It's snowing again. Orangestar pauses for a moment to disturb the flecks of white that have settled atop her shoulders. Even with the heavy boughs of the pines above them, she always seemed to return from patrols half covered in snow. Some cat she'd met on a patrol had said something about them being snow-cats by the end of leafbare, and at this stage she expects that to be true. Orangestar sighs, quietly. She wishes she could trick herself into believing that she's just returned from an ordinary patrol.

At long last, they're home. SkyClan camp looms in the distance, the bramble barrier of home visible in glimpses between the trees. If she listens closely when the wind is just right, she can hear a shrill shriek of laughter from a kit. While it's snowing now, she can still make out the trenches that her Clanmates had trod that morning, paths forged fresh in the snow and splitting a small distance away.

It's when she reaches that convergence point, coincidentally, that a familiar voice reaches out to them. Suddenly, the air around her feels charged with expectation. There's a buzz she hadn't noticed before. Her ears prick. What does she say? Should she make a grand gesture? No, she's too tired for that. Orangestar wants nothing more than to curl up in her nest and pretend she isn't being looked at by the entire Clan. Her head is still full of stars, the familiar shapes of lost loved ones swimming in her vision whenever she closes her eyes.

With her general demeanour lacking any sort of (potentially appropriate) theatrics the newly-crowned leader of SkyClan simply meows, "We're back."

// with @DAWNGLARE but no need to wait<3
Time had begun to trudge by painfully slow as the return of their former deputy, hopefully turned leader, was expected. To the scarred feline every cat was practically buzzing with heightened expectancy. Despite the rising nerves in his own mind, they dutifully tossed out dirtied nests from the Medicine Cat den. Spending most of the dragging daylight keeping his eye on the injured. Even with busied freezing paws, their thoughts conjured scenario after scenario of what could go wrong. Sighing to themselves he picked away at the soiled bedding. I need to have more faith. Albeit, his outward appearance did not give way to such inner turmoil, they still fretted.

After throwing out the last of the pile near the dirt place, sound of the barrier being pushed aside piqued their interest.Tattered ears, once drooped with anticipation, now pricked upright like the eager saplings of a new-leaf forest, drinking in the noise of familiar pawsteps. Their soft pink nose twitched with curiosity. Then his blue eye widened with the exhilaration of what felt like a season-long reunion as the mingling aroma of earth and herbs wrapped around. They're back! Snow dappled his coat and in a rapid shake his pelt was free of the flurry.

With a sudden burst of energy, the tabby catapulted into the clearing, movements swift and sure. There, amidst the snowy light, stood the tired silhouette of the she-cat in question, her presence one of hope in the gathering doubt. Sight of her and Dawnglare brought a flutter to his whiskers, a muted celebration. "Orangeb- Orangestar, welcome home." He speaks softly, syllable's brimming with joy and relief, though he quickly corrected himself, a flood of questions cascading through his mind like a bubbling river. Did you get to see Blazestar? What happened? Was Windclan a bother? As he awaited her response, his gaze flitted to the red and white figure of the Medicine Cat whose presence beside Orangeblossom brought a sense of reassurance.

Blinking steadily, Dogbite cast his kind look towards them, a silent expression of gratitude for their steadfast companionship during tumultuous times. Even in the wake of Blazestar's passing, the knowledge that their new leader drew inspiration from the stars infused him with a sense of peace. Closing his eye for a fleeting moment, Dogbite sent the skies a mindful prayer, a whispered gratitude for the return of his friends and the safety that now enveloped his home. Thank you. Thank you. With each passing moment, the weight of worry and uncertainty began to lift from his shoulders, replaced by a growing sense of serenity and hope.

A low purr rumbled in Dogbite's chest, a harmonious echo of the pride and thankfulness that swelled within him. "Any news to share?" They inquired, his voice a blend of genuine curiosity and quiet optimism. Though he knew the details of their journey were meant to remain private, he couldn't help but feel a stirring of excitement at the prospect of brighter days ahead. In the end, Dogbite experiences a sense of profound appreciation for the close-knit unit of clanmates that had weathered the storm together. With each passing moment, a hidden beacon seemed to be guiding them towards a new future, one filled with promise and possibility.

