NINE TO BREATHE INSIDE YOUR LUNGS \ diseased herb patrol

Berryheart felt particularly drowsy, today. Not enough that he had decided to flout his duties, but enough that it was noticeable to him. Maybe not to the others, though... most ThunderClan cats would now be used to his lethargy, his love for sleep, and would chalk his tiredness up to a bad night's rest. Berryheart too had decided to come to that conclusion- though as far as he could tell, his dreams had been uninterrupted. It was no matter, though. There were more important matters to attend to.

Stumbles and Freckles seemed to be on rather good terms, which was helpful for making this patrol painless- especially with the fatigue that wouldn't leave him alone. Hopefully, if his eyelids grew too heavy, Freckles would at least be able to find the herb they were searching for soon... Blackberry leaves, for bug-stings grew a little more common in this heat, he'd found. Voices over on ShadowClan's territory began to draw nearer, though- and Berryheart's freckled ears angled. Awry eyes glanced toward his apprentice and their warrior attendant. "Be civil." he said lowly. Perhaps the warrior-patrols did not care, but Berryheart was rather content with staying on good terms with ShadowClan.

\ @LICHENPAW @Cloudyfur ; berryheart is carrying yellowcough!!! this is thunder transmitting the plague to shadow, unfortunately... </3
CLOUDYFUR / 14 moons — up in the sky It had been a surprise when she had been asked to go on the herb patrol. Not to say it was unwelcome, helping pick and carry herbs sounded like a delightful change of pace from her usual affairs. It was just a duty she had never taken up before.

Though, she had found herself feeling a bit like the odd one out between Berryheart and Lichenpaw. The both of them seemed to know exactly what they were looking for, while she couldn't make heads or tails of any of it. She felt just a little bit useless. Either of them would be just as good as her in a fight as well. Better, perhaps. She couldn't help the lingering thought that perhaps there had been better choices for this patrol.

Her ears perked up at the sound of voices from across the border, and she turned to meet the sound. Then she blinked as she heard Berryhearts quiet comment, glancing over to him. "Of course." Cloudyfur reassured quickly, a bit surprised that he even felt the need to say as much. It never would have occurred to her to behave otherwise. Perhaps that was why she had been chosen over some of her clanmates, she thought. She loved all her clanmates, of course, but there were some hot-heads among them, her own sister included. Meanwhile, she was about as far from hot-headed as you could get.
"Hey-a, ThunderClan. What brings y'to the border?" Mottlepaw calls out, tail raised in a friendly greeting to their neighbours on her approach. Maybe it's a good thing she's ventured to the front of the patrol, curiosity equally as likely to reward her as it is to sting, but today she's stumbled across some ThunderClanners. She's pretty sure the dark calico is their medicine cat, too, and the lighter one his apprentice. Cool! But even if they weren't the ThunderClan healers and a warrior escort, it never hurt to be friendly (that way if she was attacked for some reason, she could claim self defense).


thicketpaw & 05 moons & intersex & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

Thicket stares with wide eyes at the opposing patrol, stopping in her movements as she doe so. She blinks slowly, tail waving, before she finally speaks "Oh, hello," and then that's it really. Unlike mottlepaw, the girl doesn't care much to know why they're there - she simply assumes it to be the same reason as them, some sort of patrol. Instead the girl simply hums, eyes following an insect as it passes by, and tries to remember what she was supposed to be doing. We're they hunting, or border marking - honestly, she's already forgotten.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • gold and chocolate furred chimera with wide doe brown eyes and a strangely deer-like build. often looks utterly confused or lost in thought, her long tail is constantly in motion even when the rest of her is not. she cries a lot.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#daa520]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw is glad to be on this patrol with Cloudyfur; he'd like to think they're on pretty good terms again now. There's still a lingering wisp of nervousness but, well. There always is, with Lichenpaw. It's less now, though. He feels comfortable with Berryheart, and he feels comfortable with Cloudyfur too.

