"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath Clanrock for a Clan meeting!"

There is a chill in the air as Mirestar takes their place atop the lichen-covered Clanrock — it is not what they have all been expecting, for leaf-bare is already here to breathe down their shoulders. Mirestar angles their ears and lets their gaze waver from the slowly gathering crowd, as if bracing themself for a reveal from amongst the darkness that settles sooner and sooner upon the marshy forest. The feeling that dwells within their gut suggests they might as well have reason for such an assumption.

Another moon has passed. Another moon without Smogstar unceremoniously returning. Another moon spent in fear.

Mirestar is scared now, too, but they do not intend to back down now. The Clan looks for them for guidance; what they are about to say won't be what they are expecting, but they deserve to know.

Forgive me, they plead Chilledstar.

"Leaf-bare is here... or so it seems. All signs point to it, starting with our whiskers and our pawpads feeling the bite of cold, and so we must prepare accordingly." Has anything like this ever happened before? Mirestar cannot recall, and their birth had more or less meant the birth of the Clans themselves. "ShadowClan always suffers when the snow begins to fall, but this time, I believe we can avoid it."

Mirestar allows a lull in their announcement. Some blink at them with impatience, some with hope. They can only hope to live up to those expectations.

Their breath rattles in their chest, and not due to the cold this time. "Applejaw's murderer has gone unpunished for too long. While we do not have concrete evidence... I think Flamestar's reaction at the latest Gathering is proof enough. She had grown defensive despite me not outright accusing her. Why else would she react any other way, if not because she is guilty?" Mirestar strives to be calm and collected, but the topic never fails to throw more into the low-crackling fire within them. "ThunderClan will feel our wraith. Those with keen eyes might have noticed my talks with Lichenstar already... RiverClan and ShadowClan shall enjoy an alliance, in which we attack ThunderClan from two sides at once. They are still weakened from Skyclaw's crimes. In the coming moon, we will take some of their territory in order to keep us better fed."

Anxiety churns in their belly. They think about asking Starlingheart and Marblepaw for something to keep it at bay after this... if they do not faint from the way their heart hammers away before the meeting gets the chance to come to a close. There is much to discuss after all.

"There is one more thing before we can continue to ceremonies."

This is it. After Mirestar reveals this, there is no going back... and for all they know, ShadowClan may as well cast them out for this, and they may not be able to lead the warriors into battle.

Their gaze finds Lilacfur's — the one amongst very few to know of this secret — before returning to their Clanmates below. "I regret not telling this sooner." Do they really? Was it not comfortable to try and keep this under wraps? But they had told Ashenfall; kept it thinly veiled in front of Flintwish; Swansong had come dangerously close to the truth... and of course, Starlingheart seems to know thanks to her intuition that could only come from her rank. Mirestar remembers with a wince, the way Ashenfall and Flintwish had confronted them about the dual-truths they had given them both. It had not been fair. "I had not been entirely honest when I had returned from the Moonstone... I had been terrified, but that is no excuse. As your leader, I owe you the full truth, and nothing else."

They take on more inhale, believing it to be their last.

"Smogstar is... is alive. StarClan had told me so when I went to share tongues with them. They do not know where he may be now... and as you can clearly see, he has not returned to us." Mirestar swallows, finding it incredibly difficult despite the simplicity of such an act. "While I am eternally grateful for this fact, it has also meant StarClan was unable to give me nine lives. They had gifted me with eight, for the last one belongs to Smogstar."

And so, Mirestar waits for the clamor. They imagine the warriors below them to ascend the Clanrock and sink their claws and fangs into them — for their leader is a half-baked one, not the kind they deserve and need during times like these.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Another moon had passed, another moon without Chilledstar and still no sign of Smogstar as well, leaving Snowlark to suspect that he was either dead or decided to pass on the troubles of Shadowclan to someone else after getting sick and disappearing with out even a hint or trace of where he had left, leaving Shadowclan in a messy state, and passing the clan's burden onto Mirestar who by the looks of it was anxious.

The air was chilly, nipping at Snowlark's ears and nose while yellow gaze trained to focus onto their former mentor who decided to first, be honest with the whole clan. A dangerous thing, really. Afterall Chilledstar had once trusted Granitepelt who had attempted to steal a life from them once, and even Pitchstar was all too trusting from what the stories had told Snowlark.

Yellow gaze narrowed slightly, ears perked to hear the murmurring of the clan before taking a deep breath. If Smogstar truly was alive as Starclan has claimed, then why hasn't he returned? In all fairness it would seem even Starclan has given up on the former seeing as despite everything Mirestar only had one less life to gove for the clan.

