private NO LIGHT, NO LIGHT [weaselclaw]

There were a pawful of cats he admired in WindClan. Firefang, his mentor whose taught him everything he knows. Snakehiss for his intelligence and sharp-tongued remarks. Yet theres always been one cat in particular who outshined the rest since his kitting day. Weaselclaw.

A hardened tom who was loyal to his leader and mate above all. A cat who dedicated all his strength to WindClan and never backed down from a fight. He’s heard stories of his father displaying his hard-headedness, a trait many saw as a fault, but Harrierpaw admired it. Stories have been told to him of the day his father had attacked a RiverClan patrol who had stolen WindClan prey, how his decision had caused tension between the clans and how many blamed him for the long-term foe they had earned in RiverClan. In the face of Sootstar’s ire he had not backed down from his actions, he had not apologized. Harrierpaw wants to be that tom, he would do anything to rise to the same acclaim and status of his father one day.

With that in mind, it was not rare for Harrierpaw to seek out Weaselclaw’s approval. They pad side-by-side on a dawn patrol when son looks to father. ”I become a warrior soon.” A known fact, he’s positive Weaselclaw knows this and anticipates the day. ”Do you think I’m ready?” Weaselclaw was not Sootstar nor Firefang, but his disapproval would sting just as much. He’s worked hard to become a moor-runner, would his father agree that his progress deserved recognition?
  • » Harrierpaw
    » WindClan Apprentice
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Nearly nine moons have passed since his mate had birthed their kits on moorland hills piled high with frost. Weaselclaw remembers licking Harrierpaw’s striped fur clean, remembers the strength he felt in the tiny pulsing heart, the miniscule flailing limbs. He remembers the promise he’d made him, all of his kits—that one day, the forest would know their names, and all Clans would fear their power. When he looks at his son now, the vow echoes in his mind, branded into place. Harrierpaw’s ferocity is quieter than his brother’s, sharper than his sisters’.

He has no doubt that Harrierpaw is prepared for warriorhood. He’d trained under Firefang, a courageous and headstrong she-cat who’d proven her loyalty to Sootstar over and over. Harrierpaw will soon have the opportunity to prove his greatness.

Weaselclaw lets the rest of the dawn patrol stream past them. The blue gaze he fixes his son with contains pride and curiosity in equal measures. “You are. I blinked, and you and your brother are of a size with me.” His smile is fleeting. “Do you doubt yourself now, Harrierpaw?” He studies the bi-colored tom, the muscle beneath a bristling pelt, the wolfish way he carries himself. “What do you want more than anything in the world?

The dreams he has for his kits come racing back to him. Cottonpaw will never bring fear to the forest now, but she’s safe—she’s safe mixing herbs and tending to kitting queens, and that’s what he wants for her. The rest of them—the rest of them are different, they must carry their father’s legacy of courage and their mother’s ruthless ambition. He wants to know if there’s any of that drive there, or if he’s lost another kit to time and distance.

  • weasel . weaselclaw
    — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Sootstar
    — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver

Harrierpaw's pride for himself burns hotter than the sun with his father's approval. His ears twitch twice as if unable to contain his relief.

'Do you doubt yourself now, Harrierpaw?" "No. Never." The response shoots out from his mouth faster than a hummingbird could bat its wings. "I am confident in my abilities, I know that I will serve WindClan well when Sootstar makes me a warrior." He puffs out his brown chest fur and straightens himself out of his slouched position.

'What do you want more than anything in the world? Harrierpaw perceives Weaselclaw's questions as a test, and he would not fail. "...I want to be a warrior WindClan can be proud of, a warrior who never turns his back on his clan and never fails to fight for them even in the most dire of times." Perhaps that was a bit of a lie... what Harrierpaw wanted most of all... "...I want to be powerful. I want to stand as high as you, Weaselclaw. I want the forest to tremble at my name as they do yours." Deep golden eyes shone with intense admiration for the warrior he stood before him.

He fears his response might be too arrogant. That he was aiming too high, that personal power should not be what he seeks. Nonetheless he meets his father's gaze and hopes that the truth would please.
  • » Harrierpaw
    » WindClan Apprentice
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing