it was time, yet again, for another meeting. with the next gathering fast approaching, chilledstar found themself thinking a lot more. this clan needed a few good things to happen to them, and they needed to be brought together. solidarity and loyalty was important to clans, and chilledstar wanted to have that over the other clans. above all, they wanted shadowclan to be loyal to one another. and they wanted to hone in on some of their more unknown skills. with a lash of their tail, they climbed up the rock, twitching their ears and calling out.

"shadowclan! it is time for a meeting!"

they moved to gently scrap their claws, eyes narrowing into the crowd of gathering cats. it was time for change. change that pitchstar wouldn't have given them, in his insane ramblings. change that chilledstar would have, whether the clan liked it or not.

//everything will be written in the next post !!
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Tornadowpaw trudged over with her head low and limbs moving at a slow cumbersome pace. Plopping down with a huff she glanced up briefly at Chilledstar upon their perch before looking away. She hoped this meeting would pass by quickly because starclan knew she didn't want to be here amongst everyone else. Ears angle off to the side as the laperm crouches low to the ground, staring off with tired, distant eyes.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
Granitepaw moves reluctantly towards the Clanrock as Chilledstar calls for a meeting. He's still irritable about the last meeting, the broken alliance, sworn enemies with WindClan and now ThunderClan too, but he supposes there's nothing to be done about it. Chilledstar is right about some things -- the forest will always use ShadowClan as its scapegoat.

He knows what that feels like.

The gray-pelted tom sits a few foxlengths from Tornadopaw. He eyes the curly-furred she-cat almost smugly, remembering their last encounter with a glint in one emerald eye.

જ➶ Slowly the long limbed tom makes his way towards the meeting. His dual colored orbs focus slightly on Chilledstar before he noticed Tornadopaw. Debating he shifts gears given the listless look in her eyes and he makes his way to sit with her. She had, afterall, just lost her mother so why not give some company. He sits and gives a small grin, jaws flexing teeth before he finally looks back to his leader. Alright time for a meeting.
TAGS — Silkbreath finds his way to Ferndance's side, tail tip resting at her flank, rallied by Chilledstar's call. There's a tense aura to them-- but Silkbreath sits with a dreamy grin, as if miles away from here.​

The torbie heard the call in the midst of what was beginning to be a rather nice doze, not quite sleep but somewhere inbetween being alert and being lost in a comforting haze; the temptation to ignore it was very strong but eventually Halfshade rose with a yawn and a languid stretch, curled tail rising up in the air behind her before properly pulling herself to full height and clambering down the warm rocks to the cold, loamy, earth to join the other cats already meandering around near Chilledstar's perch. Whatever could this meeting be? She had no clue and honestly rousing from her contentment might have been a waste of effort on her part, but her idle curiousity was always stronger than anything else. Being in the know was important, after all, if a cat didn't know what was going on around their world at all times they were a fool. ShadowClan kept to itself, but it didn't need to ignore everything. Maybe this was about WindClan? Maybe they were on neutral terms again and she didn't have to fret over those odd moorland cats gutting them in their sleep. Bunch of weirdos honestly. Maybe this meeting was about throwing Betonyfrost out-that would be nice. Every time she saw the gray molly in the nursery she felt her stomach twist with displeasure and perhaps a touch of jealousy. She'd put work into cleaning that out in prepatation for newleaf and for herself at some point and to see the other she-cat there first was a twist of a claw right in her side. Irritating.
Halfshade lashed her tail, dismissing her poor mood and rampant thoughts and finally found a spot to sit where she could continue grooming her fur as she listened with room to stretch.

The call of a familiar voice wakes Eeriepaw from his own snoozing. Large ears twitch as a dark gaze looks towards Chilledstar atop the rock - another meeting being called by his mentor's friend. Blinking away sleep, the night-furred tom takes a moment before rising, spindly limbs padding over to the gathering ShadowClanners. He settles among the crowd, waiting for the leader's announcements to begin.
Theres a too-quick beating heart in her chest whenever Chilledstar calls forth the clan. A meeting, and a meeting in which Orchid knew exactly what was gonna happen. Tulipkit sat besides her, beaming, and Orchid only deflates further. Oh, oh man, what was she to do? She didn't want to become an apprentice! She wanted to go back in to the nursery and curl up with Mama, but Mama and Papa sat next to each other, just behind them, and Orchid could only imagine their smiles of pride.

Who is she to deny them the happiness of seeing their daughter become an apprentice? Would she... have ever been able to make a scene to be pushed back? Orchid stays quiet in silent seething, feeling like she was right about to just pass out and die on the spot with how fast her head was rushing.
Upon their leader's call, the quiet hybrid pulls away from cleaning up the dens, a little dust and dirt clinging to their pale fur. They shook the majority of it off, putting off grooming themself until after the meeting had ended, curious to find out what would be said.

Bloodhound lingered near the back of the gathering crowd, ears perked to listen, but keeping to themself. The begal sat, tail curled around their legs, glancing at the back of their clanmates' heads. A quiet mental tally of who had come.

Finally, their gaze turns to Chilledstar, newly coronated and brimming with Starclan's blessings. May they walk with them, step by step.

Ghostpaw is among them, something in between nobody and somebody. He's thought more lately than he feels like he ever has. He feels the same. Thinks the same. But distantly, he's aware of his own ceremony incoming. It doesn't feel real. Feels like it shouldn't be, for some reason. He looks the same as ever, though, staring straight ahead. His gaze falls on Granitepaw. No reason, none... But... he'd be a warrior soon too, wouldn't he?

