pafp NO EASY WAY OUT (battle training)

// please wait for @PEBBLEPAW to reply before responding! Anyone can be the apprentice he's going up against, and anyone else is welcome to be watching the training session!

Howlingstar sits at the edge of the Sandy Hollow, ears and eyes trained on the pair of apprentices squaring up. After Sloestride's promotion, she's glad to still have Pebblepaw. Training is a passion of hers, and there are few apprentices as important to her as Pebblepaw. Her deputy's own kin, and while before she had nearly scoffed at Emberstar's decision to apprentice Sloepaw, a former kittypet, to her, she now sees they can make just as good a warrior as any wild-born cat. Already, she's grown very attached to Pebblepaw just as she had her first apprentice and she looks on with pride as he successfully lands a (sheathed) hit on his opponent. "Good! Now go for the tail yank move you learned yesterday!" She calls to him, leaning forward.