border nine in the afternoon - thunder dawn patrol <3

Jan 19, 2024
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

The crisp morning air felt nice on her fur. She was grateful for the break in the heat finally, it felt like a renewal of sorts. The air, free of humidity and crackling tension, filled her lungs with a certain amount of hope. Though, it wasn't all fuzzy feelings for the grey tabby warrior, as she was leading her first patrol. What had given Leafhusk the idea that she was ready? Maybe it was her apprentice? She glanced down at Squirrelpaw by her side. Was she even prepared to teach her? She'd barely gotten the opportunity before everything happened, and she'd been so frazzled it had been hard to focus on things like training. Survival was top of mind. Nonetheless, more urgent matters were at paw. Such as the border with RiverClan.

Sunningrocks, in all it's glory, stood proudly above the river. Lightflower, while not having fought for their right to have them, still took pride in them being theirs. A few marks in and the RiverClan patrol makes itself known. "Good morning," she mewed brightly. Compensating for her anxiety? She wasn't about to admit it.

// @ADDERSNAP @Tybalt [Stagstrike] and apprentice tag @SQUIRRELPAW
-ˋˏ ༻✧༺ ˎˊ- carawaysong watches the patrol emerge from rocky terrain, gaze roving over each thunderclanner. the one in charge seemed chipper enough, whilst the warrior had hardly flattened her own fur from the night before. she seemed to spend more time dreading a dawn patrol than actually attending one.

still, she meets them with a flicked tail in greeting, settling mossy eyes onto the blue molly at the head. "mornin," carawaysong hums back, paws dipping into the water as her flank rubbed along a clump of reeds. she found this border a rather pointless one to mark. it was pretty clear already. and besides, it wasn't as if thunderclan was going to wet their tails and cross onto riverclan's land from this point. that enough was excuse for her to lazily pick and choose where her silver flank touched.

there wasn't too much to complain about, she finally decided. the weather had let up for now, a chill ruffling her spine without the sun to warm it. the silence over the border, however, had black ears twitching. a yawn cracked her jaws wide before she looked back to lightflower. "enjoying the weather?" almost immediately she kicked herself for the question. how boring. it was too early to be anything but.
  • OOC ↛
  • p7LLlQL.png
    a tall and slender longhaired silver tabby with olive green eyes.
    willowroot x poppysplash / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.