"Seems to me, even Starclan has approved your rise to leadership, even if it is one less life than others. It just means we have one less time to spend with you as our leader and friend..." perhaps there was a bias to the young warrior since Mirestar had trained him but in honesty, Snowlark felt there was some truth to what he expressed. Starclan did still give Mirestar lives, they still gave the leader the title of -Star, meaning even they don't believe that Smogstar will ever come back. "You are our leader now, and I'm sure Smogstar would understand too" he expressed. Still his concern then goes to Mirestar's safety, would anyone here see that as an invitation to slip through the night and take one from them?
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, warrior of Shadowclan, 14 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Mirestar calls for a meeting, and Scalejaw is dutiful in arriving to listen. The air was far colder then it should have been for this time of year, so she stuck close to what feathering fur she had, ears forward and tail wrapping about her paws as she settled down. They speak upon the cold first, of which most have at the front of their mind. Her breath exhales slowly, white curling in the air in front of her briefly before she glances towards Mirestar again.

What her former apprentice says next gives her pause, to which her eyes narrow. Attacking Thunderclan could have it's boons, but it could have it's lasting cons, as well- a long, slow breath is inhaled, a cradled pain pressing in against her ribs where her heart rested. Heartbeats later she was sitting stiffer, straighter up. No, this would not be allowed to bother her. It was undeniable- they needed more territory to be able to eat and stay healthy during leaf-bare. She doesn't want to go hungry. She doesn't want any other's kits going hungry.

Smogstar is... is alive.

Why does her breath ache so? Eyes widen briefly, then drop to focus on the mudded ground before her. Fur bristled slowly- and no, it wasn't in anger at Mirestar for keeping that truth from them. No, it was downright rage at Smogstar for not returning. For not finding a way back to them. His kits. His clan. Scalejaw. Eyebrows twitch and eyes narrow, pupils going sharp. A breath followed, only those paying close attention to her over Mirestar able to hear the stuttered inhale, and the cold and smooth exhale.

Scalejaw lifts her gaze, devoid of emotion visually, but a sea of anger in her eyes. Fuel for the battle. Leave it that way. She does not speak, or rant or rave. She waits patiently for Mirestar to continue. (Why did he leave? Why didn't he come back? Where did he lose all of those lives? He wasn't leader for that long, where did he go?)
  • "speech"
  • SCALEJAW 🌧 she/her, warrior of shadowclan, sixty-six moons.
    A SH black/LH blue smoke chimera with glowering orange eyes, tufts of fur that make her look dragon-akin, and scars that she wears with pride. motherly and stern attitude, with a warm streak for clanmates and a cruel streak for enemies.
    mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / mother to bonerattle, nightwhisper, and shadefall
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Gold and green widen at the reveal that Smogstar is alive. Not well, more than likely, but still alive. Somewhere. But not where he was needed most. But then... where, and why had he not returned?

Mirestar had one less life to serve their Clan than all others before them. Anxiety pooled within Agatepaw's belly. "Will you be okay with just eight...?" she asked, quietly, not intending to bring attention to herself. "...Will they take them away if Smogstar returns?" She wanted to hope he would, eventually, that he wasn't gone by choice... But who was to say what would happen? Leaf-bare was here early, as it seemed, and

She agreed with Snowlark's assessment of the situation - life must go on, and Mirestar had all the lives they could be given alongside StarClan's. ShadowClan needed a leader, and Smogstar had trusted them as his deputy, to succeed him when he fell. So Agatepaw fell silent, keeping to herself and curling her tail around her body, and simply watching her leader, listening to them and their Clan.​


A shiver courses through Sneezeduck's body as he gathers with his Clan for a meeting called by their new leader. One could assume it is the early cold setting into his fur, but truly, it is sheer anticipation. It is true that ShadowClan suffers above all when leaf-bare comes; they suffer above all any season, of course. Keen ears listen in to the solution they have to offer.

ThunderClan will feel our wraith. At this declaration, Sneezeduck's paws flex against the ground beneath him, piercing the frosted dirt with his claws yet unaccustomed to battle, but eager for it nonetheless. As they speak of an alliance and their plan to seize what's theirs, the young warrior looks sideways to the crowd alongside him, instinctively finding the pale, wispy pelt of @Swansong. The others blur around him - for a moment, he sees nothing but the mutual, hidden understanding that only they two share, or at last so he thinks. Justice, he thinks triumphantly, hoping she sees the same.

Mirestar continues to speak, and Sneezeduck stiffens. Smogstar is.. alive? How is it possible, for a leader to willfully up and leave their Clan without their life being stripped from them to cause it? There had to be something else at play - a kidnapping, a blackmail, Twolegs, anything. Sneezeduck's fur bristles and he lowers his gaze - not mad at Mirestar, no, for the leader had already proven themself capable. No, he is furious at.. whatever force it was that had to have forced Smogstar's paws. Answers..

