storage nintendo 64 — velou's character hub


  • SASHA CEDARBLAZE ; doesn't feel any attachment towards it
    cedarblaze formally known as sasha had been raised and born in the ripple colony. she has no clue who her biological parents are considering they had seemingly abandoned her, but she is aware that the cat who took her under his wing is not her father by blood. little does she know, she carries the blood of a cat from the pine group. the cat whom she called father died because of her own actions and in order to live up to him and fulfil his goal, she would live on and hope to instill his teachings onto future generations. her goal had been to protect the ripple colony with her life, but ever since they had a chance meeting with riverclan she decided to leave her post from the colony in order to keep her promise.
    ↳ the prefix cedar was given for the color of her pelt. the prefix blaze was given for her fiery spirit.
    — amab, mtf trans; she/her pronouns; pansexual
    — riverclan warrior, is here out of duty; former ripple colony member
    — created 06.17.2023 at 19 moons / ages realistically on the 1st each month / 24 moons
    ↳ penned by velou; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST (if u have them!!)
    imma fill this in later
    cedarblaze can be considered cruel to many, as she is unafraid to voice her opinions or showcase her strength. she doesn't think she is cruel, as she views her sharp tongue as necessary for the growth and survival of the group. it is her duty to ensure the group is strong, a promise she made to chestnut who had the same desires. she takes her role seriously, a bit too serious some might say. she finds no issues simply walking up to cats and grabbing them by the scruff to drag them to practice. the she-cat dislikes when others lounge about, she finds it wasteful. she understands that rest is important, yet she thinks others should pick a task that is less taxing if they wish to rest. she herself can't sit still, finding it unnerving to rest and disrespectful to herself and her foster parent. how can she laze about when she has a promise to fulfill? she experiences many sleepless nights, however she thinks it is a small price to pay. the reality is that she is plagued by her foster father's death, so much so that when she slumbers the voice of her father taunts her for a costly mistake she had made. she believes it is her responsibility to be the rock of the colony, to be strong enough so the others wouldn't have to endure that pain. it is her duty to shoulder all burdens.

    mannerisms moment
    slow to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is gained she swears loyalty
    SOUNDS LIKE: tbd
    SMELLS LIKE: soil, rush, and gorse
    speech is #c34747
    SILKWORM xx NPC littermate to npcs | taught by chestnut and riverclan lead warriors
    Mate to none

    NOTABLE FRIENDS: dawnstorm
  • ► SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist

