camp NO LOST CAUSE // failed 'hunt'

Sunshinekit is not their siblings; be it a disparity in age, excitement, or ability, the tricolor feline finds themself separated from the pack. They are far from displeased with this notion - in fact, watching Emberkit become Emberpaw and Rainbowkit become Rainbowpaw is more than amusing for the recovering child. The excitement of even watching their siblings proceed through life has been enough for the broad shouldered one left behind. In layman's terms, sitting in the nursery for several moons longer (as perceived by them) is no issue.

The child parts their jaws in a yawn, waking up from a long nap just outside the nursery. The sunspot they were previously in had shifted and the child begins to stand in a lazy attempt to chase it, however finding that one of their limbs doesn't move with the rest of them. And that limb is a sort of... brown. With ears and a tail of its own. It also looks like fresh-kill - Sunshinekit's realization is agonizingly slow as the mouse, terrified of the nest of predators it's stumbled into, simply stares right back at them.

A hefty paw lifts and swings out at the mouse, however in the same moment the mouse twists and runs. Sunshinekit doesn't give chase, though it's difficult to parse if they are slow-moving because they are tired or ill - or because the poor-thinking prey ran straight into the paws of an able bodied hunter, and lost its life swiftly afterwards. Regardless, the kitten provides the older cat with a wide, lazy smile, "Mmm, good catch," they say, tail thumping the ground. There has been talk of less prey going around lately, so maybe this'll be enough to hold someone over.

[ feel free to be the cat to catch the mouse!! <3 ]​
make peace with your broken pieces .
To see a mouse, enter the den of a predator—Whitelion didn’t dwell, swiftly killing it with practiced ease before it made a hasty escape. He breathed, turning a golden gaze to Sunshine, offering a soft smile in return. “An unfortunate end, but a blessing.” He rumbled. It wouldn’t feed many, but even the smallest of things would do them some good.

Whitelion had just been returning, seeking Spiderlily who was amongst those sick. It made his insides twist in worry, but he had faith in Berryheart and the journeying cats. “How are you feeling, little one?” He offered the mouse to Sunshine without prompt, nudging it toward her with a curious rumble that vibrated his chest.
thought speech

"whitelion wouldn't have stood a chance if not for your help," sandthorn commented playfully in a low tone, as if it were a secret between her and the mottled kit. the scent of the fresh kill made her stomach rumble, but the young warrior brushed it off. she hadn't been able to catch anything today, it wouldn't be right to take from the pile without giving first. especially when the forest was beginning to run dry. it almost seemed like some joke that while their forest grew emptier, prey found their way into camp. perhaps it was by some stroke of starclan's intervention, to make sure they wouldn't starve.
✦ 𖤓 ✦

While Whitelion is grateful for his catch and Sandthorn is playful, the expression on Mousenose’s face is nothing short of dismay. Her little sibling is still slow-moving—are they still ill, or had their kithood sickness zapped all their vigor away permanently? Mousenose gives the other warriors a look and admonishes, “They didn’t do anything.

To Sunshinekit, Mousenose frowns, ears tilting inquisitively. “Did you not even wanna chase the mouse? Not even a little?” It’s hard for her to imagine. As a kit, they’d have bumbled into every bramble in camp trying and likely failing to catch the creature.

  • mousekit . mousepaw . mousenose
    — she/they, warrior of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
Rainbowpaw is a bit jealous that Sunshinekit gets to keep doing what they were apparently no longer allowed to do. If he finally got a chance to nap, he might ignore that mouse too. Or maybe he wouldn't, because Raccoonstripe might scold him for him for it.

Whitelion effortlessly snaps up the mouse, which is cool. Rainbowpaw is more invested in the narrative curretnly being spun. Already on his way to say hi to Sunshinekit, Rainbowpaw nods in agreement with Sandthorn. Their older sister comes to very boringly point out that Sunshinekit didn't actually do anything. It was more fun if they all pretended they did. " Sunshinekit is letting Whitelion take the credit since they're famous enough already. They're very generous. " Rainbowpaw explains, tone earnest.

