border NO MORE BIRTHDAYS ✿ thunderclan patrol


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Once most of the apprentices from the den had finished healing it was time that Gentlestorm pulled them aside to help him gather herbs, a distraction for himself, and hopefully it distracts those that had recently lost their parents as well who had been friends to him. He had taken Palefire and Burnstorm to escort him with the four apprentices which he appreciates and makes him believe that they could cover more ground with the extra eyes, steady pawsteps guide them to the border near Shadowclan. He briefly glances across the asphalt river that splits their territories beginning to ponder how Magpiepaw and Starlingheart are doing though he focuses on the group that's had been walking behind him the entire time. Gentlestorm parts his jaws after clearing his throat and speaks "Alright, what we're looking for today is marigold and poppy seeds." He pauses to let them take in his words only to continue with a curt nod, "I'm sure you all remember what marigold and poppy seeds look like. If you don't, well, they're vibrant orange flowers and poppy seeds are small black seeds. We'll search for oak leaves and wood sorrel while we're here too."

One of his ears flick as he glances to Burnstorm and Palefire for a quick heartbeat "Wood sorrel are heart shaped leaves with yellow or white flowers, " Gentlestorm finishes and hopes that they know what an oak leaf looks like seeing as he doesn't want to keep droning on about herbs especially since the warriors could likely care less about the weeds themselves. "You are to stay close to either warrior accompanying us today or me. Don't wander and keep away from the Thunderpath." The medicine cat stands there for a heartbeat or two knowing that he'll end the trip out of camp quick if anything goes wrong and doesn't want to tire out the apprentices out too much, a snowy paw sweeps over the ground briefly as honey hued eyes sweep across the apprentices. "Any questions?" He decides to say, in case, any of them did have one or two that he would be willing to answer.

/ @BURNSTORM @PALEFIRE @sunshinepaw @bravepaw : ̗̀➛ @joypaw @vixenpaw. ; but no need to wait for them to post ;]


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
It was a strange feeling, being one of the warriors chosen to escort the group of apprentices that had been in the owl attack. Especially with Joypaw here, one of the injured, one of those sentenced to help Gentlestorm as a form of punishment. He was meant to receive his warrior name at the same meeting that she had, but he'd been held back because he'd participated in the owl hunt. At first, she thought she'd done the right thing, hanging back and alerting the older warriors to the other apprentices' plan. She thought she'd escaped trouble, and was glad that she'd still received her name on time.

Little did she know, Joypaw and Lovepaw had inadvertently escaped making what was without a doubt a far worse mistake, because of that punishment. If she had the chance to do things differently, she would. But she was here now, helping Gentlestorm and Burnstorm keep an eye on the former patients in an effort to restock their herb stores. With how much they'd used in recent days, it was definitely needed. As they approached the Thunderpath her ears swiveled subtly, trying to listen to Gentlestorm's instruction while also continuing to pay attention to their surroundings. She still didn't feel truly safe.

"Wood sorrel are heart shaped leaves with yellow or white flowers." She gave a quick nod to the medicine cat, smiling slightly as she turned to face him. "Understood. I'll keep an eye out." And not just for the herbs. Her skin crawled a bit at the idea of being responsible for more lives, but she knew with a certainty that she would never fail in that regard again. Her gaze flickered briefly across all the faces of those present, especially the youngest. She'd keep them safe. In the meantime, she wanted to help. Ducking her head, blue eyes scanned the leafy undergrowth, looking for the plants Gentlestorm had just described.
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Sunshinepaw stands in a spot of dappled sunlight, soaking the warmth into his knitted fur whilst listening to the eldest of them there. He recalls this border vaguely enough - never being the sort to remember these things, he's surprised he's committed some of it to memory - however beyond the shaded, murky land before them, he can't recall too much. He almost wishes Mousenose were here, but the thought of his sister bearing down on him and his forgetful memory makes him frown. Remembering her pushes him to think of his other sister, his father, the deceased, the tragedy... and unlike most, he dwells. Dismissing pain is something he's all too used to, but the image of his father being a hero mercilessly is forever burned into his mind. He cannot forget it, even if he wanted to.

"This is... ShadowClan's border...?" he tries, figuring the thunderpath as it's signifier. He stands awkwardly, far from its edge but staring over warily. His sight fumbles and blurs and he cannot focus on much, especially with the unending darkness stretching into the swamplands, but he tries. After a beat, the scarred apprentice asks, "Is this the only place poppy seeds are... found?" ShadowClan has had issues with some of their former Clanmates - names and situations elude him but he's heard that they're nothing to mess with. Perhaps it'd be safer to not linger so closely.​

[ ༻❄༺ ] Thunderclan once more at the borders of their clan and Shadowclan's, a normal site to peer upon and yet. With the injury of the two younger apprentices Snowpaw still felt at edge. Sticking close to @Scorchedmoon their stubby tail swished before they peered from the shadows, pale fur stained with mud to help her blend better in the greening land that the sun began to provide.