  • ●●●●●○○○○○ HUNTING: average. she is perfectly capable of land hunting, fishing is another story entirely.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ SWIMMING: non-existent. she hasn't been taught how to swim yet and therefore is classified as a drypaw.
    ●●●●●●○○○○ TRACKING: above average. she has yet to get used to riverclan territory, but she is able to distinguish scents somewhat.
    ●●●●●●●●○○ COMBAT: skillful. she is well versed, yet she is more suited for fending off threats instead of cats.
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    [box=60%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][font=verdana][size=3]text here
    [/slide][slide=take a good look][fleft][bimg width=100px][/bimg][/fleft]— [abbr=formally sasha]cedarblaze[/abbr] / riverclan warrior / feminine pronouns / 24 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — may powerplay [abbr=scratches, biting, shoving, etc...]minor harm[/abbr] / can powerplay healing
    — [URL=][color=#c34747]biography[/color][/URL] / @ on discord for plots[/slide][/tabs][/justify][/box]
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  • CROWKIT CROWPAW ; wishes he was as beautiful as the bird he was named after
    crowpaw is a skyclan apprentice who carries kittypet blood within his veins. he is more than aware the scorn those have towards him because of his blood. he wishes to become strong, no longer burdening those he loves with his faults. with silversmoke's guidance he hopes to become the greatest warrior of his time. in the meantime, he is ever the strange apprentice whose words and thoughts can be as sharp as an adder's fangs.
    ↳ named for the color of his dark pelt.
    — male; he/they pronouns; undecided sexuality
    — apprentice of skyclan, wishes riverclan could sleepover again; kittypet descent
    — created 06.10.2023 at 3 moons / ages realistically on the 15th each month
    ↳ penned by velou; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
    as time has passed he's looking less like a puffball compared to when he first entered this world. despite looking less like a pom pom, his long fur is wild and unkempt. with the loss of baby fat his features have become sharper. some of the main coon traits he inherited are a distinctive long and triangular shaped face, and the tufts at the tips of his ears. due to his father's blood (maine coon) he has gone through quite of a bit of a growth spurt. crowpaw looks older than those around his age due to his size. under silversmoke's somewhat intense training, he's built quite a bit of muscle. it is apparent that when he's a warrior he will be bulky. the young tom also has additional toes (polydactyl). recently he has a gained a small scar across the left side of his lip, exposing a small gimmer of pearly whites. with his habit of collecting feather's he decorates his fur with them. he typically wears a two crow feathers lined on the left side of his neck.
    crowpaw may cause some worry as he is not the most talkative or expressive. the reality is that crowpaw is quite shy, he finds it difficult to join groups easily. in most cases he has to be taken care of or led around by someone, which leads him to have complicated feelings towards. he is aware that he is a kit and requires help, but he feels guilty of receiving it. this warps into him thinking that he doesn't provide for his family or friends, so he struggles with finding his own balance in terms of asking and receiving help and his own worth. it is important to note that he is not difficult to befriend. despite his quiet and shy nature he is an excellent listener. it is because of his nature that cats are more likely to share their worries with him, which he will listen and give his own thoughts on sometimes. most of the time he will remain quiet and allow cats to get it all out. by extension he is an excellent secret keeper because he will not bring up what others have told him, nor is he interested in drama. crowpaw has a good memory which is a double edged sword. as a result of his good memory he will not easily forgive past hurts and will bottle them up. consider moments where there is disconnection between truth as strikes. the more a cat goes back on their word and doesn't follow up with their ideals he will lose all faith in them and call them out before completely cutting them out of his life. every strike he is not afraid to express his displeasure in the form of actions, words? that is the last straw. despite crowpaw appearing soft, he angers easily. if someone is talking too loud or someone chewing with their mouth open, he is already upset. if anything his day is ruined as far as he's concerned. overtime he will be better at managing his anger, but for now he will think a cat snoring is world ending.

    keeps and maintains prolonged eye contact with those he is speaking with or those he is intrigued by. if he blinks in long and slow intervals, then he is content. it may appear eerie to others, but he is quite happy with whomever he is speaking with. if he suddenly blinks in rapid intervals he is dumbfounded about what was said or done. when whiskers twitch, crowpaw is annoyed. if his whiskers and a nose twitches then the apprentice is enraged.
    moderately slow to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is earned he oozes devotion
    SOUNDS LIKE: ash (fantastic
    SMELLS LIKE: fern and bramble. pine needles, sycamore, and the river air.
    speech is #000
    BOBBIE xx DUKE brother to drowsypaw, lupinepaw, and plaguepaw | mentored by silversmoke
    Mate to none | Parent to none | family tree
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: cherrypaw, brookpaw, otterpaw, fireflypaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: lupinepaw, slate, falconpaw, littlepaw
  • ► MY TIME - bo en
    I'D RATHER SLEEP - kero kero bonito
    HEY KIDS - molina
    GOODBYE TO A WORLD - porter robinson
    LOVER IS A DAY - cuco
    HOMAGE - mild high club
    THE FAMILY JEWELS - marina and the diamonds
    AAAAAAAAA - hatsune miku
    KIMI WA DEKINAI KO - kikuo
    I LOVE YOU SO - the walters
    CRADLES - sub urban
    PALE MACHINE - bo en
    EVERY DAY - bo en
    LITTLE DARK AGE - mgmt
    GHOST - lovewave
    EXIT - koda
    I WAIT FOR YOU - alex g
    CRUMB - locket
    JPN - amend
    PURE IMAGINATION - maroon 5
    HYSTERIA - machine girl

  • ●●●○○○○○○○ HUNTING: mediocre. his mentor avoids teaching him how to hunt, so crowpaw teaches himself or by watching others.
    ●●●●●○○○○○ CLIMBING: average. climbing is not difficult for him and it only seems like he is getting better.