  • ( I DO, I DO, I DO ) RAINBOWPAW: Sunfreckle xx Rabbitnose. Mentored by Raccoonstripe
    ✦ he / they ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    ✦ currently 4 moons old as of 10/11/2023 ; ages every 25

    warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. sports long curling whiskers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck. growing into themselves; rainbowpaw is showing signs of growing into an above - average height with a somewhat leggy frame. rainbowpaw is most plainly to be described as kind, his most tangible goals and motives being to make the people around him happy. somewhat aloof when it comes to more complex / outer clan issues. lives in the present first and foremost.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.

He is more than a little worried over his tortie child still, that they lack any motivation despite slowly recovering from their sickness is unnerving and he hopes it will pass in time. Next moon they and Pigeonkit both would finally be apprenticed and he would once again resume his duties. That Sunshinekit once thought themselves special and allowed to remain in the nursery had been funny at first but now he found himself a little fretful about it. Hopefully this lethargy would wear off once they got a mentor to take them out of camp, all kits loved being taken out of camp for the first time! Well, most all of them. He thinks of his former apprentice, sullen and morose and missing and wishes desperately he could have seen Shallowpaw made a warrior - he hoped wherever he was he was safe. Maybe he'd get to mentor Sunshinekit? But he doubted it, Howlingstar knew he was too soft at times and his child needed a firmer paw to get them going while he might be tempted to take it easy on them. Sunfreckle wouldn't lie and say he could handle it and be strict, because he worried so much he probably would let slip and not push them enough.
He did want an apprentice again one day though, he thought as he padded over with a warm smile, "Whitelion helped this time, but perhaps we try a little harder ourselves in the future hm?" Mousenose was a little more pointed about it and he glanced at her with a strained show of teeth in an awkward smile. Can't win them all.
Whitelion is modest with the catch, though Sunshinekit wouldn't mind if he exaggerated his act of charity. In fact, all the child does is smile and nod in agreement; it sucks that the mouse was dumb, but at least someone gets to eat! When the older cat addresses Sunshinekit more directly, they allow their shoulders to shrug lazily, "Mm, good. Just tired." Sandthorn is met with a similarly lopsided grin, as if the tale of their strength meant anything. They like stories, though, and it'd be a fun one to tell the younger kits of the nursery.

Mousenose isn't too keen to entertain Sunshinekit as they are, however. Though they don't lose their lackluster smile, their eyes dim a little. "Err... no," they start, ears folding back. I'm tired, but aren't they always? When will that excuse no longer work? Rainbowpaw joins them and makes an effort to protect them, in a way, but shame has already sunk deep into their plush fur. Sunfreckle comes last, an aching smile on his face, and Sunshinekit nods in slow agreement with their father's words. "Mmhm, yeah. 'll try harder," they say, their smile never leaving yet the gleam within it dying ever so slightly. ​
  • Sad
Reactions: MOUSENOSE

XXXXXRainbowpaw is quick to come to their littermate’s rescue, and though Mousenose can understand—stars knew she, Sparkwing, and Freckleflame were tight-knit during kithood—she shakes her head in a gentle no. “Sunshinekit didn’t even try,” she stresses again to Rainbowpaw, her green eyes flicking half-guiltily to Sunfreckle. He’s come to survey the situation, and though his tone is gentle with the sickly tortie kit, he seems as troubled as Mousenose feels. “Perhaps we try a little harder ourselves in the future,” he says.

XXXXXPoor Sunshinekit deflates, but Mousenose barely notices. She’s appalled at the younger kit’s admission: Er… no, they say, and the young warrior’s face creases. “You didn’t even want to catch the mouse? Are you… are you okay?” They’re a little blunter than their shared father, but Mousenose’s expression now is tinged with concern. Perhaps Sunshinekit isn’t better after all—perhaps they’re still sickly.