  • //mobile post
  • image.png

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
Drizzlepelt didn’t say anything as Orangeblossom left, too timid to raise his voice when the small spat happened. Speaking over Slate or Dawnglare felt like an uphill battle he wasn’t gonna win. He just waited anxiously for her return, praying that WindClan wasn’t lying when they said there would be safe passage henceforth. Luckily, it seems Sunstride wasn’t lying.

Seeing someone seemingly even more anxious than him as Dogbite takes the first words makes him chuckle, sounding both lighthearted as well as a release of tension. “Welcome back, Orangestar!” Despite all the tragedy that has befallen the clan recently, Drizzlepelt still puts all the energy he can into calling out her new name. “No trouble getting there, I hope?” Even he’s curious how it went.​

This was it.

Orangeblossom - now, Orangestar - had returned home. And with her return, Blazestar's era had come to an end and a new dawn awaited SkyClan.

Other cats might have announced their return more theatrically but Orangestar's announcement is fairly simple. Howlfire could not blame her in truth, even if Orangestar was one for such behaviours, she imagined the newly crowned leader must have been exhausted. "Welcome back," Howlfire mewed, joining Dogbite and Drizzlepelt in being among the first to welcome the returning cats. "I trust the journey went well?" She prompted, gaze flicking between Orangestar and Dawnglare. "At least WindClan must have been speaking truth when Sunstride visited. They don't appear to have given you any trouble."
Peering from the fronds of the medicine den, worried most green hues watched the camp entrance like a hawk. Just waiting. Hoping that things would go well and they would return without a scratch. Though it seemed like it was taking a longer time than normal but that was probably just the innate feeling of doom that settled in their chest. They couldn’t explain it and they pushed it away, no need to fret that much right? They hoped so.

Then they heard rustling and looked up, spotting white fur with red as Dawnglare and newly-named Orangestar enter camp. Honeysplash moved to force themselves to stand up and moved out of the medicine den with round eyes. Firstly Dogbite was the first to greet them, then Drizzlepelt and finally Howlfire. The cream and white warrior watched for a moment in silence before she too moved forward to greet them.

She offered a smile that didnt’ quiet reach her eyes and they dipped their head slightly in uncertain of what was correct to behave, “Welcome back, i am glad your travel was safe,” They said sweetly.​


living in a world so cold

It kept occuring to him that this was reality- that Blazestar was dead, and SkyClan was moving on without him. Many of the other Clans had experienced this, of course- ShadowClan twice over, RiverClan and ThunderClan once- but it was still, still strange to think of a world where Blazestar did not lead SkyClan, and Orangeblossom was not his deputy. He'd gotten used to hushed conversations in the leader's den with the rest of Blazestar's council- he'd settled into the routine of it all.

It was childish to hate change, to bristle in the face of it- he managed not to let the death of Blazestar surprise him when he thought of it, anymore. He couldn't help the odd tautness that twinges at his twitching expression when he saw Orangeblossom- no, Orangestar through the gap of a gathering crowd, Dawnglare at her side. They weren't bloodied, weren't angry, weren't... panicked. It could mean one thing, and that was success.

Wide eyes skittered between them for a moment before he padded over, taking place at Howlfire's side. His heart's pace quickened merely imagining what was going through Orangestar's head at that very moment. The atmosphere was relieved, if not a little awkward- despite the grief that still clung to them all, that would not soon disperse, he hoped Orangestar knew that they were glad to see her. "I- I bet you could sleep for a moon," he joked, voice quiet and hoarse as ever, a dash of humour in the shake of it. Dawnglare had made clear it would be a long journey when they had departed- and was a StarClan dream much of a substitute for sleep? It didn't seem like it...
penned by pin ✧
He can't stagger out of the medicine den this time, Slate knows. Not that the Maine Coon gave a damn if Dawnglare verbally tore his ears off for it, or if Fireflypaw utilized his heft to corral him back inside. However, he could not risk reopening his cuts and potentially riddling them with infection; if he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, he would have to hunker down in his makeshift nest and rest for what seemed like ages.

Nevertheless, the chatter and commotion that fills SkyClan's camp grabs Slate's full attention. "Welcome back, Orangestar" they rejoice; carefully yet eagerly, the charcoal tom shuffles around in his spot and angles himself so that he can see what is happening outside. He looks on, eyes darting around as he tries to catch a glimpse of the newly-crowned leader through the cluster of crowding cats.

