pafp No lights, no music | outrage


bye bye baby blue
Dec 11, 2023

Everything hurt.

Training had been rough to say the least that evening., all day actually. For some reason his mentor had to be on dawn patrol, which meant he was on dawn patrol. What a great way to start a long day. After that only frogs had been left in the fresh-kill pile for a mid day meal, he had to just barely choke that down before being hauled away for the longest training session he probably ever had. Not only was it the longest but also the hardest. He hadn't done well sparing against the other apprentices so his mentor figured he needed some more reminders. Which meant they had to keep tackling him and then lecture him about how he could avoid the tackle next time. They weren't being unreasonable of course, but that didn't matter to the tom. The day was waning on and he was just tired, so despite constant reminders he couldn't grasp exactly what he was meant to do. Which just put both of them in a bad mood.

Thankfully, it was over now. He felt worn and his coat was stuck with mud and he had twisted his paw on the way back from training, and it was all just going wrong. But, despite everything the sun was going down, which meant he could finally settle into his soft nest and go to sleep, start over fresh tomorrow. He dragged himself into the apprentice den, some cats already had settled in but it was still early and as blue tom weaved through the slowly filling nests he signed with content, eyes closing as he flopped down into his bed.

There was a problem though. Instead of connecting with a soft lined pillow of dreams, he landed on something. He doesn't open his eyes right away as he might may start crying, his promise of comfort being stolen away from him in a single second. The first thing he notices is the smell that torments his nostrils, and when he does open his eyes he quickly jumps out his the nest. Half-eaten and rotting, an old piece of prey ended up in his bed of all places. The tears that had originally threatened the overtired apprentice were now replaced with burning and spitting rage. Like fire ravaging trees his drowsiness was consumed in a second as his blazing eyes scanned the apprentice den.

He didn't care if some cats were already sleeping, he roared out "WHICH ONE OF YOU STARCLAN FORSAKEN BONEHEADS LEFT THIS IN MY NEST!?" his fur was already bristling with each word spat, and the stench still clung in his nose. His teeth bared as he kept up the tantrum "ONE OF YOU BETTER FESS UP AND TAKE THAT THING ACROSS CLAN BORDERS OR I - OR I'LL MAKE SURE YOU CAN'T EAT ANYTHING AGAIN" surely any other apprentice in the den was awake now and probably every other cat in camp.

// @Bonepaw.

*+:。.。 Ever since Bloodpaw's body was dragged back home, limp and hurt, Bonepaw hasn't quite been able to think straight. It was a fascinating dilemma to be so hyper-aware of the present and yet yearn for nothing but the past as the prevailing thought amidst the fear for his sister was - what could I have done?. Bloodpaw was hurt now, there was no changing that - at least not by his paws - but still, he found himself asking that question over and over again. Had he paid closer attention to her, could he have stopped her? Had he talked to her about her frustrations with the apprentice decree, could this have been averted? Maybe if he'd kept that snot-nosed flame point far away from her, she wouldn't have been influenced to do something so stupid? He didn't know, and he wouldn't know because it was all in the past, done, ended, over with, and yet...and yet.

Something gnawed on his soul - a frustration he couldn't name - that had him walking as though trapped in a dream. The day's activities quickly became a blur. Vaguely, he remembered following Nightwhisper's teachings and doing some chores that left his paws sore - though he couldn't remember the specifics of either. He'd enjoyed visiting his little siblings and spending time with Ferndance and his littermates when their schedules lined up, but mostly...mostly, his eyes trailed towards the medicine den.

Night came and Bonepaw curled up warily in his nest, his eyes never leaving the empty bed of his sister, Bloodpaw, who still required one more overnight stay in the medicine den. Again, the questions rang through his thoughts. Again, he thought of scenarios he could've done differently, changed, or averted. Again, he wallowed uselessly in the wish to change back time...but more than anything, he feared what might happen in the future.

