sensitive topics NO APOLOGIES // mentor death

[ sensitive topic warning for death & snake bites. tldr sky goes w his mentor to sunningrocks and his mentor saves him from being bitten by a snake, however succumbs to his own bite not long after ]

"Hey, kiddo," Scaleclaw speaks after a long stretch of silence. Skypaw walks only a few paces behind him, gaze lingering on the path ahead but narrowly missing his mentor's form. It's only when the warrior speaks that he finally looks towards him, eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sorry, Skypaw. Sorry y'had to see that," Scaleclaw continues, tilting his head away and fixing his gaze on the path as well. He's speaking of the boar incident - it's so fresh, Skypaw can still taste the vomit and iron in his mouth. The chimera doesn't speak at first, letting a huff fill the air instead.

"I..." he tries to speak, paws stuttering as they walk. Scaleclaw pauses and allows Skypaw to set the pace of their stroll, tail sliding across the ground. "Warriors see that stuff all the time, right?" Skypaw attempts, trotting quickly once again. He gains on his mentor and surpasses him, and the older feline allows him to. They've only been matched up for a few moons, however Scaleclaw trusts his apprentice to know the trail to the Sunningrocks by now.

"Skypaw, if I had t'see my family dead or dying, I'd be pretty locked up, too," Scaleclaw makes attempts to reassure his apprentice. The trees break and show the sunny sky - Scaleclaw ceases the moment to glance upwards at it, fluffing out his tabby fur to allow the sun's rays to drench him thoroughly. "It's a frightenin' sight," he continues, bringing his gaze back to Skypaw. The apprentice has paused, too, eyes laser focused on the river ahead. The warrior tosses a cursory glance in the same direction, however upon not seeing any river-rats hunkered down by the rocks, he eases up a bit. "Breathe, Skypaw. Today's a new day, yeah?" Scaleclaw tries.

There's a long pause between them, however eventually Skypaw does return with a soft, "... yeah," in agreement. His shoulders tremble and he's tempted to cry, however the apprentice withholds the overwhelming emotion. He trots closer to the rocks themselves, nose level with the ground as he attempts to sniff out some lingering mice. Scaleclaw hardly hides the roll of his eyes as he watches his apprentice skirt around the warmed stones. Ever the hard worker, that one. The warrior is tempted to sit back and let his apprentice hunt out his frustrations - however there's a slight glimmer beneath one of the rocks, and a faint smell drifts in the breeze.

"Skypaw...?" Scaleclaw breathes out, slowly, "Kiddo, walk away from the rocks, real slow like, okay?" Skypaw's ears pin back and he lifts his head, staring daggers at his mentor for a moment.

"Why?" Skypaw whispers, though his attempts to do so are not well done. "We came here to hunt, didn't we? There's a mouse right around here, I just know it," the mottled tom is insistent, shaking his head at his mentor defiantly. He returns his attention to sniffing out the supposed mice, ears pinned to his head still. Hisses erupt from nearby, and Skypaw groans, "I can barely understand you when y'talk like that...!" He accuses Scaleclaw, returning his nose to the ground.

Except this time, he's met snout-to-snout with a snake. Amber eyes widen and the fur on his shoulders rise. The snake is poised, parts of its body lifted into a strike pose - and Skypaw is frozen, just like with the boars. His voice crackles out of his mouth, something incoherent, and the snake simply hisses in response. It all happens too fast - he sees the adder move to strike, but when he opens his eyes again he's skidded fox-lengths away. His body aches like someone who's been tackled and tossed, his scruff paining with rough pinpricks of teeth. But nothing amounts to the pain of seeing his mentor laying where he once stood.

Scaleclaw is hardly still, the adder latched to his throat. The older tom spits and hisses and writhes in agony and Skypaw finds himself startlingly still - aggravatingly still. Move, he demands of himself, swallowing thickly. Move! He tries again. Scaleclaw's just about shredded his attacker but still suffers indefinitely on the sandy ground. MOVE! Skypaw lurches forward, tears stinging his eyes finally. He grips the tail of the adder and yanks it from its hold on his mentor, freely tossing it away. He pays no mind as the snake thuds against the ground, unmoving - his attention befalls his mentor solely.