Last edited:
With the call of a new meeting comes the soft pattering of countless paws as warriors, apprentices, elders, queens, and kits ready for their ceremonies gather around, eager to hear news, to listen to the calls to action. Shalestorm is no different, and she finds herself in the crowd among her friends - or, well, those she considers her friends, which is really just about everyone in ShadowClan, she likes to think they're all her best friends. Anyway...

There is a declaration of war against ThunderClan for the death of Applejaw and a temporary alliance with RiverClan, a plan to attack from both sides and wear the storm clan's defenses thin. War is not something the blue and white warrior is fond of, and she finds the idea of any cat loving and even reveling in the thought of battle and bloodshed enough to bring a shiver to her spine. She won't back down, of course not, but she does not look forward to the injuries, to the deaths... could ThunderClan not simply own up to the murder? Hand over the cat with blood on his claws for execution and to lay his body at Mirestar's feet?

That aside, there's more to address before the typical ceremonies. Smogstar is alive.

He's- he's alive? No, no, that's- there's no way he would be alive and wouldn't be making his way back to them. There's no way. Disregarding the fact that Mirestar had only been given eight of nine total lives, that was somehow less shocking to her. Anxiously, cerulean gaze finds @SALAMANDERSNAP in the crowd, and, should they make eye contact, it would be very apparent that the molly was remembering the conversation the two had shared while trapped by the rain.

  • ooc -

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 27 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots

RiverClan and ShadowClan shall enjoy an alliance.

She should be overjoyed, but within her heart, worry stirred. Past temptations could resurface after a promise shared with Mirestar, her babies young and old threatened by what combat could bring - this time, there would be no Sprucepaw to protect them. Her tail curled and uncurled; she didn't think she cared enough about Applejaw to risk her kittens for her justice. Yet, it was not her choice, already she swore she heard Bloodwing riled up and excited, Splashdance she imagined felt strongly about giving RiverClan better hunting opportunities. Bonechill would do anything to keep his family safe and fed and Shadewhisker... they hadn't felt real danger to know when it was ok to be fun and when it was ok to be cautious.

Then again, even with death staring her in the face, Ferndance hadn't felt caution until she'd had something other than herself to care for. Perhaps it would be ok...

It was still on her mind as Mirestar continued, mentioning that Smogstar was still alive, mentioning that they only had eight lives as a result. Ferndance blinked slowly and tilted her head, confusion etched upon her frown. "Well that's ok..." She muttered with complete sincerity. "Dying eight times is probably less traumatic than dying nine..." Her thoughts go to Briarstar and Pitchstar and, at that moment, she could not decide what about having one less life was upsetting Mirestar - it wasn't like ShadowClan leaders were good at keeping theirs anyways.

Mirestar could be the exception, perhaps nine was unlucky... and eight would be the number that brought her home to new heights.
At the call for a clan meeting, Salamandersnap would make her way to gather amongst the crowd, nestled beneath the clanrock. It had been some time since the last meeting, and she was eager to see what Mirestar would share with them in this meeting, especially after last moon's gathering. Within a matter of mere moments of the call, Mirestar begins the meeting, visiblly battling some hidden emotion.

She listens in trained silence, nodding along as her leader begins her speech, but looks up in surprise at the words. An alliance.... with Riverclan? Interesting. Lips curled back into a satisfied snarl, matching the claws that dug into the earth beneath her. Leaf-bare was a horrid time for a battle, but Mirestar was right. Thunderclan was still weak. Attacking from both directions would surely cause them to fall. "May Starclan have mercy on Thunderclan." An almost sarcastic mutter escaped her jaws, as she nods in approval to Mirestar. Of course Shadowclan came first.... but would Starclan spare those who hid murderers within their ranks?

Nothing could have prepared her for the words spoken aloud by Mirestar next. Smogstar.... or Smogmaw? He's alive? Soft brown eyes meet Shalestorm's in the crowd, her eyes narrowing as she gave the molly a knowing glance. Had the pair not just spoken of his betrayal to the clan? Was this a betrayal in itself, for Mirestar to withhold the truth from them? After a brief, but silent conversation with Shalestorm's held gaze, she finds herself searching for @scalejaw and @Swansong 's own gazes within the crowd.