Even with the spectre of ShadowClan watching from the other side of the Thunderpath — "Be civil," instructs Berryheart, and they offer him a crooked grin. "On it," he chirps easily, poorly attempting to pitch his voice down to match his mentor's. They cast a glance across the border as they near it. When he was newer to the clans, he found ShadowClan's palpable lurking whenever he came too close to the border offputting, felt a prickle beneath his fur at the feeling of eyes on his back.

Now, though, it's easier. He's not here to pick a fight, and he knows neither of his companions would either. Instead, he pitches his voice up, calls to the first cat he sees: a mottled molly, and friendly enough for a ShadowClanner. "Hey there, ShadowClan," he parrots. "Just, uh, hunting for some herbs." An simple call and response; hopefully enough to satisfy their curiosity. Medicine cat business tends to have most cast disinterested.

He turns back to Berryheart. A quieter tone: "Blackberry leaves, right? The - hm. The spiky ones..." It's more a reminder to himself than anything. He sweeps his eyes across the ground, searching.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 13 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

With her kits safely tucked away under Halfshade's careful eyes, Starlingheart felt confident in leaving the camp to go and search for herbs with her apprentice in tow. They pick their way through the undergrowth and soon they are finding themselves drawing closer and closer to the ThunderClan border. She isn't expecting to run into anyone else on this patrol, much less the medicine cats from the other side of the thunder path but she does not mind.

When she hears their voices drift to her ears her whiskers twitch in slight amusement. Was it fate that they were to meet like this? And what were the odds they would run into each other like this twice in such a short span of time? With a signal of her tail for Magpiepaw to follow she pushes her way through the foliage to come and stand at Mottlepaw's side. "Berryheart, Lichenpaw" she says, dipping her head in a respectful greeting to the two other medicine cats, a small smile on her face "It is good to uh - to see you both. I huh-hope everything is- is good?" there is an unspoken question in her eyes, a concerned look as she wonders 'is anyone sick with the mystery illness that skyclan spoke about?' it would not do if it began to spread...

// @Magpiepaw

━━ι═══════ Clearheart is gladdened by the courteous interaction between their clans. Too often, it seems, they are inclined toward unmannerly behavior among themselves, and he knows that if they encountered a WindClan patrol across the Thunderpath, they would most certainly exchange diatribes without hesitation. He supposes it is also the advantage of having some of ShadowClan's friendlier faces among the reception that has their interaction continuing smoothly.

He stands not far from Starlingheart and inclines his head to the ThunderClan trio. "StarClan bless you with a bountiful harvest," Clearheart offers with polite warmth. He does not feel as...permitted to engage with the medicine cat duo further; Starlingheart is of equal footing with them, and so it is far more appropriate to leave the conversation to her.

  • CLEARHEART / / 40 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns but will also accept the use of neutral terms.
    — a warrior of shadowclan / / currently mentoring dragonflypaw / / excels greatly in combat above most all other skills.
    — former loner who wandered great distances & rarely remained in one place for long / / arrived after the great battle.
    — devoted to starclan above all else (aside from his idea of the common good) / / not prone to enter battle mindlessly.

    — of a height slightly above average / / trim and athletic with a sense of immovability about his posture/stance & size.
    — chocolate sepia w/ low white / / fur is quite short for the most part / / tail is naturally bobbed // full-body reference.
    — fairly warm demeanor much of the time; there is a "softness" about his features so that neutrality doesn't seem surly.

    — lawful good, in the sense that he likes to maintain order and work toward bettering lives around him without cruelty.
    — often misunderstands figures of speech and may interpret them literally. as such, can seem to lack a sense of humor.
    — deeply genuine; dislikes lying immensely, and so (most of the time) he is wholly earnest, especially with compliments.