That's when Laurelpaw began screaming.
At first, Bonepaw flattened his ears and tried to ignore him, but on and on the idiot went, wailing about something in his stupid bed. As if getting pranked was the worst thing in the fucking world. The gnaw in his soul suddenly bit down harder, and the boy rose to his feet at its unspoken call. Fuck this. Fuck Laurelpaw. Fuck whatever got his tail in a twist!
"I'm barred from leaving camp" a cool-spoken fact as his eyes landed upon the prey Laurelpaw was raging about. In the back of his mind, he recalled bringing something to eat into the apprentice's den - it had been quiet and empty, and he'd wanted the space to think. But all he could think of was Bloodpaw, the past, and the future. He'd just forgotten about it. On any other day, he would've apologized and cleaned his mess.
Instead, Bonepaw padded closer, almost nose to nose with the older apprentice, and hissed, "So do it. Give it your best shot"
Although he doubted the deputy's son would stoop so low, he suddenly wanted nothing less but to drag Laurelpaw down anyway.
"Otherwise quit wailing like a kit and take the trash out yourself"

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

It truly lifts the spirit to hear his son's voice so prominent against the backdrop. Heartwarming, indeed. Such so that the tom's first instinct when he's startled into wakefulness is to hightail out the warrior's den, hunt down Laurelpaw, and demand what in StarClan's name he's yowling on about.

Sleep hadn't fully swallowed him up by the time of the outburst. Nevertheless, grogginess casts a shadow on the deputy's gait as he makes his way across the clearing, and the mist in his mind obscured any clear picture of how he'd deal with what was going on. Within those venom-laced words ran an undercurrent he recognised, nigh synonymous to the eternal agitated simmer in Smogmaw's stomach. To witness it spill over so openly leaves much to be desired.

The breeze caresses his fur like a lover, but does nothing to rouse the tom. His path is set; Laurelpaw will explain himself, and Smogmaw will fix whatever problem his kit has concocted for himself. Then, perhaps, the clan may sleep peacefully again.

"Can you not?" The deputy's noggin breaks through the den's tangled barrier, unflinching eyes dissecting the apprentices residing within. Two swiftly draw his focus; Laurelpaw, for one, and young Bonepaw, who faced the other head-on and confronted him with a fiery glower. "Save your screaming for border patrols, Laurelpaw. Some of us need to rest." A half-lie—the night offered no respite to him once again, yet an uppity apprentice certainly didn't soothe the fact. "Now, who's putting stuff in other cats' nests?" Smogmaw asks next, while his sightline hobbles along to Bonepaw's trajectory. It's bad etiquette to tamper another's bedding without permission, pure and simple. Every apprentice, no matter how flea-ridden or bug-brained, ought to know that.


Gigglekit is awakened from a short nap by Laurelpaw's wailing from the apprentices' den, the sound enough to make her shoot to her paws on instinct and look back at Needledrift to make sure that her mother and brothers were alright and safe from whatever banshee had made its way into the ShadowClan camp. Tentatively peeking her head out of the nursery, Gigglekit glanced in the direction of the apprentices' den, where she could see the faint outline of a familiar Clan deputy at the entrance.

"Yeah! Wha's goin' on?" Gigglekit demanded as she made her way over to where Smogmaw was, and she twined herself around his paws to get a better look into the den that the screaming was coming out of. She could see her older brother Bonepaw was there, so maybe that was a good thing - unless it wasn't. She'd need to stick around to find out whether it was good or bad, so she could report back to their mother whether Bonepaw was going to be alright or not.


I don't mind if the world spins faster

The commotion had brought Nightwhisper over, yet what she had not been expecting was, Bonepaw going paw to paw with Smogmaw's youngest of his broods and the tip of her tail twitched slightly before moving to gently place her tail onto Gigglekit briefly before moving to the side of her own apprentice. A worry look dancing on her face. Admittingly they were surprised to see that it was her own apprentice but, perhaps the stress of being in shut down and not being able to leave the camp while their own kin laid in the medicine den healing was getting the best of the little one. So, she silently noted that and would be sure to get some breathing practices in for Bonepaw and some sparring lessons as well so the boy had other means to relieve stress and not take it out onto others.

