private NINE, TEN, NEVER SLEEP AGAIN ♱ gooseberry


eternally ♱ 6.10.2024
May 20, 2023

Cygnetstare is unsure exactly how she feels about WindClan's supposedly triumphant claim to Highstones. Leaf-bare was challenging, she wouldn't deny that, but surely there were better ways to keep their Clan's prodigidous youth fed in the coming months. Ways that didn't involve the denial of their ancestors or the barracade of the Clans' connection to StarClan, their single pathway through the dark chambers of death and into the glittering light of the stars. Make no mistake, she has no lost love for the other clans—the heavy bite scars criscrossing over her throat is testament enough to that—but there must have been a better way.

They can't imagine it's much fun for the assigned guards, either, who are perpetually trekking back and forth at odd hours to ensure nobody can commune with their ancestors. Cygnetstare's freshly removed from a tunnel, preparing to follow her apprentice—sent ahead, no doubt excited to retreat to his nest—when she spots someone in the dusky gloom. Gooseberry's plain white pelt glows against the fallen veil of dusk, and they make the snap decision to go greet the pearl-furred tom. Perhaps it's boredom, or friendliness; she's been making a concerted effort to be more social after realizing just how little daily companionship she'd had in Luckypaw's absence.

"Gooseberry," she greets in a polite gravelly drawl when she draws level with the tom. "Strange seein' one of the moor-runners out this late. Headin' back from your turn guardin' Highstones?" Curious sympathy colors her tone—Cygnetstare herself keeps strange hours, as do many of the other tunnelers removed from light and sun, but the moor-runners tend to be more standard with their sleeping times. She eyes him curiously—Gooseberry is one of those Clanmates she's just never given much of a second look to. He's not bad-looking, though, and the half-light of dusk makes even her skinny frame more elegant. Cygnetstare usually doesn't give much consideration to her Clanmates' looks, but when has she ever been predictable? "Lonely out here?"


  • @Gooseberry !!
  • Db3Fmgx.png
    cygnetstare ; warrior of windclan
    x. she/they ; 35 moons ; tags
    x. tiny, corpselike black smoke / albino chimera with gut-pink eyes and a large throat scar
    x. mentor to luckypaw.
    x. played by dejavu

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Fighting your own mind is something that Gooseberry is very accustomed to. His entire life so far has been a constant bouncing between how he feels about whatever situation he’s in, and lately has been no different. Even still, this conflict is something that has truly shaken him, even if he is not one to show it. Sootstar might have been fully ready to abandon StarClan, but it’s been a struggle for the white tom. He has devoted his entire being to those in the night sky, so to denounce them entirely in a blink of an eye was never going to happen.

As he pads his way back to the familiar grassy grounds that he’s more used to, it’s hard not to think about if he truly wants this. In the heat of the moment, it was so easy to say that he didn’t need StarClan. But as clan life slowly got back to normal, it’s been nagging at him. Despite that, however, he knows that Sootstar is what he is truly loyal to. So if this is what she wants, then he will obediently follow, consequences be damned. If he has to guard a stupidly large rock in a place he’s not that familiar with, that’s what he’ll do.

As his blue and yellow eyes land on a familiar form when he is back home, he snaps out of it and allows himself to relax. Cygnetstate is a cat who he has not had many conversations with, but it’s always nice to see her. She is a very beautiful woman, and perceiving the way her own marbled fur gleams in the setting sun makes him crack a rare smile, albeit small.

“Cygnetstare. Yes, you’re correct.” Gooseberry verifies, letting a sigh escape his lips as he realizes just how late it actually is. “Lonely? I suppose so. Usually I’m okay with the lack of company, but it is still not territory I’m used to, and having company would be nice.” It’s easy for him to get irritated, but those who are Sootstar’s trusted alongside him are not the ones that have his ire.​

Maybe it's something in the water. Maybe it's the reality of death, the blade's edge their whole clan had been balanacing on not even a moon ago. Maybe it's the reality of how lonely her days had been without an apprentice tagging along after her. Maybe it's just a simple boredom, brought on by the usual restlessness that tends to strike her in the colder seasons. Either way, she doesn't mind a distraction, here in the high grass dappled by the twilight reflected back in blue-and-yellow eyes.

Cygnetstare's never chased love, and now is no exception. It'll find her or she'll come upon it, but her heart and soul are sworn to no one. She's not expecting that to change now—she's lonesome tonight, but she's far from stupid. She falls in step with Gooseberry, brushing her smoky tail against his side. The chimera's milkweed eyes narrow as he sighs, affirming her suspicions.

"If you're lookin' for company, I wouldn't mind some either." Intrigued pink eyes brush over the other warrior, returning his grin with one guarded by pearly fangs.


  • Db3Fmgx.png
    cygnetstare ; warrior of windclan
    x. she/they ; 35 moons ; tags
    x. tiny, corpselike black smoke / albino chimera with gut-pink eyes and a large throat scar
    x. mentor to luckypaw.
    x. played by dejavu

Getting close to someone is not something that Gooseberry has ever allowed himself to do. It’s not worth the time or effort, he would tell himself. He did not know love, for who could when even your parents would not provide? He could not bestow the support that one needs, whether it be in a friendship or relationship. So, he has kept his distance, no matter who it is.

But in this moment, something in him shifts. Brushed fur and honeyed words make him feel something that he never has before, and despite his grievances he wants to indulge. No, needs to indulge. It doesn’t have to be anything long lasting, just a brief period in time of enjoyment. Maybe that’s what he’s been looking for this entire time.

Deciding to give this a shot, the tiny rising of the corners of Gooseberry’s lips only to show basic courtesy turns into something more, a gentle warmth in his growing smile and relaxed eyes. “I would very much enjoy the company of someone as lovely as yourself. Come.” His own large, soft tail skims the side of the smaller molly, enveloping her in downy white as he guides her to heaven.​