Most of the SkyClanners are excited to usher in a new era of leadership, knowing that their longtime deputy would serve them loyally until her last breath. Orangebloss—Orangestar deserves this; they all knew it, and even Slate knew it.... as much as he worried. Would she be the same cat? Would anything change? His gut wrung with uncertainty, ever a tom resistant to change, desperate to cling to familiarity especially now that Blazestar was gone.

The sea of felines part, if only for a couple of moments, just enough for Slate's gaze to fix on the ginger-splashed molly. While he initially seeks any distinctions—a starry glow, maybe, a change in demeanor—everything quickly begins to fall away. Voices grow muffled, forms become blurred shapes. Seldom does Slate ever get a chance to simply sit and admire his friend, at least without coming off as some sort of weirdo. Nothing seems different, at least not from where he's looking, but... stars. She—Orangestar—is beautiful.

Slate comes down. Reality lassos him and tethers him to earth, finally, a sharp exhale clears through his nostrils as he realizes his breath has been caught in his throat. How long had he been holding it? His lungs replenish, his head shaking as if snapping out of a sort of trance. Averting his gaze, pinning his mangled ears back, Slate locks his gaze onto his paws. They're burning.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
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Reactions: wolfie
The journey home had not been one rife with chatter. Orangeblossom — had much to think about, he presumes. In that regard, he was not much different. Perhaps even the nature of their thoughts would be the same. Was she ready? Would SkyClan fall to dust, beneath a blaze that wasn't him? Would she care for them the same way he had? Believe in them the same way he had?

It occurs to Dawnglare that these are thoughts not for him to have. They were...thoughts for a leader. Thoughts for a SkyClan cat. That tether of his has been cut loose, hasn't it? Why, he wonders, did he give these things any thought at all? Instead, he thinks about how badly his paws ache; how his stomach rumbles, after going so long without a meal. It is always an experience, trekking to and from the moonstone, but this time, it's uniquely terrible.
Exhaustion gnaws at him like it never had before. Orangestar, the name is bitter, in his mind. Cats rush to her, hopeful, eager to use her new name. When Dawnglare looks to her, he can only frown.

The cold nipping at his skin certainly did not help... Perhaps a nap would fix all of this. To sleep — not to dream.

Welcome back. It's for her, not for him, he knows. Blazestar is the one who had wanted him here, and now he was gone. " We saw no trouble, " he murmurs. There is a hint of gravel in his voice for a day, more - or - less, of disuse. " Or maybe... no trouble saw us. " He blinks at the cats that greeted them. He had no qualms with any of them, not really... But it wasn't what he wanted.

I bet you could sleep for a moon, comes Twitchbolt. In half - hearted agreement, he would hum. Paws carry him to his den, then, and in it, he hopes that he would find someone else that wanted him. Bumping past Honeysplash, he would mumble, " Keep off the leg, " but he would do nothing more.

His eyes pass across the brutish form of slate, the dapples of sun setting him apart from the shadows. he has been listening. Of course he has been, with how he'd tried to argue against their leaving. His eyes seem to burn toward no one but himself. At him, Dawnglare spares a blink. It isn't his business.

He crumples into his own nest, and here he would likely lie for another day in itself.

  • ooc: in & out </3
  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 61 moons old as of 2.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
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Daisykit sort of knew what was going on, knew that Orangeblossom - SkyClan's beloved deputy - was going out to see the ancestors and the pretty rock and was taking Dawnglare with her, and somehow he understood that he would not see Blazestar anymore and instead of Orangeblossom the deputy would be Orangestar. Daisykit knew there were different leaders sometimes - he had played with the other kits and remembered seeing each of them pretending to be leaders of their own clans - but he didn't quite understand death yet, and because he did not understand death fully he did not really understand why Orangeblossom - Orangestar now - was leader, and for a moment he thought it was unfair. Daisykit had wanted to be the leader next with Weedkit or Fluffykit as his deputy and Orangestar had not waited her turn or even asked if it was okay to cut the line.