"Both of you are not even allowed out of camp on your own anyways, so the best thing you could of done was set it to the side for the morning or wake one of us to take it out instead. It is late, and I'm disappointed to come across my apprentice engaging in a verbal argument. Which, Bonepaw we will be discussing this tomorrow." her voice was calm, no tone of scorn in it yet there was a look that spatked in her amber eye, concern.

He only saw red as Bonepaw spoke up and surprisingly so did the other boy. Who would have thought that yelling doesn't get you your way. Bonepaw complained that his prior request was impossible to complete and that annoyed the blue tom even more, it had been an exaggeration. He wasn't stupid enough to actually believe that was possible and Bonepaw's insinuation that he was fueled the fire even more. Then the idiot went nose to nose with him and dared him. All sense in his mind was rapidly evaporating, leaving nothing but rage to fill its space.

There was a couple seconds where his claws flexed, he could rake this fool right upside the head. Nothing would stop him, Bonepaw was too close to actually see him as a threat. Which would be a mistake on his part, despite only being a few moons older he had grown during those moons and at least outweighed Bonepaw, he might just be stronger as well.

His paw was just about to swing out at the tabby when he heard a voice that stopped him. Like a rain on wildfire, Smogmaw's voice doused Laurelpaw in a second. His fur laid back down and his eyes shot to the ground. Maybe if Smogmaw would have been angry with him he would have kept his shouting up but no, his father was tired and annoyed if anything, and that was even more embarrassing. He could have told on Bonepaw, to keep up the stink. Say that he had put rotting food in his nest, but he no longer held the vigor to even make eye contact with the deputy.

He already felt the heat of embarrassment on his face when a kit and warrior came to stare at the mess he made. With a quick escape of air he let his haunches hit the ground hard. Like a dejected kit he sat there looking to the ground, not really reflecting in his actions, but just stewing in them. At least he wasn't being threatened with "a discussion" about his behavior like Bonepaw.


Just like the others, Mirepurr shoots out from the warriors' den to investigate the horrible wailing. Already images of the camp being under attack are flooding their mind, but by the time they get to the where the sound is coming from, the night's air chill manages to calm their mind and make them see sense. Everything seems to be in order, at least outside the apprentices' corner.

They arrive just in time to hear Smogmaw and Nightwhisper scolding the two apprentices, and that bit is enough for Mirepurr to piece together what happened. They hang back a little, even letting Gigglekit go first, listening and pondering.

Always the empathetic heart, Mirepurr doesn't have it in them to add more scorching words - Laurelpaw already looks embarrassed enough. It wouldn't achieve anything useful if they just continued berating him for his little outburst. Mirepurr imagines he's had a hard day, plus they themself don't know how they'd react upon finding something so unexpected - and quite frankly gross - in their nest.

They're almost completely silent as they go in, slipping easily past their Clanmates. A sniff is enough to confirm the rotten bit of fresh-kill. Mirepurr stops themself from rearing back in disgust and instead looks at Laurelpaw. "Need help getting fresh bedding? The... stench probably makes your nest unusable now."

*+:。.。 Orange flames soon ignite, leaving Bonepaw feeling an odd rush of satisfaction. The phantom of an apprentice never considered himself the type to enjoy pressing buttons, yet here he was, desperately searching through his memory to pull up another insult or challenge. What a welcome reprieve from the endless what could I have done?'s. He felt as though the part of him that clawed for a second chance with the past that warred with the side desperately trying to kick away the reaching talons of the future, finally found purchase. The ground felt steady at this moment. He became hyper-aware of everything outside of himself. The scrape of Laurelpaw's claws, the growl rising in his throat, the gnash of his teeth as they bared, the shine of them as they readied to bite. Who knew the cure Bonepaw had needed this whole time was a simple shot of icy adrenaline?

Of course, Bonepaw may be foolish, but he at least wasn't dumb.
There was no way he could beat Laurelpaw in a fight. The other boy was far bigger with much more experience in training for these exact situations. Plus, Laurelpaw had much more motivation - adrenaline was one thing, but anger was one hell of a drug. Most likely Laurelpaw would land one devastating blow and probably knock Bonepaw out cold. Most likely, this fight would end before it truly began.

