backwritten No losers on the roster | Thorn

𓆝 . ° ✦ The ground is cold against Nightfish’s paw pads, the rushing river too close for comfort — there’s no telling how long the ice will hold with so many cats weighing down on it and he doesn’t fancy a dive into the snowmelt current. He digs his claws in, feeling shaved ice crunch under his grasp. He’s not going to be the first to step off the arena; not before he’s had a taste of rogue blood to wash down the defeats of the past few moons.

But no rogue seems willing to step up to the plate, and Smokestar is calling for a retreat (and dragging a rogue with him into the water) before Nightfish has had the time to do much more than snap his teeth at scrawny loners. He wants to pick on someone his own size—

There: a russet blur on the ice, heading for where the leader disappeared with his target. Nightfish is throwing himself forward before he’s fully processed it, skidding over the ice and slamming into the rogue, aiming to throw him off his paws and crash on top of him to keep him down.

“You’re fighting me now!”
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: set during this thread! @Thorn
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.