"Scaleclaw," he breathes, but his mentor only replies with some gasping and spitting. Skypaw trembles, shoulders shaking, "I'll go get help - Berry, Berry will know what to do," will he? Skypaw doesn't know if his uncle is as all knowing as he perceives him to be. Scaleclaw reaches a shaky paw out, grunting something whilst unsteadily shaking his head. "What do you mean no? Scaleclaw - you're... you're hurting! I need to get help -" his mentor attempts to reach him again, however his attempts grow weaker and weaker. The shaking and spitting have slowed to a stop, and before long...

He's still.

Skypaw watches as the light fades from his mentor's eyes, ever so slowly. He sits there, deftly unaware to the passage of time, in stunned, painful silence. In truth, the two of them were gone from camp for an hour or two by the time any patrol finds them - and when they do, they would simply see young Skypaw, sat in beside his dead mentor. Tears stain his cheeks and he's terribly, terribly still once again.​
The light was beginning to wane when Batwing began to start his nightly patrol. He was trying to be better- going out when it was still light, returning partially through the night so he could sleep. Having a worn body always seemed to make the best of his rest, though he woke up aching and complaining to himself. He wouldn't change it for anything, though. His ears twitched as he padded forward- and a scent was on the wind that he just barely caught. And the stink that was beginning to follow was telling.

Batwing padded, then started to trot towards the smell. The closer he got, his paws carrying him to Sunning Rock, the lower his ears fell, and his hope began to dwell. He stepped out of the undergrowth, staring at Scaleclaw's body and Skypaw sitting near him. Hardly moving himself- though the rise and fall of the other's chest was enough to make the warrior ache. He knew this feeling. A mentor was akin to family, that much Batwing knew. The catyou learned from best. The cat that was at your flank near daily, and you to them. He inhaled sharply, glancing around to see if anyone else was here, and proceeded forward carefully.

The boar incident was fresh in Batwing's mind, but this wasn't quite like it. No pools of blood, but the acrid stench of dead snake and.. dead cat. He inhaled again, before he spoke. He knew words wouldn't reach to Skypaw, not right now. The shock was overwhelming. "Skypaw? How long ago...?" Batwing slowly approached Skypaw and his mentor, his tail low and ears pinned to his head. "Say something if you can, yeah? Did you get bit?" His words weren't casual- no, they held a measure of pain. No pity, but empathy. He wanted to make sure that Skypaw was okay, physically, before they addressed the elephant in the room- or the cat on the rock. ​



Blizzard Fang is standing several paw-steps away, a bewildered look burns in his eyes. Another warrior killed, and this time the one who dealt the blow had been an adder. Slowly he inches forward, StarClan knows how long the two had been sitting here, the smell of death had settled in and Skypaw is terribly still. It's difficult to find light behind his amber gaze.

Batwing inquires to the apprentice if they had bitten, Blizzard Fang's head shakes. "If he had been..." he doesn't finish but points his nose to the deceased warrior. If Skypaw had been bitten he'd be just as still as his mentor was.

For several long moments he's quiet, he looks at Scaleclaw and his ears fold back against his skull. I hope you find plentiful hunting in StarClan. With a heavy sigh he decides to propel the next step. "We need to get him back to camp, so he can be surrounded by clan-mates and kin."

Little Wolf knows loss. It is a familiar pang in her heart that follows her around wherever it goes. Some days the grief is overwhelming, a wave threatning to crash over her and drag her under. But some days it is little more than a thorn in her paw, an annoyance, sure, but easily ignorable. Today it is the latter. She sets out to hunt, shadowed paws taking her to sunning rocks where she knows there will be the promise of good hunting. It would be good to use the hard-won territory to use.