Yellow eyes trained on the thunderclanners before glancing towards Sunshinepaw, who appeared to be around the same age as her and yet, grotesque scars marked their face, shrewned about that made Snowpaw wrinkle her nose slightly, flicking her nicked ear a bit. She recognized Palefire from their last encounters but for now their attention was on Sunshinepaw. "Your scars are... horrendous, what happened?" she stated flatly. Perhaps at one time Sunshinepaw did have a nice... face, but now? They look terrible.

"They don't... do you any justice." she commented. Snowpaw had seen many scars from the warriors and apprentice alike in her own clan and yet none made them appear as ugly as Sunshinepaw's own. Pausing she glance at the others warily. Wondering if they should warn them of the recent attack that had happened and to keep their eyes out, since it was a bunch of apprentices with two warriors and by the scent that clung to the third, she doubt he was a warrior himself.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 7 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

. ° ✦ As promised by Howlingstar, they were meant to help Gentlestorm replace every leaf and seed used on their countless injuries and treatment. Bravepaw shuffled his paws along in an awkward slump, staying close so he wouldn't get lost as they ventured in a part of the forest he hadn't been to.

ShadowClan, Sunshinepaw said, and Bravepaw's whiskers twitched as he began to associate the border with the strong scent from the pavement. Keep away from the Thunderpath? "What's a Thunderpath?" The chocolate tabby tilted his head and glanced back to the wide gap between the forests. "Is it that thing? What's it for?"

These were questions he would have asked Sunfreckle, he realized sadly, and grew quiet once again.

A ShadowClanner from the other side appeared and Bravepaw softly gasped under his breath. In all his imagination of what a ShadowClan cat would be like, Snowpaw certainly fit the description as she through a horrendous insult towards Sunshinepaw. He stood beside his denmate with a huff of air, puffing out his chest. All the dragging sadness in his body disappeared in seconds.

"We fought an owl and won, slime-face! What can you say you've ever done?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.

Lilacfur flicked some fallen pine needles from her tail as she padded alongside the patrol. The chatter from the ThunderClan side of the Thunderpath drew closer, and through sheer curiosity the molly lingered just a bit to see who would emerge from the thick undergrowth. A pale fluffy face appeared, with the entourage of quite a number of apprentices. Out of them all she only recognized Gentlestorm and Burnstorm, the latter mostly due to the fact they stood at the same rank.

"Are these all your apprentices, Gentlestorm?" She mused from her spot, before promptly eating her words once Snowpaw instigated with the other apprentices. She looked to Scorchedmoon first, curious how or if her denmate would correct Snowpaw before turning the other cheek. Maybe she had truly been lucky @CATERPILLARPAW. had a similar kindness as herself.

"After Halfpaw attacked that one cat, this should go well." She would mutter.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
  • Like

Moving towards the border, the cinnamon tabby's gaze widened at the number of apprentices that followed the ThunderClanner. She didn't know Gentlestorm to be ThunderClan's medicine cat, though, with the patrol's noses in the flowers, it was easy enough to guess. Snowpaw proclaimed a cat's scars to be horrific and, as the warrior circled closer, Ferndance could see it for herself - part of their mouth had been permanently revealed by a talon if Bravepaw's story was to be believed. His pupil seemed off, perhaps not quite sightless, but close enough. It was then when she noticed different scars upon the other chimera, and a sickly feeling began to creep into her belly. She looked to Lilacfur and, when it became clear the other wouldn't step in despite her Lead Warrior status, Ferndance moved forwards. "I think that's quite enough," Ferndance mewed quietly, nudging Snowpaw. A glance was offered to Scorchedmoon, seeking permission to correct his apprentice, then, deciding to do it anyway before a fight broke out. "It's... really weird to be mean about someone's appearance. There are better things to insult cats over." Her eyes fell onto the patrol leader again, wary with accusation.

"They're quite young to have fought an owl by themselves. That one barely looks six moons." Though her tone was gentle, she expected an explanation. Ferndance thought of her own daughter, the recklessness displayed to spite a code and found her frown laced with empathy for the near-kits.

Sunshinepaw's gaze had lingered on Gentlestorm, almost careless to the thunderpath and the patrol across it. His attention flutters over, in an almost wobbly sense, when he hears the voice of another. Scars, she mentions, and Sunshinepaw blinks at first. Although his eyesight is ruined, he almost forgets the mess strewn across his face. Snowpaw looks directly at him, though, as she speaks, and he frowns. It hurts him more than he thinks it does, but the world doesn't give him time to grieve the mistake of existing - Bravepaw makes certain that he has other things to worry about.

"Hey," he chirps, "Bravepaw, it's okay." Sunshinepaw taps his plush tail to his friend's flank, bringing his uneven gaze back over the border. More blobs of cats have arrived, and he offers an equally airy, "Not all kittens have manners, after all." Perhaps ShadowClan wasn't too keen on teaching their apprentices kindness of the borders. He smiles regardless, though Ferndance's questioning makes him uncomfortable. He looks towards the warriors present, keeping the reddish-brown apprentice at his side.​