered fully swimming yet, just enough to tread the water. And even then shes not great at it, constantly dunking under and coming back up sputtering with giggles and waterlogged lungs. Perhaps shes not a great teacher OR supervisor for the activity but it flies completely over head head once more.