private NO LLORAS / howlfire


Oct 14, 2023

YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — It was one of those nights that Blazingpaw couldn't ease himself into a peaceful sleep, he was struggling as his thoughts wandered to the flash of teeth and claws, and the bicolored molly that slept next to him was only making his pelt prickle with discomfort. One moment it was Springpaw and the next when his eyes had closed for a mere heartbeat, it was that skunk striped rogue that had taken joy in tearing through kitten fur and fat. He pushes himself up from his nest deciding that he could not find sleep here especially with her nest so close to his own and with a sweep of his feathery tail, Blazingpaw departs from the apprentices den without much of a sound as he steps out into the moonlit clearing of camp. Maybe he could stay up watching Silverpelt overhead yet his emerald gaze shifts away from the starlit skies to the warriors den and both of his feathered ears prick toward that direction wondering if either of his parents were as restless as him, he swiftly glances around him making sure that nobody's watching him especially with where his big paws lead him next.

The tabbied tom slips into the warriors den being careful of where he treads not wishing to step or wake anyone up since he isn't allowed in here or that's what he believes due to being a mere apprentice. An unspoken rule he thinks but he isn't certain and its completely disregarded when he sees the form of his mother. The russet tom hold his breath for a heartbeat or two only to take cautious steps in the direction of the molly and recalls simpler times when he had been able to curl up with his sisters and mother within the nursery where they didn't need to worry about foxhearted rogues harming any of them or laying a claw on them. Oftentimes, Blazingpaw wishes he were litttle once more like Fluffykit and her siblings... They were fortunate enough to stay in the nursery longer he thinks as his body lowers itself to press against Howlfire's side like he used to as a kit. He's bigger than he was several moons enough yet her prescence was enough to soothe him and not think of how troubled his mind is. Blazingpaw tries to push underneath one of her limbs so they draped across his back and he'd press his nose to her chest.


  • 8JbI3pG.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

When Howlfire had left the nursery, she had been glad for the additional room for a few days. Glad to stretch out and move around without fear of a tiny paw prodding her in the face or body. Despite her initial eagerness to leave, she had come to miss the presence of her kits by her side, studying their little movements, pulling them to her body to keep them warm. She longed for moments like that again. Maybe one day in the future she would get to experience it all over again with another litter.

When Blazingpaw slips into the warrior's den and finds her nest, it does not take much to wake Howlfire up. She feels his body press against hers and starts to stir, only just blinking awake as he pushed underneath one of her legs and let it drape over his back. "Blazingpaw...should be in your...own nest," Howlfire muttered sleepily. Despite this, she does not push him away but allows him to stay with her, keeping her leg across him and keeping him close. Gently, she leans to down to lick his head as she would have done as a kit. "Couldn't sleep?" She asks softly.

YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — He knew that he would end up waking her from his movements but she did not push him away even as she spoke saying that he should be in his own nest and he nuzzles further into her fur only seeking out her warmth and comfort that he had grown up with as a kitten "I know," Blazingpaw murmured quietly under his breath and he closes his eyes feeling her tongue rasp over his head, its enough to make him let out a soft breath before listening to her voice once more asking if he couldn't sleep. He wonders if he's a coward for slinking off to his mothers nest during the night due to his fear, his feathered ears laying flat against his helm as a frown forms on his maw and his emerald eyes reopen after a heartbeat as he answers her "No... I wasn't able to. I keep thinking about the rogues," The tabbied tom shifts around a little tucking his front limbs underneath his body but kept his body close to Howlfire and frowns as he tilts his helm to the side asking in an almost kit-like manner like he used to, "Mama... Am I a coward?" He certainly felt like it especially when they had gone out on that family outing he had been tense the entire time unable to relax due to the fear of running into outsiders again and of them potentially hurting his sisters or family.

He had turned six this moon and he would be allowed out of camp once he was given a temporary mentor to show him the ropes of being a warrior, Blazingpaw wondering if he would ever be a formiable warrior like either of his parents or even his grandparents. Maybe he'd become the biggest disappointment within Skyclan but he's not certain as he brings his feathery tail closer to him to semi-curl it around his flank awaiting Howlfire's answerr and made sure that his voice is silent. "I wanna be a good warrior like you and dad but... I don't know if I can," Blazingpaw admits in a whisper remembering how he had been so excited to become an apprentice and the stories that had captivated him as a kit told by Blazestar yet that enthusiam had died down giving way for fear and anxiety.

He had been ambitious then but now it had died and he bore the scars that had been left on him by the rogues, a reminder that he had failed and had been incapable of doing anything to defend his littermates. Even now as he turns six moons old, he has no knowledge whatsoever considering his mentor had been injured by his grandfather's murderer and now she lay in the nursery awaiting for the arrival of kittens. All he knew what to do was the chores of removing ticks from elders, new bedding for the queens and injured, and repairing a den or two but what good would that do him out there in a fight... Nothing.


  • 8JbI3pG.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Howlfire waits for his answer patiently, letting out a little 'hmm' of acknowledgement when he mentions he had been thinking of the rogues. It is to be expected, she supposes, given how traumatic an experience it had been for them. Howlfire counts herself lucky that she, Bobbie, and Figfeather had all been there to drive them away. She didn't dare to think about what might have happened if one of them hadn't been present, or if more rogues had been there to overwhelm them. Mama... Am I a coward?, He suddenly asks, sounding quite like a kit again when he speaks. She's caught off guard, tensing at his question and looking down at him with a concerned expression. "What...Blazingpaw, no, you are not a coward," Howlfire assured him, quite direct in her response. "It's understandable that you'd be scared after what happened. No apprentice deserves to be attacked like that on one of their very first patrols. It has happened too many times before, I've seen it happen before. I wasn't going to stand by and let it happen again."

She's tense for a moment after that, lost in her thoughts and emotions. However, Blazingpaw's comment about his uncertainty about being a great warrior like her and Coyotecrest draws her back in. "Oh, my sweet boy, you still have time," She says, pressing a nose against his neck and drawing in his scent. "I know in my heart you will be a fine warrior of SkyClan one day. You will love up to your name and more I believe." She leans in a bit closer, almost conspiratorial. "I can see that warrior before me, can you? Mighty and proud Blazingheart, with his loyal siblings Hawkfeather and Wolfsong beside him. As honourable and just as their grandfather before them. The pride of their parents and the pride of SkyClan."