As she draws closer, however, a sickeningly familiar smell hits her nostrils. It mingles with the scent of one of her kits and for a moment she is alarmed. She rushes forward, hearing voices as she draws closer. Horrible images of Skypaw laying disfigured, eyes glazed over and body stiff, rush through her mind and she blinks away tears as she parts the foliage and steps out into the strip of land by the river that makes up sunning rocks. When her eyes land on the scene in front of her she is horrified when she feels relief. She is glad it is not her son who lays there dead, but she is still sad for this loss. Scaleclaw had been a good mentor to Skypaw, and he had been a noble warrior. Immediately she steps forward, wasting no time to gently nose her kit in the shoulder, inspecting her with her eyes to look for any wounds. "Skypaw" she says softly, trying to break her out of the stupor she had fallen into.

If they needed to turn to her and bury her head into her fur she would let them. Her green eyes find Blizzardfang as he speaks and she nods in agreement. Though the last thing the clan needed was another vigil, it would be wrong to leave the warrior here.
Mousepaw sits beside Blizzard Fang, her eyes wide with shock. Skypaw’s mentor had died quickly—too quickly for the younger apprentice to run for help. There’s flecks of spittle along Scaleclaw’s stilled jaws, and she wonders how it had felt—had it been painful, or did he lose feeling once the poison hit his veins? The speckled she-cat watches Little Wolf break rank to comfort her son, and Mousepaw, for just a moment, imagines herself in Skypaw’s place. If Silverlightning had been bit by an adder, if he’d died a terrible death in front of her—what would she do?

She shudders. What a horrible thought. Perhaps Skypaw is suffering too much to talk. “Should I… get anything? Get someone?” There’s nothing Berryheart can do for Scaleclaw anymore, but part of them wonders if there is something he can do for Skypaw.

  • mousekit . mousepaw
    — she/they, apprentice of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
WE'RE GETTING LOST! The hunt was quiet, mostly. Sunningrocks was behind her, more focused on preparing her apprentice to tackle the pigeon ducking around the roots of the oaks. Her vision was a tunnel, focused only on seeing feathers fly and prey taken home. "Now."

It went over quickly, efficiently. Pride swelled in her chest, but was promptly interrupted by the sound of her Clanmates not too far away. It didn't sound like anything good, she assumed another run-in with RiverClan was about.

She beckoned her shadows to follow, not expecting for them to see Skypaw leaning over Scaleclaw's body. Lifeless. Killdeercry felt her mouth go dry, her heart sank low in her stomach. "Oh no..." A small whisper, her voice unusually small. She nodded to Blizzard Fang's suggestion, slowly, politely taking the fallen warrior by the scruff. She looked to the older tom for help bringing Scaleclaw home. She ignored the uncomfortable thought of what would happen to Sleekpaw and Barleypaw if they lost her.

They would be given a new mentor, but would they train them the same? Would they be gentle about Sleekpaw's averion to mud, but firm enough to help him overcome it every time? Would they understand Barleypaw's confidence was strongest when praised? She wouldn't be there when they recieved their warrior name...

She shoved the discomfort further away. Now was not the time to dwell on that.— tags

@barleypaw. @Sleekpaw.
( ) Hailstorm had been out hunting within the territory when his nose catches the scent of something familiar and it caused the fur along his spine to rise. Large paws would carry him forward until she reached everyone else that was gathered around, his eyes looking over the cats that were present noticing how Little Wolf was comforting Skypaw and then his eyes would focus on the lifeless form of Scaleclaw. He could feels his heart dropping in his chest like a rock, large ears laying flat against his skull, and he would move forward to help Killdeercry with Scaleclaw's body.

He couldn't imagine losing a mentor, a trusted teacher at the beginning of someone's apprenticeship and someone who became close to you much like family. And the fact the loss of Scaleclaw was an added death to those they had already lost during the whole boar incident. He couldn't think of any comforting or reassuring words at the given time so he chose to help with his fallen clanmate, his eyes briefly glancing over to the limp body of the adder. Life was so precious, it was shocking how someone could be alive and then die from a sudden event or a creature smaller than them. He hopes his death was a quick one doubting that it was painless.
The brown stripes and white patterned apprentice would be crouched low, just as she was taught. She had memorized the position whole heartledly taking every criticism until it became muscle memory to do it absolutely perfect. She couldn't help her perfectionism. It was a natural thing, and it sometimes made things easier to study and get correct.

