no love, no dice | hunting patrol




"Canarywatchee, Frostbite, and yes even you Wolverinefang. It's time for our hunting patrol. Iur best bet for prey right now is mainly the Careionplace. But we have to be careful, rats swarm the area but since it's cooling down there should be lazy ones about. We might even be able to find fresh twoleg food." Her eyes narrow suddenly as she recalls what Twilightfall said before she died. She doesn't need another dead warrior. "If the rat looks sick, don't mess with it. Some might have gotten into dangerous twoleg stuff." She then motions her tail to the three given that she is the lead to their posse. Her jaws part as cold wind blows past them when she exits the camp. Her paws press against soft ground as she ventures further into the marshlands. Tilting her head she looks up to the tall pines. Some still blackend by the recent fire.

The way to the carrionplace is a good distance but she knows that they can keep together. Slipping along boggish ground she keeps to to drier land and soon they come upon the silver linked barrier. With a frown she finds the hole they always use and she squeezes underneath it and into the reeking junkyard where dead monsters watch with dead eyes. Piles of trash line the place. With monster paws thrown around. It is here that they will have to keep hunting to survive the coming leafbare as sad as it is. "Fan out but stick two with two. Never be alone."


Oh carrionplace his beloathed.....

The stench of the place was an assault on his nose. He couldn't help but wrinkle it and grimace. Twolegs we're such dirty things. Look at all this stuff. What did they even need it for.


He squeezes under the fence after Bonejaw and looks around, pretending he didn't just hear her say to buddy up.

Did he have to? Did he have to spend social energy?

It was for the best, he supposed....He wasn't going to pick first, though. He simply looked at everyone else and waited for them to choose.

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Black ears twitched as she heard Bonejaw call for a hunting patrol to the carrionplace and her ear twitched, it was the best place for the moment with the frost that bit the air and the shift of the warmth that slowly seeped itself away, and the cold touching itself to the land that they called home, warning them of the bitter winter ahead. Frostbite did not seem all to keen on going but, this was their best option.

She followed close behind the medicine cat, as she warned them to look out for sick rats and ocean blue eyes glittered softly as she kept that in mind with a soft hum. And then they were to partner up into pairs of two, she was about to offer up to Bonejaw to be partners but Frostbite was also seemed to be searching so a soft sigh slipped from her maw as she went to stand near the other. "We can pair up if you wish" she said coolly, whiskers twitching as her gaze looked at the other with apathy.

I've no time for confession
'Yes, even you Wolverinefang.' What a horrific thing to hear and perhaps it's karma for all the of other patrols he's dodged to end up having to go to the carrionplace, of all options. That dump is even gross to a bug eater like him and at first Wolverine wonders if he can get away with pretending he didn't hear only to give up with a ragged sigh. The tom drags his long form up, trying to clear up his blaisé expression. Maybe it won't be that bad.

It's that bad. The scent makes Wolverine silently gag as they all head through the strange hard net and he ends up having to wiggle extra to get his flank through. Since he's the last through the fence, he completely misses the opportunity to avoid bossy Bonejaw and pair up with another lovely lady. Muttering under his breath about Frostbite being lucky, the tom turns and moves to the striking medicine cat's side. "Looks like it's me and you. Don't jump too high for joy, eheh." His own joke makes him smile but it's all temporary as his maw pulls tight against the stench. Must be all these dead monsters stinking up the place.

It's had to differentiate smells when everything just wreaks but soon, he does find the pungent scent of strange meat. Salty, clinical, it's mush leaking out of an old punctured tin. "Might be good for kits?" Wolve reaches out to paw it forward only to jerk his arm back on a hiss as a fat, grease-coated rat squeezes itself out of the opposite end of the can. Damn, beat them to it. Wolverinefang tries to salvage the situation by slapping his paw down onto the food wet beast but misses. "Headed your way!" He calls out to whoever is in the scurrying creature's path.
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