    ●●●●●○○○○○ TRACKING: average. able to find prey, not an expert. is better at tracking birds than rodents.
    ●●●●●●○○○○ COMBAT: above average. requires a little help when it comes to finishing fights against more experienced enemies.
  • Code:
    [box=60%][justify][color=#BABABA][font=cambria]text here
    [b][color=#000]"speech"[/color][/b][tabs][slide=‧₊˚✩彡][B]ooc :[/B] —[/slide][slide=nothing compares to the fever dream]— crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 7 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay [abbr=scratches, biting, shoving, etc...]minor harm[/abbr] / can powerplay healing
    — [URL=][color=#000]biography[/color][/URL] / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou[/slide][/tabs][/justify][/box]

  • PIKE PIKESPLASH ; he wishes he understood the reason for splash
    pikesplash is a riverclan warrior who has kittypet blood. his lineage is not something he is ashamed of, although he will not be screaming praises for his heritage. the reasons being that he already has a bad reputation in riverclan for being soft and a nervous wreck, which proves them right in the fact that those who carry kittypet blood are soft and weak compared to those with clan blood. despite this and knowing his flaws, he wishes to find his place in this clan. while he is weak, he will defend his home and those he loves. although it would be nice if he would stop complaining when given tasks or freak out when smokethroat is near.
    ↳ pike is his former kittypet name, but considering it was easy to change into a clan name it was kept. those from clans would assume he was named after a fish, but his twoleg named him pike in reference to a weapon. basically his owner thought it would be cool to name him after a type of weapon for some reason. anyhow, splash was added to make his name more clan like. the suffix splash was given for his swimming prowess and how natural it came to him.
    — amab; he/him pronouns; bisexual
    — warrior of riverclan, is trying to find his place within the clan; former kittypet
    — created 08.07.2022 at 32 moons / ages realistically on the 10th each month / 47 moons
    ↳ penned by velou; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST (if u have them!!)
    a tom that bears a slim figure with short glossy silver fur and black mackerel stripes. Ears are slightly smaller than average and have black tufts. he has a nick on his left ear and a scar that starts from his right cheek across the bridge of his nose that ends just below his left eye. he bears an unusually long tail that's tipped black. due to swimming his legs are quite muscular. due to the stress of the rogue invasion among other things, there are bags under his eyes.
    pike lorem moments

