oneshot no light, no light — oneshot


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
It’d been a while since he visited the old, mangled nest he had slept in for moons now littered with brittle twigs and dried moss that’s seen better days, but the dried flowers woven between its limbs were what pulled at raw heartstrings. A bittersweet grimace graced a scarred muzzle, helm dippin’ down to brush delicate petals that crumbled beneath his touch to pool across the ground. It’s about time I cleared this out, eh, kiddo? He thought weakly, molten hues glancin’ at the lit sky in muddled contemplation. Takin’ good care of yerself, I hope.

His adoptive son had always been a bit of an airhead, even more so since Duskpool tucked him under his wing upon first glances, helm shakin’ with a muffled snort. Keane wouldn’t let Yukio leave his sight simply because the idiot would wander off with a stranger so trusting of everyone it made his teeth ache.

He wondered how long it had been since he thought of Yukio without feeling like his heart was about to split in two. A long time. He grinned weakly, more like a bitter twist of scarred lips, helm peelin’ away to begin the daunting task he’d been putting off till Tatteredlight’s death.

I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long, kiddo. A simple declaration, paws brushin’ against brittle undergrowth, takin’ it apart piece by piece till it lay in a dismantled mess around his hulkin’ frame. “Seems I was just kiddin’ myself.” He chuffed, breathless against the agonizin’ heat peltin’ his backside and turnin’ it molten lava.

Duskpool always had a hard time thinkin’ of deceased kin, but somethin’ about Yukio had nearly torn him in two, witnessin’ it that night was a gruesome reminder that he couldn’t even stomach the idea of tearin’ that old nest despite it lookin’ like a trainwreck as much as starin’ at his younger brothers empty nest.

No matter what he did to keep ‘em safe it all came down in one fell swoop, and foxdung was he tired of losin’ one after another. How long had he been sayin’ that? Too long. Shakin’ his helm, Duskpool stared at the tattered remains, sweepin’ a wooly plumage forward to curl around the scattered flowers miraculously still intact with a rueful sigh, molten hues crinklin’ in one last goodbye before gatherin’ himself.

See ya later, kiddo.
thought speech