Ghostpaw shuffles his feet, waiting to hear whatever it was Chilledstar would say.
❪ TAGS ❫ — It was still strange, seeing Chilledstar in Pitchstar's place, but he was getting used to them being in charge of things around here. The former leader had been in a downward spiral for a long while, ever since Briarstar's passing, and at least he would finally be at peace hunting among the stars.

Roosterstrut padded over to where the masses were gathering and took a seat, resting olive hues onto the bi-toned leader for further announcements.

the leader watched with silent eyes as the clan gathered, making a note of those who appeared before them. hmph. their claws gently scrapped against the tick that they stood so carefully on, eyes narrowed at their clan. so many faces, so many different opinions.

"settle. we have a few things discuss before we get to the ceremonies so listen closely. as we all know, we are allies to none, but enemies to none other than windclan. while I would have preferred to remain neutral, the rabbit munchers' leader is as crazy as three legged frog in the middle of leafbare so it did not work, despite my efforts."

they slowly hummed before continuing on.

"but it matters not. no matter how disconnected we may be from the other clans, we still have different means of maintaining the information we need from them. thus, we will be beginning night training more frequently. this is required of every single shadowclanner and if you don't like it– I don't actually give a fuck. our ability to adapt to night time and the darkness works in our favor. we may not be fully up to our brute strength, just yet, but we can use our sneakiness to our advantage. plus, this gives all of us changes to rely on each other a bit better. I know all of you have the means to be sneaky slither adders. use it against other clans, and use it wisely. you cannot sneak up against the sneakiest."

with a flick of their tail, they breathed out air.

"we've lost a few cats this past moon... we mourn each of them dearly as they take their journies to starclan, to ensure that the starpelts watch over us. and speaking of, it seems our medicine cat has been... blessed with a prophecy. one we are still discussing. it goes shadowclan may hunt more freely with wild garlic. it is not to be plucked, but to be rolled in. starclan has also stated they have not abandoned us. we shall see just how much they mean it."

with a grunt, they groomed down their chest fur, wincing slightly at the gentle wind that brushed through their coat, making them recoil ever so slightly.

"now. for the ceremonies. orchidkit, tulipkit, and raggedkit. please step forward. do each of you promise to learn fully from your mentors, and do everything in your power to become good and strong warriors of shadowclan?"

they wait momentarily for the confirmation.

"very well. from this moment on, you will be known as orchidpaw, tulippaw and raggedpaw. orchidpaw, forestshade has requested that you become her apprentice. i trust my former apprentice shall treat you well. tulippaw, your mentor will be pineneedle. and raggedpaw, your mentor shall be adderbite. learn fast and learn well, young ones, for the forest is not forgiving."

they nod their head to the mentors, though they are aware forestshade cannot see. they would have to congratulate her later.

"tornadopaw. seems that you are in need of another mentor. that mentor shall be me. we can talk more after the meeting, yes? alright. meeting dismissed. if you have anything you need, you know where to find me."

they give a brief nod to the clan before descending the rock, stretching out their limbs with a dramatic yawn, briefly bumping into geckoscreech before turning to tornadopaw, and touching their nose to her ear.


they flicked their tail, gesturing towards their den.

//pls pls pls let me know if I missed anything 😭 I don't think I did but fjsbns
If you don't like me, that's your problem
A flint coat catches her attention, followed by a smug grin and haughty glance. Granitepaw. She scowls at him, the bridge of her nose wrinkling as she remembers their argument and tussle. Shame burns the thick curls of her pelt as she quickly averts her gaze, embarrassment washing anew. Before long the meeting is underway and Tornadopaw's mind drifts elsewhere. Chilledstar's voice is low, droning as they speak of...something. It was hard to focus when she felt as if she were drowning in a pool of her own pity and self doubt. More cats file in, a blur of moving limbs and figure before yellow eyes as they settle down to listen.

"Tornadopaw." Startled, Chilledstar's call brings her back to reality. Citrine eyes blinking to sharpen the previously muddled image of the world around her. "Yes?" The response was immediate, moving to straighten her posture somewhat rather than continuing the hunched over crouch she previously found herself in. How long have they called her name? She wasn't sure. The dual toned leader points out that yet again she is in need of a mentor and Tornadopaw's gaze finds the ground. This would mark her third reassignment. Surely others would begin to wonder why she could never seem to keep a mentor by now.

A frown pulls at her maw, the full extent of it faltering as Chilledstar announces themselves as her new mentor. She was unsure of what to expect, but it certainly was not that. By the time she looks back up shadowclan's leader stood before her, touching their nose to her ear. "Okay." Surprise painted itself across her features as she quietly followed Chilledstar into their den.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
Forestshade sits with her head held high, knowing what will come in this meeting. Her first apprentice, one specifically requested by herself. She had seen (figuratively) the potential in the young kit, and she knows she can turn her into one of the clan's best huntresses. She first listens to Chilledstar discuss the new requirement of night training. Psh, no problem. The young warrior already hunts primarily in the night, and frankly, it makes no difference to her for obvious reasons.

Her leader moves onto the apprentice ceremonies, and her own is the first to be called forward. With a smirk upon her maw, the patched she-cat gets to her paws and strides towards the front of the crowd, tentatively using her whiskers to weave her way through clanmates. Most of them by now should be used to the brush of her bristles upon their shoulders. Finally, she reaches the front and lowers her head, waiting for the newly named Orchidpaw to touch her nose to the her own. "I'll whip ya into a fine warrior, kid. Just you wait!" It's a promise.
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