    when anxious, his whole body trembles. it's not something he can control, in fact if he tries to stop himself from trembling it makes it worse and he finds himself twitching. typically he will stutter or say uhm a lot. note that he is not nervous, it is just his normal manner of speaking. when he is nervous it is obvious in the fact that he will speak faster and shout. when flustered he rubs his neck with a forepaw. it's quite easy to tell when he's lying because he will avert his eyes from whoever he is speaking with while shifting his paws.
    quick to make friends, moderately quick to trust; once trust is earned, it comes with limitless loyalty
    SOUNDS LIKE: alban knox (nisanji)
    SMELLS LIKE: bluebells and apple blossoms
    speech is #76a6ce
    NPC xx NPC brother to npcs | mentoring nettlepaw | mentored catfishleap
    Mate to none? | father to bloodkit, bonekit, shadekit, snowkit | adoptive father to otterpaw
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: petalnose, snakeblink, lichentail, catfishleap
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: lamprey, geese, cicadapaw, cicadastar
  • ► FORGET - pogo
    LIKE SHIPS - elijah wood and shannyn sossamon
    FOR NOW FOR ALWAYS - maureen o'hara
    BBQ - acid dad
    DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES - andy williams
    CANADIAN SUNSET - andy williams
    STEP ON ME - the cardigans
    GRASSHOPPERS - dreamscape 2000
    BETTER DISTRACTIONS - faye webster
    MON AMIE LA ROSE - francoise hardy
    CALL THIS # NOW - the garden
    IF I RULED THE WORLD - harry secombs
    IT ONLY TAKES A MOMENT - michael crawford
    PUPPY PRINCESS - hot freaks
    YOU MIGHT BE SLEEPING - jakob and clario
    BEING IN LOVE - shirely jones
    LIKE OR LIKE LIKE - miniature tigers
    THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM - robert goulet
    EIN HANAHADASHII - shishishishi
    POOR THING - angela lansbury
    IT'S OVER - takeaki wada
    SKIES FOREVER BLUE - toby fox and itoki hana
    CUTLERY - uki3
    7 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS - yungatita
    AMOEBA - clario

  • ●●●●●●●○○○ HUNTING: above average. despite his affinity for fishing, he is not as skillful when hunting land prey.
    ●●●●●●●●●○ SWIMMING: skillful. swimming came to pike naturally, then again he spends most of his time in the river.

    ●●●●●○○○○○ TRACKING: average. in terms of land prey is able to track them, but no means is he an expert. fish is another story.
    ●●●○○○○○○○ COMBAT: mediocre. due to his refusal of raising a claw against other felines, he has little experience in battle.
  • Code:
    [box=55%][justify][color=#b7bfc7][font=tahoma][outline=black]text here
    [b][color=#76a6ce]"speech"[/color][/b][tabs][slide=𓆝 𓆟 𓆞][/slide][slide=it's easy just to pretend]— pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay [abbr=scratches, biting, shoving, etc...]minor harm[/abbr] / can powerplay healing
    — [URL=][color=#76a6ce]biography[/color][/URL] / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou[/slide][/tabs][/color][/outline][/justify][/box]
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  • STORMY ; feels burdened by it
    stormy is a skyclan warrior who was carries rogue blood. he was going to become leader of the group his father led, but due to a revolt he was stripped of his ranking and chased out. from there he hung around the twoleg place and became mates with mottledove only to betray her for another. his new mate betrayed him and exiled him where he was forced to join skyclan in order to save his own skin. while his reasons are purely selfish for joining, he wants to prove himself worthy of staying within skyclan.
    ↳ named after his father storm. prefers it if cats didn't call him jr.
    — male; he/him pronouns; pansexual
    — warrior of skyclan, isn't sure if he it's okay for him to stay; rogue descent
    — created 09.04.2023 at 23 moons / ages realistically on the 5th each month / 25 moons
    ↳ penned by velou; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST (if u have them!!)
    a blue short haired tabby with no white and hooded shaped amber eyes. both ears are torn from previous scuffles, however his left ear is noticeably more torn. his face has many scars, but most of the damage is on the left side of his face. there is only a small claw mark near his right eye, and a small "x" shaped scar above his right eye. a long scar runs across his nose and ends around his right cheek. only his face bears scars, the rest of his body remains untouched. he appears ragged with his unkempt fur.
    a flirt, lets get that out of the way. he does it to mess around with cats in a playful way, but also to see who is interested in him. with cats that aren't interested, but don't make it clear he will push a few more times before stopping entirely with said cat. he will end up teasing everyone else. for cats that are interested it's full steam ahead is quite relentless. the fact of the matter is if stormy sees something he wants he will try everything to get it, even if foul play is used. another thing to note is that he doesn't know where to draw the line with his words because he's used to harsh jokes and mocking. it's normalized for him to point out something a cat is sensitive about and use it as a compliment, unaware of how condescending that actually is. stormy holds his cards close, since he can't trust anyone completely unless they prove themselves to him. he may appear as if he trusts his companions and kind towards them, but it is more so to keep appearances and to wait and see if the cat in question is allowed access to more private parts of himself. those he considers worthy will receive the outmost loyalty and care. he is the type of toms who will die for those he cares about, but again that's after a long process of distance from him. some have left him because he refuses to open up after a long time of knowing each other. he doesn't want to admit in those cases it does sting, but he shoves those feelings down and chases someone or something else that won't make him feel lonely.

