private No more than I was ❧ Twitchbolt

It had only been freshly after the snow began to melt when Florabreeze had joined SkyClan. She likes to think she's learnt a lot since then, that she's become stronger, a more mature woman. Still prone to her fits of whimsy and passion, following wherever that breeze took her. At first, it stumbled her into the paws of a patrol, lead by- "Twitchbolt! You're not walking faster after I called out to you, are you?" He's very clearly not but she thought it was funny to try and catch him in something that he wasn't the culprit of. Her aimless wondering around camp picks up into a trot as she moves to walk alongside the deputy. "Wanna take a stroll with me?" She considers to call it a patrol, maybe in some ways it can be. A small hunting patrol perhaps, to catch whatever scraps of prey that haven't been exhausted yet. Truthfully she just wishes to talk with him, opportunities missed in the past and hey she's feeling sentimental right now.

Snow crunches beneath large paws as she lets her eyes wonder across the landscape in front of them. To keep an eye out for prey of course, but to also just admire it. It can be so easy to be swept up in the doom and gloom, as it should be. She knows these are serious matters, she treats them with the respect they deserve. Yet she can't help but try and strive for a balance between that and admiring the territory they have, the life SkyClan is leading. "It's easy to forget how pretty the snow looks when it's so dreary all the time" there is a wistful sigh as her gaze falls back onto the SkyClan deputy. She had met him with bristling fur and a lash of a tail, defending a clan he loves. And she had last seen him do the same thing at the council meeting, it is easy to admire him. To admire his fire, the push back he has, the strength that is required to do that. Every Lead Warrior carries it too, she's just coincidentally seen it the longest within him.

"I admire you Twitchbolt" she decidedly meows, a bright smile dimming into something a little more serious. Whiskers twitching in the gust of wind that greets them, bouncing betwixt the gaps of the cluster of pines surrounding them. "You speak your mind, you're strong but not mean about it" stars know SkyClan is full of cats who like to speak their mind. Strong but they don't have the care to craft their words right, to have diplomacy alongside the steel. "I think that's impressive, since I joined I thought you're pretty cool" she is hasty in brushing it off. Sweep formality away with the gust of the wind and replacing it with casual light heartedness.

  • m2N73tg.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 39 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
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An accusation, flung right at him- "Huh? 'Course not!" His defense was given before he really caught the smile written on Florabreeze's face, a trace of humour that ... probably betrayed she had only been joking. A sigh depressed his shoulders, embarrassment a brush of thistle upon his cheeks. Her offer earned a dip of his head, a little flustered in the hurrying of his footsteps to keep time with her strides. A stroll would be nice, and maybe... maybe a mouse would stumble into their paws, or two.

They probably looked like a funny pair. Scruffy and short, who would think he was the deputy, stood next to someone tall and smooth-furred who walked with such purpose, and found her words so easily? The flutter of the snow earned his admiration, too- the same way it always did, a softness upon his face. Predictable in the darkening of the clouds, unmistakable swelling of the air. "I always notice," he hummed. "But I'm weird for getting excited about blizzards, I know ..."

Wind thrashed against his knotted fur, but Florabreeze's unexpected compliment hit him perhaps twice as hard. No part of him could control the hanging of his jaw, the widening of his eyes, fangs draped agape. "Oh, uh- thanks. T-took ... took a whole bunch of time to get to that point, hah..." His humour was fragile, a precarious wobbling. He remembered nights steeped in cowardice, unable to tell anyone that they'd upset him. "Glad you didn't meet me when I was an apprentice. You... you definitely wouldn't think I'm cool." Stars knew, that was the reason so many had met his appointment as deputy with bafflement. Cool ... would it be stupid to say he would rather be ignored? Yes. certainly... and unkind, he reminded himself. It was unkind to so relentlessly doubt.
penned by pin ✧