Smogmaw's hollowed disposition carries in the aft of those first to reach the border. Moving on thorough strides, limbs pushing through low-lying reeds and grasses, he closely considers the unfolding exchange as he gains ground on the two parties. They are separated by clan lines, clan allegiance, and the most dangerous divide of all: the thunderpath. But as is made evident by the mild words and gentle gestures, there stands no separation in decency. It is rare for an encounter with another clan to strike him more as a parley than a confrontation. Having a 'keep-to-ourselves' outlook on foreign affairs tends to do that, when all was said and done.

He elects to distance himself from Starlingheart, for it seems the crux of this dialogue lay on the two medicine cats' shoulders. The deputy's movements instead take him to the close proximity of Mottlepaw, and he grinds to a halt a fair breadth away from her fawn-coloured strands. "Seein' how we're on the cusp of colder seasons, let us hope you find all the herbs you require," the tom says then, words marked by a diplomatic warmth. He holds no empathy for their sort, and he can only imagine the sentiment is mutual. However, keeping Howlingstar's recent acts of charity under consideration, it is only just that the ThunderClan cats are affored a measure of civility in return.


As his Clanmates assured him, the tiniest tug of a smile made itself apparent on Berryheart's face- as ever, rather unapparent but genuine all the same. He knew Freckles and Stumbles had good temperaments- it was why the former was his apprentice, and the latter was simply good company. As his apprentice greeted approaching Shadowclanners, his gaze fell back to the ground, scanning it for the specific leaves- their intention was well stated, and Berryheart nodded to punctuate the other tom's words. Freckles' voice soon cut through the noise, and he looked back to his apprentice. "Correct," he said, pride pushing through his monotone. Contentment had never dodged him, but being a teacher was where he felt he should be.

Seeing Pebbles was a welcome sight- the she-cat had become a friendly face, a certain kinship between them sparking after their rushed promotions into self-taught healers. "ThunderClan is well," he stated, though at the moment almost pushed its way of his lips. He snapped shut his crooked jaw, teeth clattering together thoughtfully. "I hope the same for ShadowClan."

Two more, then- one who spoke of StarClan, and the other whom Berryheart recognised as the ashen-furred deputy. He greeted them both with polite nods, thankful. "May they bless you with a fruitful hunt," he said, grateful for the spoken prayer. He could only assume that the warriors frayed this edge not simply for territory-marking, but for seeking food. The colder months would hinder that, as it would the herb-hunt.
Cusp of colder seasons,” The queen repeats sarcastically, scoffing. She sidles towards the patrol with her apprentice in tow, on one of her frequent outings when many say she should be in the nursery. She cares not for the milk-scented den - besides, her kits need the independence. What will they become without the chance to grow by themselves? A mother hovering over them is the last thing they need, and she knows that from experience!

“With this heat, I somehow doubt we’re on the cusp!” Thank goodness for the coolness of ShadowClan’s muddy territory. She has no idea how the other clans fare in this Greenleaf misery, aside from RiverClan. She comes to a halt beside Smogmaw and flicks her tail to and fro to swat at the flies that annoyingly buzz about. The muggy air seems to make them far more active than they have been.

// apprentice tag @orchidpaw
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Orchid pays no mind to Forests sarcastic repeat of Smogs words- or at least... she tries not to, but her ear tips begin to burn in slight embarrassment. She knows its not shame for how her mentor is, no, she has long since gotten over it. Perhaps it is fear for her personal image- Oh. Forest follows it up and Orchid stops in her tracks to nearly breathe an audible sigh of relief.

Her mentor was beyond right. The heat, even with the marsh trees to provide shade, is unbearable. She finds herself grateful for her lighter coat, no envy for Forest's darker pelted one.

Orchid does not speak, only watches as the cats made small talk over the border. And- And it was driving her up a tree, the quiet chitter chatter, mundane words. Overstimulated, Orchid turns with a slight pleading look at Forest. She still does not voice her complaints, even as a sense of dread settles in to her stomach. She'd sit pretty at her mentors side for as long as she needed to if it meant she didn't have to open her mouth.