backwritten no one can save them all . applefrost

CW mentions and graphic descriptors of starvation and nausea.

Today was not the usual spinning tidepool of hunting, patrolling, training, and pretending to nibble at scraps. No, in fact, the blearing autumn sun had the bedraggled cat in an overheated daze, drenched in sweat. Not even a pawful of hours ago, he'd been running drills and chasing with an empty stomach after meager prey. They had spent most of the night and early sunrise hunting and now, as the sun awoke, a few cats started to stir as he simmered down.

Most felines could feel the cool breeze and smell the crisp air. Dogbite only smelled the filth clinging to his pelt and felt the harbored breaths from their thinning chest. His gaze usually reflected quiet interest, but they were now a faded ice blue reflected by the sun's direct rays. Now and then a rattling cough shook his frame as the lack of water had singed their throat. Water was an easily accessible necessity, but his weakened muscles couldn't carry him farther than the dirt place behind the warrior's den. Rather than choke and whine down to the medicine den, he decided to rest. Frail frame misshapen and ruffled like a newborn chick.

With the overcrowding of Riverclanners, the only comfortable place to lay seemed outside in the cold, but not even the merciful chill could pierce his fevered pelt. Stretching outward across the dirt to alleviate the stabbing zings throughout their back and inner legs. Eventually, he looked like a half-crescent as he sprawled wide and constricted back into a small ball. Nose tucked beneath his feathery tail and tattered ears squashed close to their skull. It hadn't seemed to dull the pain, but the placebo of relief was enough to lull him into a half-baked nap as camp began to buzz to life.

  • ooc ; @APPLEFROST Listen to this song to set the mood! Backwritten only a few hours before his collapse, but right after the sky/river hunting thread, so he may be a bit loopy from lack of sleep.

    Let me know what you think of the song and the premise of their circumstances! I'd also love to bounce ideas back and forth oocly throughout the interaction.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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The arrival of so many RiverClanners would have normally overwhelmed Applefrost to a degree. She didn't feel well with so many bodies around her, especially when they were all so unfamiliar. However, maybe for better or for worse, the stress of feeding and caring for double the amount of cats before had numbed her. She was focused, diligently working herself as much as possible to the point where her legs ached too much to even rest well.

Applefrost was the silent suffering type, though. She did not voice the discomfort in her muscles when she stretched them in the light of dawn. She did not groan when assigned to double the amount of patrols than usual. It could be seen clear as day on her face, though. Her expression still remained neutral mostly, pale snowy eyes still wide in an unwavering stare, piercing. But her ears had begun to fold back in her exhaustion and the usually warm features of her face had become sunken in. The lack of food certainly did not help.

Applefrost had joined Dogbite in the huddle of bodies outside. She hadn't bothered with placing a nest in the mess of warriors, more familiar with practically collapsing into her own fur and preparing for the long wait until sleep finally took her.

Of course it felt like a blink until light broke through the clouds again. Applefrost sighed and yawned as she rose and glanced around to see Dogbite still curled up. She came to sit closer to him, noticing his breathing betrayed that he was not completely asleep. "Silversmoke would have some choice words for us, seeing we're not putting our paws to work yet." Applefrost looked at Dogbite from the corner of her vision. "But I won't say anything if you won't. Has Littlepaw's training been wearing you down on top of hosting our guests? I can take him with me today if you need time to rest, recover." He did look a bit more sickly than usual though... Was he ill, too?

// i really love that song!! i think this would be a neat start for them, especially with dogbite possibly matching her own odd behavior.
i think if it comes up naturally apple would like to talk more about his approach with littlepaw since she saw how short his temper is and the watched how dog handled it
Dogbite's huddled form remained still even as the she-cat approached.

It was as if he was caught in the liminal space between consciousness and slumber, with exhaustion pulling at the edges of their senses. Silently, he listened to Applefrost's words, the softness of her voice carrying the weight of concern. Blearily they peered at the other through a half-lid. Unable to partake in the playful banter. May as well stay up. Groggily, he pushed his head upward and rested it atop their paws. Looking over as the pointed molly scooted closer.

He tried to muster a lighthearted response, dry throat making it a challenge to speak. "Littlepaw's training... I've neglected it but I think I'm okay." He croaked out, their voice hoarse and barely audible. "I-I'd appreciate any help later on, he can be a pawful." The scarred tabby managed a faint nod, acknowledging the strain of recent events.