Did they still disapprove of her thoughts? Of the way she said Smog...maw had abandoned them? Did they still distrust or hate her? Mirestar has already moved on, and Salamandersnap only nods along as she catches the final words spoken before a silence settles over the clan, no doubt to allow them a moment to settle. "And you will use each of them well, to serve Shadowclan under a long life." Meeting Mirestar's gaze, the warrior nods respectfully before falling silent once more, waiting for the other announcements to continue. Don't think you won't be giving me answers later... The thought comes silently, without a change in expression. As angry and upset as she was, she knew better than to publicly attack her leader and demand answers from her. The matter could wait until a more private setting.
  • ooc:
  • 90108085_UMTjJ0IbSLQRnyW.png
    ✶ salamandersnap. warrior of shadowclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤafab female, she/her | bisexual, single
    ㅤ25 moons old | ages every 00/19/00
    ㅤwarrior | mentoring stonepaw
    ㅤlong-haired black smoke
    ㅤnpc xx npc | close with none
    ㅤwritten by halimede, ic opinions | tags

The second after their admission may as well be a moment frozen in time... if it weren't for the further-fattening anxiety. Mirestar's usually kind gaze is now something foreign, courtesy of their pupils taking the shape of thin slits instead of round blobs; it is an unkind thing to feel, but they brace themself for physical attacks rather than verbal. If any one of their warriors decide to rip any shred of respect they may hold for Mirestar, they would be unable to find fault in that decision. Murmurs pass between the crowd — some louder than others, some more shocked than others. Perhaps Mirestar should have given them more time... more room to breathe between these revelations. It's too late now.

Snowlark speaks first, and although Mirestar feels an endless amount of gratitude for him, they cannot let their guard down just yet. He may possess bias towards them that the other, older cats do not share. That snow-laden face is just one amongst many... and though his voice carries, Mirestar waits for more approvals, or rejections to join it.

Then, Agatepaw. Her voice is quiet, and maybe she hadn't intended for Mirestar to hear, but they owe her an answer nevertheless. "I don't know." It is as honest as it gets. Will they be okay with just eight? Only StarClan knows... but even that is questionable, considering even their ethereal reach had not been nearly enough to pinpoint Smogstar's whereabouts and reasonings. Even the ancestors' powers have a limit. So does Mirestar's positivity, apparently.

It is Ferndance's ever-present humor that breaks Mirestar out of that scared trance. Amusement flits to the edges of their mouth, finds its way into their gaze.

Nobody had wished for them to get out. That should be enough for the time being.

"Thank you... all of you," Mirestar says, releasing a shaky breath. They make eye contact with all their supporters — Scalejaw, too, because even if her emotions are unable to be perceived currently, she is as close to a trusted advisor as one can get. "I cannot make promises that I can't be sure I'll keep, but I can tell you all this: I will protect you all with all my lives, even if it is one less than normal." After all, that is what leaders do. Nine lives or eight; they sacrifice each and every one of them for what they believe is right. In at least one regard, Mirestar will finally cease to be an exception.

Mirestar shifts in place — gives themself a shake, akin to a dog with wet fur, to get rid of any leftover anxiety as well as frigidity.

"With all this in mind, and with Forestshade's departure — may she find all she's been missing here—, the council is fairly slim." They allow a beat to pass, reminding themself of the time they had spent mulling this decision over. Mirestar has always thought of Forestshade as the wisest member of the council; now that she's gone, only Sharpshadow and Lilacfur remain by their side. The two of them are valuable assets, but Mirestar requires more keen eyes, sharp claws, and thoughtful minds. "In order to lead you all better, I will need more cats by my side. Cats who you can all trust to put the Clan above even their own needs."

Their eyes settle on a familiar form. "Scalejaw." Their first beacon of light, so to say; a role model in every way. "You have a direct involvement with the sort of cat I am today. Your guidance is valuable — the council could use someone as experienced as you."

The next cat is easy to find, thanks to that stark pelt. "Snowlark." Full of unbeaten vitality and the sort of seriousness that older warriors tend to have. "You might be young, but you've proven where your priorities lie. I've had the opportunity to see you grow into a fine warrior, and we would benefit from a different point of view."

Mirestar is satisfied with their choices. More would follow in due time, but for now, they need trusted companions. Now all that's left is hope; hope that they would agree to joining them as new lead warriors after dutifully serving ShadowClan all this time. "What do you say?"

  • @Snowlark. @scalejaw ! CONGRATULATIONS !!
    This is PART TWO of the meeting; further ceremonies will be in the next post!
  • Love
Reactions: ixora and Rynnaroo

[ ༻❄༺ ] Seeing the relief flood through Mirestar's gaze made Snowlark relaxed a bit, despite their words of not making any guaranteed promises, the young warrior knew their former mentor would serve Shadowclan well, and Snowlark would make sure to protect their leader at all costs, because thats what one does.

Yet the meeting continues, the mention of Forestshade's depature brought on the means of needing moee lead warriors, and Snowlark's gaze scanned the crowd of cats to see who would be picked as Mirestar's new trusted advisors. First had been Scalejaw, someone which Snowlark could fully understand as Scalejaw had the experience and she always spoke with wisdom, yet the second cat to be chosen... was unsuspecting even to him, his yellow gaze wide in surprise. Him? A lead warrior? He was barely even a senior warrior at best, yet the words that Mirestar spoke made a warm bubbling feeling brew in his chest as he caught his breath.

