private no need to theorize .. bobbie

At some point she had stopped paying attention to who's paws she was keeping in time with. As they mulled through their journey, Hazecloud found herself deep within her own trail of thoughts as they weaved from one thing to another. A distant gaze was set downward, not paying attention to the shift in who's paws trudged ahead or beside her. The distinct scent of RiverClan had begun to fade from their coats just enough that Hazecloud was finding difficulty telling if they were near or far. Now they had been mingling alongside one another so long, tracing each others steps across so many different plains that she wondered if their scent had all become one in its own. Their own distinct Clan-scent of travelers.

At some point the thread of her thoughts had run out and she shifted her focus to her surroundings once again. They were all scattered about now, Iciclefang off with some of the other ThunderClan warriors, Fernpaw with some in SkyClan. She can't find Dovethroat or Mosspaw among the throng immediately, but for once her heart does not lurch at the fact. She took note of it, but they had been through enough already separate from one another... Was she beginning to trust these other Clans would not leave her Clanmates in the dust? Of course they had provided aid at the bridge, but that was because she knew RiverClan was not selfish. They were righteous and Just.

The cats of ShadowClan had showed mercy leading every single cat through the darkness instead of continuing on their own. It may have been easier for them if they had, but they chose to help those staggering behind.

Her thoughts had nearly drawn her back in before a peculiar dusty coat has her attention beside her. She noticed the she-cat is of SkyClan, she's familiar... oh yes! "You're... Bobbie, right? I think I've seen you on our border a bit, with Blazestar." Particularly during the exchange of Robinpaw's return. How messy that had been.

Her head lowered as her voice turned into a hush. "I know SkyClan hasn't been the most popular during this, but I think Blazestar, and your Clan, have been incredibly noble." Her head quickly lifted up once again and her volume returned to normal. "So, I'm curious to know, how did you come across SkyClan? What about our lifestyle made you come into it?" Its foreign to her, the option to simply become a warrior. Her parents had made that decision for her and her littermates. While Hazecloud would never fathom a life where they had remained kittypets, she liked to believe if they hadn't that she would have found her way in anyhow.

-- @bobbie

in a similar manner to hazecloud, bobbie has long quit trying to stick to her own clanmates' pelts like a burr. the fact of the matter was, it hadn't been skyclanners who'd pulled her dripping from the river or guided her through the darkness of the caves, and loath as some might be to confront that reality, she wasn't. she's fine to keep her paws in line with those that aren't quite so gray and cracked from climbing, or legs that aren't as muscled along the shoulders from a lifetime of tree-hopping.

it's almost as though they've become one big clan for this short time, sleeping in a big group and sharing catches (some did, anyways). journeyclan, what a funny name, she thinks with amusement, finally zoning back in to take note of the cats around her. her own clanmates are scattered like grass seeds from a bird's carrying talons, mingled with the other clans—some chatting, some merely walking in contented or sullen silence alongside their journeymates.

bobbie finds herself striding alongside an ashen-pelted cat bearing distinct traces of fish and reeds and foreign river-scent, the clan she'd accompanied blazestar to the border of to return their wayward apprentice. to her own surprise, the riverclanner greets her without a trace of disdain or a wrinkled nose at her collar, and bobbie offers a tentative smile. the tabby confirms, "i'm bobbie, yes. pretty difficult name to miss in this group," she remarks with wry humor, nodding and clarifying, "he's been showing me the steps of clan life, a little, so i come along on his patrols."

she's not ashamed of the admission, anymore. if anycat wants to view her as an overgrown apprentice, so be it—the fact of the matter was all their paws were needed on this journey. sage-green eyes squint, recalling someone else calling to this particular warrior during the bridge ordeal. bobbie mews, "and you're hazecloud, right?" her muzzle curves with private amusement, and she adds, "tell me if i'm wrong, please—i've never been much good with names."

abruptly, the riverclanner's head dips, voice dwindling to a hush. it's as though she's ashamed as she professes admiration for skyclan and its leader. noble, huh, bobbie thinks, and though hazecloud seems a touch embarassed to admit it, she doesn't mind. hell, she'll take nobility any day the way the windclanners act around here....

"oh, uh, thanks? ah, i—" she blinks, weighing how much to divulge to the stranger. then again, she'll certainly be asked this more than once at this rate, so bobbie explains, "i was attacked, uh, attacked by dogs out in the loner lands. a skyclan patrol found me, treated me, took me to their camp....." she trails off, finds herself again, continues, "at first it was just gratitude to them that made me want to stay. i owe them my life, the lives of my kits back home—they even gave me a safe place to raise them."

"but when i saw how the warriors lived in the clans, by a code, with duty, purpose, with.....with honor—" she pauses, thinking of how to phrase her next words. really, she's still parsing out her own thoughts on the subject, then finishes, "—i knew then i wanted to become a warrior once my kits were apprenticed. so, here i am." she half-shrugs as they continue walking, blinking sheepishly and remarking, "sorry, i went a little overboard on the explanation there."


  • 6TR0CBJ.png
    bobbie ; warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 40 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    bobbie is a kittypet-born skyclan warrior who would die for her clan regardless of whose blood runs through her veins. perpetually self-assessing, she often finds herself short of who she wants to be. skyclan gossip, if it's to be believed, hints at something more than friendship between her and blazestar.

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There's immense relief and joy as Hazecloud came to find Bobbie is just the kind of cat she preferred company with. Someone that talked, and talked enough that she didn't feel annoying for saying so much herself. Something with the way this speckled molly spoke had her reminiscing her time spent with RiverClan's queens (which would soon be confirmed as Bobbie's former rank) between her duties. Eager to share tongues with someone able to go beyond their little island, and of course Hazecloud knew she was an even better conversationalist when sharing a meal.

"I like it. Your name- I didn't have a typical warriors name for most of my life but, yes, it's Hazecloud." She revealed casually to ease whatever tension Bobbie might have. Unlike some of their journeymates the presence of Bobbie's collar was the least of her worries and obviously she was able to conduct typical warrior tasks without issue from it. It could have been worse, she could have had those twinkling shiny bells that were often attached to such items.

Bobbie lamented on her experience with a pack of dogs and she visibly winced. The fact she had even survived such an ordeal was quite admirable. It lit up her soft green gaze, listening intently for more. The misty-furred she-cat wouldn't even guess she was capable of doing the same, her claws not much use for anything other than hooking fish. Then even after all of that she remained, willing to face more dangers unknown for her saviors.

"It's quite the fairytale beginning to a new life." Even her kittens had been given a new purpose to their lives- it sounded familiar to her own start in the marsh colonies. "I don't think I've ever faced against anything except another cat. Even then I'm sure there's plenty fights I'd lose there... you're very brave, Bobbie, and your kits! If they're even partial to you, I'm sure they'll come to represent SkyClan just as proudly." Hazecloud paused though just for the briefest moment. "What was it like, raising them and letting them go to their mentors?"