camp No Goop???NO PROBLEM!!! || Pumpkin guts [prompt]

Garlicpaw had been obsessed with the strange orange smashed....Fruit?? She wasn't sure what it was. It seemed planty, but was it a fruit? She didn't know the name, but considering nothing happened to her when she squished in it and cleaned her paws of the orange substance, she figured it must be safe. Reaching this conclusion, she set out for the remains of the orange things after a patrol to see if she could bring some of it back to camp. Why?

For her siblings to play with, of course!!

She was pleased to see that it was all still there, some even looked fresher than what she had previously seen. Why do twolegs like to smash these things? Is it fun? Well. They have given her the gift of goop with their antics, so all is good!

She picks up a piece of a pumpkin, luckily having the stem still attached to it. It was the biggest stem she's ever seen... Did this thing grow on a tree? She carries it to the edge of the massacre and begins shoveling as much goop and bits as she can onto it. Once she was SUPER SURE there was enough goop on her makeshift sled, she began to drag it back to camp as carefully as she could, making sure not to lose any goop along the way.

Surely nobody expects to see her coming into camp backwards with pumpkin guts in tow, but probably not surprised. OF COURSE Garlicpaw has brought something weird into camp. She wastes no time dragging it over to the nursery to show the kits

"Guys!! I brought something cool to show you!!" She calls into the nursery. "Its orange goop from an orange fruit!!"

She wonders if they will have as much fun as she did. Besides, she wants them to know she doesn't hate them and what better way to do that than with the gift of pumpkin guts and pieces?​

The stuff strewn all across the territory Nettlepaw might have branded as innards if not for its colour- an uncommon bright orange, not far off from the ruddiness of his pelt. He supposed if anyone was going to trawl a load of disgusting mess back to camp it was going to be Garlicpaw, though... he admired her zest for life, her carelessness with cleanliness. If nothing else it was at least entertaining. To Nettlepaw, it made her likeable- the best thing to be.

It was an odd sight for certain, but it would have been certainly more odd if it had been anyone else. What Nettlepaw found initially peculiar was Garlicpaw striding toward the nursery, for he was semi-sure the queens would immediately retch upon being fed rot. Once he remembered that the calico molly had younger siblings, though... her objectives are a little easier to decipher.

An easy grin set upon moonlight-white features, Nettlepaw lounged nearby, rasping a tongue across his paw. "Ah, orange goop..." he purred, tail flicking. "Surely a new favourite for kittens everywhere after today!" He spoke the words as confidently as if they were law. "We should spread the word to the other Clans." Was he joking, entirely? Trying to fool them might be funny...
penned by pin ♡

they were trying to take it easy. after that... disaster of a meeting, they're still reeling. but they're said what they said and it made no real sense to take it all back. they didn't hate ferndance for being the way she was but perhaps they had made the right decision. promoting granitepelt, though... ugh. gave them a headache. but being as weak as they were, they needed some help, and even though he was antisocial, and rough around the edges... real rough... they knew that he was active enough in the clan to properly help. they can only hope that they won't come to regret it. with a shake of their head, they limp out of their den, making their way to try and see starlingheart. they wanted something for the overall weakness and dizzy spells, but they're pulled away from their task but the smell of pumpkin.

they wince as they make their way over, looking at garlicpaw who has something going on. looks messy. if they were truly here, then maybe they would have cared more. but they're still not quite in their body, not even sure if they're real.

"maybe we should. sure they will be jealous."

they speak dully.
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw's eyes had been on the back of Chilledstar's head since they had excited their den. She wasn't hovering, far from it. As often as she was out of camp- overworking her muscles trying to keep the clan fed and safe, she spent as much time of her waking hours making sure those sick and recently recovering were put together and healthy. Her new apprentice was in that boat as well. She needed to get that kid caught up, and swiftly.

A change in her friend's directory caused Scalejaw's ears to twitch, orange gaze finding Garlicpaw and- a soft breath left her, half amused, half exasperated. There could be worse things to be getting into, she supposed. Pushing to her paws and padding over, she bumped her shoulder with Chilledstar quietly, but she didn't offer them words. Instead, her vision lay on the two apprentices. "I'm not sure any of the queens are going to like the goop, but we'll see." Scalejaw's words were warm, without malice. A simple statement.