He knew there will be a lof of expectations from the other clanmates now, a young lead warrior, something Snowlark had been trying to achieve since his apprenticeship and now hes gotten it. There was a moment of silence as he tried to catch his breath and dip his head, "I would be honored to be one of your lead warriors, Mirestar. Thank you" the boy breathed out, still facing the shock that Mirestar would even consider him in the first place. He only hoped that others would approve of their leader's choice of a young lead warrior.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, warrior of Shadowclan, 14 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


swallowflutter 13 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan warrior

When Mirestar calls for a meeting, Swallowflutter expects business as usually - and is sorely disappointed. Ears twitch as they speak, frowning - leafbare is here early, frost digging it's claws into camp. A battle with thunderclan, riverclan fighting at their side. Tail licks irritably at the news, though she admits to herself she is eager to fight, to feel blood on her paws as a warrior now.

' There is one more thing before we can continue to ceremonies.'

And oh, what more could their even be? Oh oh, is it bad. Smogstar is alive - has abandoned Shadowclan. And Mirestar has only eight livs. Theres a sharp inhale through grit teeth at the announcement, eyes narrowing in contemplation. 'Why did he get to keep his life?' she thinks, hardly noticing Scalejaws promotion.

And then, the bad news doesn't stop there, stars no - head turns lightning fast with a sharp pang of pain at the motion, horrified gaze landing on Snowlarks frame in disbelief. " What? That-, " words are barely more then a muffled hiss as pelt bristles, and Swallowflutter feels only burning rage at the announcement.

Snowlark has never been anything but a bully in Swallowflutters eyes - she refuses to have him lording over her as a lead warrior!

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( F A R F R O M B O R I N G )

  • Haha
Reactions: Snowlark.

A crowd grew around where the lilac rosette stood with Mirestar standing as a light to gather around. The chill that crept upon their spine cause her tail to fluff and bristle, and she tightly curled it around herself in a small attempt to insulate any remaining warmth. Her eye sought for the familiar faces of her Clanmates- Scalejaw, Snowlark, Ferndance- all vital moving pieces that they will need to keep ShadowClan alive in the coming moons.

Lilacfur returned to Mirestar with a smile that appeared so easily when she looked at them. A firm nod was said in her approval to finally take action against ThunderClan. Far too long their arrogance had been unchecked, long enough that they let a usurper rise above them. Playing as heroes of the forest for so long, pretenders even in the face of being confronted with murder. That or they were hiding it was one of their own, as that had the habit of occurring...

It isn't all Mirestar has to say. Lilacfur met their gaze, her lone eye beaming with encouragement. The truth slowly spilled from their maw- all of it. Smogstar still left alive somewhere beyond the marshes. A single life left to his name, whereabouts unknown from even their heavens. Mirestar still prevailed, even with one less life to their name, they are still graced with a -star in their ancestors approval.

Their Clanmates do not erupt in their fears and anger at the mottled leader. No, there is undeniable support and allegiance to the cat that stood before them and poured their honesty in blatant vulnerability. Mirestar was honest, lived to only be as good as their word, of course they could not keep this secret for long. And she was proud of them for it.

"Nine, eight or none, ShadowClan stands strong behind it's leader." As any faithful warrior would- should.

It his then her attention pulled from the words of her leader to look at the warriors he called upon: Scalejaw, Snowlark, vastly different from one another but perfect to balance the council Mirestar desperately needed to fulfill. They couldn't waste lives working themselves to the bone without it, not when there was still much to be done. Scalejaw was a name she had anticipated since Chilledstar still lived and breatehd upon the lichen under Mirestar's paws, and she was happy to see her work and dedication to ShadowClan recognized at last. Snowlark, however, was young. Not even seen a full seasons cycle more than once- she hoped the pressure would heighten his efforts and not break him.

"Scalejaw! Snowlark! Scalejaw! Snowlark!" The rosette chanted, rising to all four paws and shouting their names to the skies.


She is silent in the moments following her brief, silent, outburst. Orange eyes study her former apprentice up upon the leader's mound, and her ears twitch gently. More help? Good. A breath left her, taking her time to regain herself before the next monster came through. Mirestar's eyes find hers, and she finds her back stiffening at the thought of that. Her, as a lead warrior- season after season of her supporting as a senior warrior, and now she is lifted amongst the rest.