As soon as her mentor uttered the command, she would leap, claws snagging the bird, curling around it and biting its neck until she heard an unsatisfying pop of its feathered neck bone. Her green eyes lit with glee as she met her mentors pride filled honey brown.

Until, the air settled tense and she was quick to follow with the bird still in tow in her jaws. The commotion was enough to send Killdeercry quickly to scene, and Barleypaw had no complaints, curious herself. But the scene set forth caused the prey to be dropped, and her tail to curl around herself.

Death was something she unfortunately knew about. It made the cats who suffered the loss of their fellow kin and caused working to be just a bit harder. The blood soaking the fur of the warrior was enough to make her just a bit queasy, and no longer hungry.

Sunningrocks was a scary place, and she wished they would just let riverclan keep the angry snakes and unfortunate victims. But every war had its reason. And it was originally their land, if she remembered correctly. But her thoughts were a bit scrambled.

She couldnt help carry the fallen warrior, even if she was growing taller by the day, and was almost full grown now. She was not strong enough, and would only slow her mentor down. Neither did she know how to comfort someone who had lost someone. Their seemed to not be the right words for such a thing. Her ears flattened a little, and she dipped her head.

"I'll run and deliver the news to Mister BerryHeart." She said quickly, grabbing her pigeon before flying out of the scene to alert the medicine cat. What more could she do? Her limbs ran as fast and gracefully as they could carry her in the stressful situation. Over roots, and stumps, and around bushes she dared not to get stuck in.

" Mister @BERRYHEART ! " Her breaths were quick and harsh as she dropped the pigeon and barged straight in, eyes flicking for the medicine cat before spotting him. Before the tom could respond, she blurted out, "Mister Scaleclaw is dead. An adder got him. The others are on the way with him."

Little drove Berryheart down a path of hatred, though he could easily say he heavily disliked how common death had become. Clanlife was logical, was wonderful- but since the blooming of the five Clans, since the battle, he had become much more acquainted with mortality. He knew he was not the only one, however- and it would never stop happening. Especially not to his kin, it seemed.

An apprentice barrelled over to him, and his attention was pulled on a silver string from the stars, settling steely in olivine eyes. It was news rather than a plea, today. No coppery blood tinged the air yet, no staggering warrior tumbled through the threshold. No- today came a death, definite enough for a youth to know it for sure. The medicine cat's expression hardened into something completely unreadable, though he offered the apprentice a silent nod of acknowledgement. A heavy sigh pulled through his form before he peered through the entrance of his den to set eyes upon his own apprentice.

"Today brings a hard lesson," he murmured to Freckles, beelining toward the rosemary. "A body needs tending to."

\ @LICHENPAW apprentice tag!
Other cats were drawn, just like Batwing was, to the scent of death. His ears flattened as Blizzard Fang approached, his head turning. Sorrow was written on Batwing's face, turning his vision to his paws. He nodded quietly as Blizzard Fang confirmed what Batwing had thought, but still, it couldn't have hurt to check. Little Wolf approached, Mousepaw, others. They picked up Scaleclaw's body, and as Hailstorm approached, his green optics slid to the white pelted tom. He looked on for a long moment, then tore his gaze away. It was unknown what thoughts rushed through his head, and Batwing liked to keep it that way.

He spoke to Mousepaw then. "Head back to camp. I think.. Barleypaw already got Berryheart." His tone was resigned, and full of something unreadable. His words continued, quiet and befitting of the situation. "Not much else..." Batwing inhaled quietly. Death never got easier for the warrior. His family was just as dead as Scaleclaw was, and it never going to change. He inhaled deeply, trying to settle his nerves, before he headed back towards camp, one last glance given towards Skypaw. Little Wolf had him handled, after all.​