    mannerisms here
    quick to make friends, slow to trust; once trust is earned he promises protection
    SOUNDS LIKE: vampire cookie (cookie run:kingdom)
    SMELLS LIKE: brambles, pine, and oak
    speech is #5e6288
    NPC xx NPC brother to npc | mentoring none
    Mate to none | ex-mate to mottledove | father to aspenpaw, pipitpaw, pollenpaw
  • ► SONG - song
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
    SONG - artist
  • ●●●●●●●○○○ HUNTING: above average. is able to hunt prey easily, struggles with birds.
    ●●●○○○○○○○ CLIMBING: mediocre. climbing is difficult doesn't help he is afraid of falling.

    ●●●●●○○○○○ TRACKING: average. able to find prey, not an expert.
    ●●●●●●●●●○ COMBAT: skillful. taught how to take down cats at a young age.
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    [box="margin: auto;max-width: 55%; color: #e5e4ea; padding: 1%; min-height: 10px; font-family: tahoma; text-align: justify; line-height: 16px; padding-bottom: 10px; font-size: 12px; "] [color=#5e6288][b][/b][/color]
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Connection For: @/Cloverbloom.
Relationship to character: cloverbloom's mate
Age: 20-28 moons
Short Description: Preestablished mate to Cloverbloom. Any gender/orientation goes, age is ranged, dynamic is negotiable. Any appearance, any personality, any orientation allowed (clover is fem aligning tho). Anything goes except for having an abusive/unhealthy relationship with Cloverbloom - they are happy together! y/c could be the incarnation of evil if you wanted but they must still love clover and treat her well! Any activity allowed, but must be willing to commit to long-term continued plot - there is little to no chance of breakup barring something like death or exile. These two are in love, ride or die, and may even start a family if applicable. Cannot kill the character off for at least 6 months IRL. Feel free to DM me (kitty-kat-) if you have any questions or wanna plot out specifics ahead of time but this is still a FFA FCFS slot.
History: clanborn or marsh colony born, would've became friends with clover during late apprenticeship / early warrior hood and they only just recently became officially mates. everything else is FFA

NAME: Heronswoop? Gullswoop
AGE: 20 moons
GENDER:amab, nonbinary (they/them pronouns)


heronkit / heronpaw / heronswoop
↳ "heron" for elegance. "swoop" for being a skilled hunter.
— riverclan warrior
— amab (they/him); demisexual biromantic
— 20 moons, ages realistically on the 1st of each month
sandydapple x marigoldpatch (npc), mate to cloverbloom

longhaired high white light brown rosette tabby with blue eyes / reference
description here

a cat who speaks up for those who struggle with finding their voice, but not in the way that's overstepping. He very much would act as an amplifier. his goals are not to take the reigns from someone and speak on their behalf because it feels wrong in the sense that how could he speak for someone else? heronswoop very much plays a supportive role when it comes to more vulnerable clan members, but do not be mistaken. he is not afraid to hold his own and speak back when needed. for one, he would be beyond furious if someone was constantly spoken over or ignored for any reason, so expect him telling everyone to be quiet and let said clanmate speak and voice their thoughts. A cheerful warrior who looks out for his friends and family. The type of warrior to take on multiple tasks without hesitation, but do forgive him for being all over the place and seemingly scatterbrained. He's most likely mixing up facts or orders due to trying to take on everything put on his paws.