A slow breath followed, tail twitching behind her. Snowlark is the other choice that follows, but before she think of that, she must give her answer. Will she sit astride the council, to advise where there isn't age in the clan anymore besides her? "Mirestar- I accept. I hope to be of as much support as possible." To help, to not hurt. A balance that would be fine. Her eyes blinked momentarily, then shifted towards Snowlark. She studies for a long moment- vision shifted towards Salamandersnap, then-

Her ears begin to burn. Scalejaw has not been cheered for in moons, absolutely moons, and here comes cheers from Lilacfur and others. She cannot do anything but duck her head, tail twitching behind her as she wait for the calls to end.
  • "speech"
  • SCALEJAW 🌧 she/her, lead warrior of shadowclan, sixty-six moons.
    A SH black/LH blue smoke chimera with glowering orange eyes, tufts of fur that make her look dragon-akin, and scars that she wears with pride. motherly and stern attitude, with a warm streak for clanmates and a cruel streak for enemies.
    mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / mother to bonerattle, nightwhisper, and shadefall
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

જ➶ Quiet. As silent as the shadows that proceed them they slink toward the meeting. Gaze shifting up slightly to look upon the figure of their sibling. Another moon has gone by and another shall continue as they watch. There are no words that leave them as they listen. Shadowclan does not prepare to starve this leafbare. They are instead going to hit back against those that murdered Applejaw in cold blood. Thunderclan. A small realm of worry lingers in their gaze but they keep their maw shit given the circumstances. Everyone is ready to steep their claws in Thunderclan blood. Perhaps they are too. A rough breath leaves them at the notion. Is it wise to have injuries now that leaf bare rests upon the cusp? They don't know but taking territory will benefit thrm. So they nod. It will be. It has to be. "Thunderclan reaps what they sow." Afterall, what they heard about Flamestar's reaction says as much in the way of their guilt. Bristling and snapping like a kit under the full moon. Their tail sways back and forth then as things go on and their eyes narrow briefly.

Starclan only gave them eight lives because Smogstar is still alive. The idea makes them nervous agaib
eight is surely not better than nine. But they also know that having some lives is better than not having any at all. Perhaps this is a test from their starry ancestors. Maybe. "No matter the lives given, the clan will always stand with their leader. Should always." But does that ring true? Look at Sootstar for example. But they merely straighten their spine as they will not back down. With a gruff snort they then pull their ears forward as the announcement of two new leads arrives. Snowlark and Scalejaw. Both good picks and they raise their voice to congratulate them by name. "Scalejaw! Snowlark!"
*+:。.。 Singeglare shook his fur out against the chilly breeze, sniffing in disgust as he's forced to stand at attention rather than build some warmth through hunting or sparring. Still, something in the frigid air told him this was important, so here the tom cat stood, watching Mirestar closely. It doesn't take keen eyes to notice their discomfort and trepidation. It baffles Singeglare why - they're practically immortal, at least for eight lifetimes if they're careful about it - what could someone like a leader have to worry about, honestly? Singeglare huffs, scratching at an itch on the back of their ear as they listen to the meeting progress. He pauses, however, when Mirestar gets to the meat of it.

A war.

His eyes are instantly back on them, glittering with excitement. Finally! Finally, something to put Shadowclan's name in the forefront of outsiders' nightmares! He sneers at the idea of Flamestar giving herself away, opening her weakened clan up for vengeance as they rightfully deserved. Lashing his tail, he grinned in approval, already imagining what thunderclan prey might taste like.
Victory, probably.

Then, the revelation that Smogstar is alive.
Instantly, Singeglare is searching the crowd for Bloodwing and Halfsun, wondering of his friends' reactions. He can't help but feel a twine of grief imagining Smogstar returning to a camp empty of one daughter. The fool better not avoid being part of Shadowclan's raid...He grinds his teeth when Mirestar doesn't say anything about a search party or Starclan having any sort of lead to where Smogstar could've gone. For omniscient ghosts, they sure are useless!

Then, the worst news - Snowlark is promoted. Singeglare groans, already imagining the rank going to Shadowclan's resident buzzkill's head! Still, a part of him isn't surprised. For all his anti-social faults, the guy is one of the most hard working in the clan. He'll make for a good head of Shadowclan...but starclan, if that fool ever becomes deputy, Singeglare will gnaw his tail off!

    Cismale — He/him — Heterosexual
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowflutter, Sneezeduck)
    Shadowclan — warrior

    Physically medium | mentally somewhat easy
    Attack inbold #b8312f
    injuries: none

Sharpshadow settled beneath Clanrock with a shuddering breath. She hates how it mists in the open air. The cold itself takes precedent it seems... An announcement of early Leaf-bare makes her sway on her paws. Her chest tightens. Her muzzle scrunches... But Mirestar pauses on a confusing utterance. Something about this Leaf-bare being better than others. Wearily, Sharpshadow lifts her head; pricks her ears.

Oh- that old enemy. Not ThunderClan necessarily... but that forest, fought over before the clans had even been made. Bountiful with prey; herbs too, surely... And... would noble ThunderClan really slaughter a ShadowClan warrior just like that? Leave her to rot at the Thunderpath like that? Perhaps amidst the chaos, the Leadership changes... whatever it was they had apparently been dealing with beneath the noses of the other Clans...

She guesses that she doesn't really care so long as ShadowClan is fed. Chilledstar had done plenty of sitting... if murder is what it took for Mirestar to do something, then fine.