For a moment, Dogbite's gaze shifted, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his tired eyes. He knew the right thing to do would be to get up and join the others, to contribute. Yet, his body felt like lead, and the thought of pushing himself further was daunting. It wasn't something he was used too and an unusual sense of doom overwhelmed the warrior.

With a quiet sigh, he finally met Applefrost's gaze, grateful for her understanding. "Yeah. Maybe... maybe I'll take a little more time to rest today?" They admitted, knowing that he needed to regain some strength. His loyalty remained unwavering, but for once Dogbite was going to listen to his body. Even back when some days felt impossible the Skyclanner's muscles tended to move on their own. Now it was as if the world was a swirling mess and his paws made of mud.

The earlier flash of fear raked across the ex-loner's stomach. I could be seriously sick. Swallowing as a brief moment of vulnerability overcame him. "Actually... Would you mind keeping me company, for a bit longer? We can be patrol-skippers together." His one eye flickered with uncertainty and nervous mirth towards his denmate. Chest tight and shuddering from every breath.

Please, don't go...

  • ooc ; 🥺❤️ You left me such a sweet comment in his channel!!! Thank you!

    SAME! I was dying to slam dunk this song your way bc it fit so so well - and I agree! Dogbite is definitely very reserved and distant but he's high-key a major sweetheart. Appreciates being helped and believes in returning the favor tenfold when possible.

    Littlepaw is a major test for him but is the first cat he was ever made responsible for. Developing a soft spot for the kid and wants to protect them at any cost. Being able to discuss that will expose a really sweet side to Dog.

    He was raised a loner with a crappy dad but his mom was a really good individual and he strives hard to be honest/caring like her. Even though he's an awkward critter and would probably freeze up if anyone showed them affection.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28.moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Applefrost has a poor habit of speaking when she probably shouldn't. She wasn't the best conversationalist to have, especially if it included more than one other cat. Often she cut in during another's sentence, or rambled on for so long the discussion wasn't so enjoyable anymore. Other instances she was quite the opposite and struggled to participate at all. It was rather silly how she floundered so much and seemingly never even noticed. Her social incapabilities were a part of the molly just as her pelt was a part of her body.

She hadn't even thought that maybe this exact moment wasn't the best time to bother and idly chat someone clearly trying to rest. Someone who was not completely well enough to even rise to their paws. Dogbite didn't seem to mind, though, so she remained. A small curve tugged her maw into a smile. Littlepaw being a pawful... what a trick! A deceiving name though it aptly described his frame, but failed to warn of his temper.

"I've never trained an apprentice. I didn't consider myself very fit to, even if I wasn't a Daylight Warrior in the beginning. For a long time I was so focused on doing my part to the Clan, fulfilling solely my responsibilities that I never thought of sharing that with someone else. Someone that could have used that guidance to show them how to live here. Now that I'm really here now, living and breathing every moment in the forest that shaped me..." Her words lose their tracks and whatever she was about to say floated off into nothing.

A rasp drew her eyes to face a matching icy blue, and her smile turned more genuine. "I can skip one, but if we get caught I'm throwing you under their paws." Her threat is half-hearted, clearly unbothered indulging Dogbite's request. A single missed patrol on her usually spotless attendance wouldn't smudge her reputation too much, hopefully. "When you're in better shape maybe we can be something else together. Patrol-skippers might not be my personal style but..." She pawed at the edge of someone's nest that laid beside Dogbite. Thinking of something they shared.

"Patrol pals! How about it, once you're up on your paws again I can tag along your trainings with Littlepaw. Maybe I could learn something myself for when Blazestar sees me fit for my own apprentice. Hopefully mine won't be as fiery as yours, but if they are it won't be the worst thing." There was little debate about Dogbite's recovery in her perspective. After looking across his features he didn't look sick, truly he mirrored herself at a much higher degree of exhaustion. She couldn't blame him for wanting even just a few more hours of rest the way he appeared.

// i think thats like a perfect mix for them to have a longstanding relationship, platonic and romantic thatll make things really interesting!! apples not an affectionate person at all, but it even extends to here being super weird abt receiving it too. i feel like their time together even after this will give them a skewed view that they know a lot about each other but nothing thats important before deciding to progress into a romantic relationship with someone. at least for apple her thinking will be like 'yeah we're great friends, we talk so often and enjoy hanging out. i guess that makes sense the next step is dating!' when thats not how it always works lol

and i think itd be an awesome opportunity for them to really bond over something that not a lot of characters typically do!! training is something apples never, ever done before and i think she would accidentally start using dogs training tactics on her own clanmates lol