As soon as the other had returned to camp Daisykit had left the entrance of the nursery to stomp over to the returning cats, anger melting away quickly as he moved closer and came within earshot of those that were greeting the new leader and welcoming her back home from the trip that she had made. If they were happy then this had to be normal and although Daisykit wanted to be leader he needed to congratulate Orangestar, he needed to be part of the crowd and make sure that the new leader knew that he was good and maybe he could be deputy instead of leader because that was fine, he liked playing deputy too. "Welcome back!" The kit would echo what he'd heard the others around him speaking happily before he'd come to a stop, making sure to be as loud as possible so that Orangestar would know that he was the best.

  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
𓆝 . ° ✦ Like Daisykit, Weedkit has what can only be described as a rudimentary understanding of what's happening. It's been explained to him how special this is; that Orangeblossom has to travel a long way with Dawnglare to look at a shiny rock so she can be 'officially official' or whatever. There is so much to clan life- so many rules and traditions- that Weedkit can't quite comprehend in his little brain. He toddles after Daisykit, wondering distantly if Orangeblossom would look any different upon her return.

Leadership doesn't quite make sense to Weedkit either. Any time they all played like they were great warriors of the many clans, Weedkit always preferred to take on a less attention-grabbing position than the others. "Why does Orangeblossom get to have a different name now?" Weedkit asks to any adult who might turn and pay attention to him. He doesn't quite understand. Though he at least comprehends that Orangestar is now their leader- just as Blazestar had been- he doesn't know why such a thing might constitute an entire name change. Hadn't Blazestar just been Blazestar for his entire life? Would Weedkit have to change his name at some point too?
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
Fluffykit hides behind her brothers, her green eyes round with awe as Orangeblossom and Dawnglare return to camp. There’s a hush in the air, as well as the tang of snow—she blinks down at her nose as a snowflake cools the tip of it and begins to melt. Cats are calling the ginger-splashed warrior Orangestar now, are welcoming her back. Tufted ears lift heavily, angling toward the cats who mill about their new Clan leader. Things feel strange—they feel different, somehow, but she doesn’t know if that’s a bad thing or a good thing. Maybe it’s just… a thing.

She flicks her gaze from Daisykit’s dark fur to Weedkit’s white-splashed pelt. He inquires, Why does Orangeblossom get a new name? She scrunches up her nose in thought, then whispers, “Maybe… maybe it’s like when Blazingkit and Hawk-kit and Weedkit became apprentices…” Her eyes fall to her paws, embarrassed at having spoken. What if she’s wrong? What if it’s not like that at all? She shouldn’t have said anything.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
He didn't comment, simply observing the newly named Orangestar, Dawnglare not far behind, words directed toward Slate drawing out a soft-sounding snort from the older warrior, mangled ear flickering. Long ago, he’d tried to weasel his way into guarding the camp with fresh injuries. It seemed ages ago when he was still figuring out how to navigate his way with one less eye, clamped shut on most occasions that bled into blurry shapes with no real depth. Leaving it uncovered was pain awaiting to happen, light sensitive and weak, it was useless as much as his shoulder was, broken down and wary drawing a large puff of air from the male. Ain’t long before someone starts jokin’, eh? He thought with an amused flick of his mangled ear.

“Small fry’s right.” He’d respond, directing his attention to Fluffykit and Weedkit, wooly tail twitching idly beside him. “Yer names changes based on yer position, just like how yer names are gonna change to paw when it’s yer time to become apprentices, same as Orangeblossom becomin’ leader.” The words felt bittersweet on his tongue, but he kept his voice from wavering, facial expressions indifferent, but his ears angled toward the two in case they had any more questions.
thought speech
Dogbite and Drizzlepelt find them first. Orangestar is forced to behold the strangeness of her new name spoken by other meows, an echo of Blazestar's voice ringing in her ears for a moment. Honeysplash emerges from Dawnglare's den, again, and Orangestar notes with a pang of something that aches that their sibling doesn't rush forward to butt heads with her. Maybe they've both grown up even more in such a short time.

With a confirmation that no trouble had seen them, which settles a small stone of discomfort in Orangestar's stomach, Dawnglare leaves to catch up on sleep. Mutely she nods to him in goodbye and in thanks, and stifles a yawn of her own. Twitchbolt is right. Maybe she would sleep for a moon after this.