An alliance with RiverClan though- It startles her. RiverClan, full of prissy, well-fed prodigies? What could Mirestar have possibly offered them...?

Apprehension churns in her gut. She listens more closely than perhaps, she ever has. Mirestar has a second set of claws to rake them with, apparently. The Moonstone. Oh, Smogstar is alive.

Sharpshadow would never admit to anyone the flip her heart did. She hadn't thought about Smogstar's status, much... and... And that was by design. The thought of his death too devastating, the thought of his disappearance somehow worse. Ambiguous black space was hardly better, but it was... it had been some form of functional.

He's alive... And Sharpshadow can't feel relief, because he's still gone. Somewhere that even StarClan can't see. In a night— gone. Traceless, alive, but traceless. Could a thing like that not only happen with intention?

Did he leave them?

Murmurs rise amongst the crowd. Telling Mirestar it's alright, they're okay. Some Lead Warrior she was, because Sharpshadow couldn't possibly care. She couldn't possibly when Smogstar was still alive, but he was gone, gone. She's brought back to her first moon as his apprentice, when dark-striped paws had grazed the ShadowClan border. When he'd told her he was leaving, and it seemed like only by some miracle did he not.

Sharpshadow squeezes his eyes shut. The noise of the world drowns out around her. It's the worst thing in the world: that she didn't understand, and that she probably never would. Whatever else is said, he doesn't hear it.

Gigglepaw is always present at Clan meetings, not just out of duty, but out of a desire to learn all she can about the politics of the Clans, the state of their own Clan, what she might be able to do to help in any way she can. She expects big news each meeting, even if that isn't always promised - but here, now, Mirestar says they come bearing the kind of news that Gigglepaw has thought about from time to time, so she listens intently, ears perked up and forward as the leader delivers the news. And it leaves Gigglepaw stunned.

Smogstar is... is alive.

That's what Mirestar says. That they only received eight lives instead of nine because of that reason, but Gigglepaw is frowning, more deeply and noticeably than she intends to, at the sound of the words that leave her leader's mouth. If Smogstar was alive, then how come he hadn't come back? Had he truly abandoned them - like Salamandersnap had insinuated? But for what reason? Smogstar, as grumpy as Gigglepaw knew he could be, had every reason to stay. But he wasn't here now, and knowing that he was alive and not here... it changed things. Well, things had already changed when he'd gone missing, when they'd been set up in limbo by lack of knowing, but this felt more solid. It felt heavier.

The Clan takes in this new knowledge and responds with their support of Mirestar. And then Mirestar goes on with other ceremonies, as if they hadn't just dropped a bombshell on ShadowClan like that. Gigglepaw can feel her eyes misting, but she refuses to cry, sniffling quietly. It's too cold to cry, she tells herself. It's too cold for anyone to be on their own, like Smogstar and Forestshade are, now. Was something wrong with ShadowClan that she didn't know about that had everyone leaving?

"Oh... um... Snowlark! Scalejaw!" Gigglepaw heaves a sigh and remembers herself, remembers that she needs to cheer for the new members of ShadowClan's Council, now that it had dwindled down to shreds. This was rebuilding, wasn't it? ShadowClan would be alright... right?


⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ Mirestar stands upon the Clanrock, a pale imitation of a leader with muddy fur draped over their mortal body. The stars have granted their blessing, she knows. It still feels wrong. There is something about the leader that seems hollow, a warrior playing at divinity. Not maliciously, no - leadership cloaks them like an ill-fitting suit.

They feel just as hollow as they come to stand beneath him. Emptied out, their insides made room for nothing but leafbare chill.

They announce a war. It comes as little surprise. Sneezeduck catches her eye, something fiery flashing within him. Their own gaze is wide and glassy. He has purpose, they know. The same divinity which guides her paws leads his as well. They speak to him - and there is hope in that. Thunderclan reaps what they sow, Thrasherthroat says, and there is finality to the words. She nods slowly to Sneezeduck. "May they see the error of their ways..." She murmurs softly.

Justice. The spirits have demanded it, and Mirestar seeks to claim it. Her claws sink into the soft earth.

They speak her father's name. All the air is stolen from Swansong's lungs.

Smogstar lives.

They'd suspected as much, but the revelation still paralyzes them. It feels unfair - not the lying, but the reveal. The fact that all of these cats should be left to speculate, that Salamandersnap's taunting gaze searches for their own with a marked smugness... She wants to scream. They don't understand. They can never understand the grief, to be denied the solace of mourning.

He has gone were StarClan cannot see him. He has had eight lives torn from his body - they tremble at the thought - and bestowed upon a king with a lopsided crown.

He has gone where they cannot. He has severed the thin thread of fate. They feel sickeningly jealous.