Her head tilted."Though, the kits would likely get a kick out of it. I know mine might have when they were younger." She was thinking aloud now, vision tilted slightly upwards to consider the situation.

[penned by dallas].

With all she had seen on her travels, it was very rare indeed for Wheatpaw to be surprised. The autumn apprentice liked to think of herself as knowledgeable and put-together, more mature than her peers. That self-image was momentarily put in doubt as a shriek of disgusted curiosity very nearly left the former loner’s lips.

The only reason Wheatpaw managed to stay silent and composed (besides the split-second where her eyes were as wide as dinner plates) was because she was able to conclude that - upon further inspection - Garlicpaw was not dragging some strangely-colored corpse towards the nursery.

Experienced paws carried her closer than one would expect, the desire to keep her pelt pristine momentarily outweighed by innate curiosity. The wanderer dipped her toe in the proverbial water, scooping a pile of slime onto one of her paws before tossing it away with a half-hearted, “Disgusting…” It was yet another hypocrisy intrinsic to Wheatpaw’s personality. She wanted to be regal and above it all, but at the same time couldn’t help but think of how fun it would be to splash around in the strange substance.

Letting maturity rule the moggy for a moment, Wheatpaw instead turned her attention to the conversation around her, huffing with a bit of amusement as Scalejaw mentioned her kits. It reminded her of her own family, in a strange way. “I do not think my siblings would have been terribly interested in this, even if they were younger. Unless it is edible, I suppose.”

Seeing how her inquiry hung in the air, Wheatpaw sighed and childishness took hold as she licked a piece of the pumpkin goop, an action which was quickly regretted. “Pleh! It tastes like…an old frog, if it was covered in sap.” The Somali lookalike wiped what little remained off of her face with a grimace.​
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Out of all of her older siblings, Halfkit thinks Garlicpaw is her favorite. She wasn't mean like Ashenpaw was, and she didn't always seem to have something better to do like Applepaw. She was always thinking about her and Birdkit and Tanglekit and more importantly she took time out of her day to do things like this, to bring them stuff that she thought they would like. "Orange goop from an orange fruit?" she echoes. It sounded strange but her interest was piqued and her socked paws bring her out of the nursery to investigate.

Standing around the goop, a small gathering had begun to form. She looks at all the cats who were there, makes mental notes about each of them. Nettlepaw spoke confidently, saying that they should spread the word of the goop to the other clans and Chilledstar seemed to agree. "Ooh ooh! Send me! Send me! I'll tell them and it'll make them sooooooo jealous that we have orange goop and they dont!" she would be an amazing emissary she is sure, and besides she would love to see how the other clans lived. Did they also have a nursery, an elders den full of old cats to tell them stories? It would be terribly sad if they didn't

"You have kits? Wow Scalejaw, I didn't know you were so old!" She feels a slight pang of jealousy, a momentary twist in her heart. It wasn't fair that Nettlepaw had a mother, that Scalejaw's kits had a mother. She wants a mother! If her mother were here she would be so cool and she would love the orange goop she's certain of it!

Wheatpaw comes along and Halfkit had not known this before but uh actually Wheatpaw was kinda a downer. She says how gross the gift her sister had brough for her and her siblings is and then she eats it and proclaims it to be gross tasting too. "You and your siblings sound BORING Wheatpaw" she says, sticking her tongue out at her in a teasing manner "You're not supposed to eat it dummy" actually she wasn't sure if it was edible or not, but she wanted Wheatpaw to feel bad for trying to make her sister feel bad so she said it anyways. "I love the orange goop thank you Garlicpaw!" she says, turning to the tortoiseshell before pouncing right on the center of the pile, letting the pumpkin guts squish between her toes and then stomping around in it, sending debris flying as she did.

  • ooc : — ​

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    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan kit
    ➵ single
    ➵ sexuality undecided
    ➵ a long legged she cat with long blue tabby, cream tabby, white fur and mismatched blue eyes
    ➵ toyhouse