But Bonepaw wasn't looking to win.
Spreading his paws into a wider stance, he readied himself. Sharp green eyes noticed Laurelpaw's arm twitch, knowing immediately that the first strike was coming. He stiffened in preparation. In excitement. He didn't give a rat's tail who won, as long as Bonepaw's thoughts were on anything besides his sister, then he'd consider himself victorious. But in that split second before that fire raged forth, Bonepaw would unsheathe his claws. He wouldn't go down without throwing out a punch, too -

But then, just like that, the fire was snuffed out.

Bonepaw was left blinking, shocked as Laurelpaw's rage vanished, replaced with a heavy downpour of shame that weighed him down enough to turn his head away. Bonepaw was left freezing in the cold. No. As Laurelpaw hung his head in shame, Bonepaw's murky green hues glowed with devastated betrayal. No! For a moment, he debated lashing out himself - fuck whether Laurelpaw reciprocated, he couldn't just - they were supposed to fight! Be angry and illogical and foolish together! Damn it all, Bonepaw was willing to be all that himself, screw the consequences, but it would be the chime of Gigglekit's voice that stills his paw.

"Pathetic" he spits, intending to direct the insult at Laurelpaw, yet feeling the sting of it in himself. After all, what was this but a tantrum on both their parts? A childish bid for attention, for comfort without the shame of having to ask for it aloud. Stupid, and illogical, and so, so very pathetic.

Without another word, Bonepaw would shover past Mirepurr and grab hold of the piece of prey still on Laurelpaw's nest. It was old, and the taste of it made his tongue itch, and he wondered absently how he'd missed noting it's condition, let alone getting it on Laurelpaw's nest. But he'd done it, so he'll clean it up. After all, none of this had anything to do with the prey - at least not to Bonepaw.

His attention would pause for a moment on Gigglekit, confidently standing beneath Smogmaw's imposing figure. Seeing her only made the gnaw in his gut bite down hard enough to tear something, so he quickly averted his gaze. Padding out of the den, he decided to let the adults lecture Laurelpaw and himself separately. Not that anything they'd say would get through to Bonepaw.
Not through all the buzzing, anyway.
  • // Bonepaw takes the prey and is now out!

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

Black-capped ears swivel on their axis, fielding his clanmates' complaints and inquiries in equal measure. He hears Gigglekit in his periphery, drawn out from the nursery and towards the hullabaloo, and as strong as the urge was to drag her back there by the nape of the neck, duty demands that this other issue takes precedence. Kits staying where they belong after nightfall is non-negotiable, but ear-splitting eruptions from the apprentice's den press for a swifter resolution. Fortunately for the deputy, two warriors insert themselves into the fray in the forms of Nightwhisper and Mirepurr, the former providing an echo to his reproval and the latter striving to help settle the matter.

Those same ears pick up on a singular utterance from Bonepaw. Attention recalibrates onto the cream-coloured tabby, yet at the instant his regard met the apprentice in question, Bonepaw was well on his way out. Whether cowed or merely disinterested, the tom exits the scene with the dignity and speed one would expect from a cat caught doing something they ought not have been. A scoff plays along his scarred muzzle in the short wake of the departure.

"It's too late for dramatics," mumbles Smogmaw. Amber eyes find their way to the near-perfect replica just a short distance away, lost in his pouting reverie. "Lift your chin up, Laurelpaw," he tells his son, who'd undergone quite the dramatic shift in disposition. As though his fiery nature had gotten doused by a wave of cold water. Secondhand embarrassment teases a sigh out from the deputy. Seeing his son get outshone and put to shame felt unpleasant enough, but seeing him wallow in self-pity over it?

Smogmaw can't bear it. "You aren't in trouble. Mirepurr will retrieve for you some fresh materials, and 'til that happens, you are welcome to use Bonepaw's nest." He would like to theorise that the apprentice named is responsible for stinking up Laurelpaw's bedding. Thusly, it would only be just for Laurelpaw to stink up his in return. Tit-for-tat. Quid pro quo. An eye for an eye, and a stinky nest for a stinky nest. "I'm going to sleep. We all should. Goodnight."

And with that, he slinks out from the apprentice's den, leaving his clanmates to their devices.

// out