Is it abandonment, as that loathsome warrior has suggested? They can hardly imagine it. To lose eight lives - he must be lucky to still walk.

Swansong feels outside of herself. "A kindness... That he should be spared..." Is it? Was it kindness when she lived, and her mother died? Is it kindness that Mirestar must stand forever in the shadow of the one who came before? Is it kindness to leave them with nothing but more questions? "Eight lives..." She speaks as though through the haze of dream, rehearsing a script she never learned. "The stars crown you nonetheless... And I trust that you shall lead us well..."

The council blooms with new warriors. She can hardly feel anything more than numbness. A raspy voice cheers the two names, and she can hardly hear it through the ringing in her ears.

  • 81294824_mjXd5ejx6RrZPyn.png
  • SWANSONG she / they, warrior of shadowclan, eighteen moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with tired blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogstar, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Mirestar awaits the responses with their heart trembling in their chest. Would either one of them decline? They cannot imagine Snowlark doing so; when a young tom is presented with such an opportunity, it would be almost foolish to turn and reject all that — though just like Lilacfur, Mirestar does wonder if the amount of responsibility would prove to be too much. Selfishly, Mirestar wants those they can trust beside them. They tell themself that Snowlark will do just fine.

And then of course... Scalejaw, the one they have to thank everything for. They surely would not be here atop the Clanrock if it hadn't been for her teachings. But in the same vein, she had been disappointed in them; entirely unamused by their reactions and the way they had handled Smogstar's departure and the beginning of their own untimely leadership. Her eyes had softened when they presented an apology and a promise to do better... but is all that enough? Will she refuse to humor their ideas until they prove themself to her, as if they are an apprentice again who is just waiting for their mentor to utter two simple words: warrior assessment?

In the end, they both agree, and Mirestar can breathe again.

"Then I welcome you both on this council. You are to serve ShadowClan and to protect them, no matter the cost." It feels cruel to ask that when these warriors only have one life to spare. A sharp smile cuts through the clouds of doubt and wonder.

Relief is palpable on their form; Mirestar's shoulders relax, their brows cease their furrowing, and their whiskers twitch with newfound ease. "Now, lastly, onto our apprentices." Mirestar finds the three 'paws with their gaze before speaking. "Gigglepaw, Stonepaw and Agatepaw."

The triple cases of reassignment are not without sadness. Gigglepaw is sure to feel the sting of Forestshade's departure the most, and both Stonepaw and Agatepaw have had a tough time with their own mentors.... the former deserves another, while the latter deserve better.

"Shalestorm. Your positivity and unbreakable spirit is just what Gigglepaw needs. I am confident you will be able to finish her training in Foresthade's place." Mirestar watches the new pair greeting one another; and they are unsure if they see the suggestion of tears in Gigglepaw's eyes or not... "Stonepaw. Your mentor has left much to be desired—" blue eyes sear through Frogwatcher's form, "—and so you will need someone with ambition and desire to bring you up to par with our warriors. Salamandersnap is perfect for the job." The she-cat in question is a formidable one, but Mirestar would be a fool not to see her capabilities. "And finally... Agatepaw, your case is much the same as Stonepaw's. Swansong's intelligence and patience is sure to be enough for the last few moons of your apprenticeship." Swansong, with her ever-animated yet languid air around them... Mirestar sees her support, and thanks it with an appreciative blink.

Their nose twitches with the exhale they let out. Finally, finally... everything that had weighed on their heart is now out in the open, there for others to hold onto instead of just themself. Even with the frost and the promise of battle looming on the horizon, Mirestar feels an inkling of confidence for the first time since their ascension. "Thank you for your acceptance, ShadowClan. Let us focus on keeping ourselves warm and fed, shall we?" And with that, they conclude the meeting.

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The remainder of the meeting seemingly passes in a slow drag, the disappointment quickly masked when she isn't asked to join Mirestar's council. Had she not done enough for the clan? Was she not good enough? Did Mirestar and the other lead warriors just not like her enough? She knew that the others didn't care for her much, but she worked tirelessly for the good of the clan. However, her attention was caught by the words Mirestar spoke next. She was getting an apprentice? Maybe I am doing something right... "Thank you Mirestar. I'll do my best to teach Stonepaw all that I know." Dipping her head respectfully to the leader, she moves to congratulate Scalejaw and Snowlark, before moving to join her apprentice.
  • ooc: ic opinions!! congrats y'all on the promotions!!
  • 90108085_UMTjJ0IbSLQRnyW.png
    ✶ salamandersnap. warrior of shadowclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤafab female, she/her | bisexual, single
    ㅤ25 moons old | ages every 00/19/00
    ㅤwarrior | mentoring stonepaw
    ㅤlong-haired black smoke
    ㅤnpc xx npc | close with none
    ㅤwritten by halimede, ic opinions | tags
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