Past the medicine cat as he retreats, she catches sight of familiar amber eyes in the shadow of the healers' den. Her eyes soften and she dips her chin, just slightly, towards Slate. She's pleased to see he's staying put; hopefully it would mean his injury healed faster. His presence was missed on patrols, and she'd need him ready for duty as soon as possible.

"It was an uneventful journey." She confirms to her Clanmates with a note of pride to her voice, eyes lingering on Howlfire for a touch longer than the others. Your parents are safe, she wants to tell the young warrior, but the words lodge in her throat not once but twice. Odd. Dismissing the strangeness of it, though her brow furrows with confusion, she turns her attention back to the crowd at large. "Was everything alright here?"

One ear flicks at the sound of familiar voices, Butterflytuft's kits (Weedkit and Fluffykit, at least; Daisykit just seems happy to participate) wondering why her name had changed. Duskpool's rumble answers them, and she nods along at his explanation. "Exactly. When a leader is accepted by StarClan, their name changes to have star in it as a sign of that."
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"Welcome home." greeted Johnny as he made his way over to join the growing crowd. The bobtail had been to antsy to sit at home waiting for dawn to arrive, and had opted to just remain in camp for the night- just in case. Forgive him, if he wasn't so quick to trust the word of a Windclan cat. They'd done more harm than good to any of the clans long before Johnnyflame started calling the pine forest home and it would take a long, painstaking time before the toms opinion on the moor-rats finally changed.

Thankfully though, Dawnglare and Orangestar didn't return to camp of a bloody mess. The stars must have chosen to have mercy on the Skyclan cats tonight, keeping Sootstars rogues away. "No trouble on our end either. Things have been quiet." the lead confirmed.

There was a part of him that wanted to ask. About Starclan. About the process of recieving lives. But he held his tongue. Johnny wasn't sure if she was allowed to talk about it or if she'd appreciate the badgering even if she were.

Perhaps another time he'd try his luck with questions.


Greeneyes’ nerves have only risen with each passing moment that Orangeblossom and Dawnglare have been away, a nagging worry at the forefront of his mind in their absence.

Though he does not know Sunstride well, he’s doesn’t think the WindClanner would come all the way to SkyClan to bear a lie in the form of news — especially not with Howlingstar’s escort. But he doesn’t know for sure, does he? Despite there being a few good cats living in the moors, WindClan has been a thorn in the forest’s side for as long as he can remember. Was there a chance that SkyClan could be left with two dead leaders instead of one? With one medicine cat instead of two? Possibly.

His worries are finally eased as two forms emerge from the camp’s entrance. The lead warrior’s posture straightens, verdant gaze seeking the medicine cat and the new leader from beyond the group that begins to form around them. No injuries, from what he can tell — good news then?

He pads over to join the welcome party, sweeping his tail over his youngest kin in greeting to the trio as they ask the molly questions others are more swift to answer. Greeneyes holds his own questions — had she seen his family up there? She must’ve seen Blazestar at the very least, but did the new leader speak to Daisyflight, to Snowpath? He doesn’t ask, instead he dips his head to the orange-tipped molly.

Orangestar — “ Greeneyes greets her slowly, in an attempt to get used to the foreign name’s sound as he speaks. It’ll take getting used to, but he can only try his best. “ Welcome back. “ ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
𓆝 . ° ✦ Circe blinked, trying to focus on the cats around her. Her belly was hollow and empty. Blazestar. He'd been the first clan face she saw. The first one to welcome her here, the first place she could really call a home. And now, where was he? Had he gone somewhere or was he simply no here anymore? She watched a small group surround Orangestar as the molly made her way back into camp. A new cat. A new name. Maybe a new smell clung to her coat. Would it be one of the moorlands or star clan? Was there a diffrence?
She watched, the conversation flowing into one about change. While Circe ached for that very thing she couldn't help but mourn those who'd been victims of to much change. Her brothers.... her leader... would that list grow? She knew it would, but hoped it wouldn't.
She hoped that, where ever he was, someone very kind and understanding was welcoming Blazestar into Star Clan. She almost hoped that he would welcome her, too. But that wouldn't be for a while. Not yet. Not yet.
She sighed, lifting onto aching paws and joining the crowd.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Untitled5_20231116211051.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang