⤷ penned by beatles heartchart pinterest playlist
slate. noun. a fine-grained gray, green, or bluish metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat pieces; for his dark pelt color
cis male ⋆ he / him
42 moons old ages 1 moon every 1st born march 1st, 2021
skyclan warrior former lead warrior & street rogue

slate is a gruff, no-nonsense skyclan warrior who is currently trying his best to shed former associations and ties to his rogue past. however, he grapples with conflicting morals as he struggles to grow out of deeply ingrained roguish tendencies.

    references slate is a purebred maine coon and is hefty, weighing approximately 20 lbs and standing 14 inches at the shoulder. he has long charcoal-black fur with a rusted underbelly and wisps of tan on the tips of his belly fur. he has amber-colored eyes that are comparable to the flicker of a steady flame. he possesses many scars scattered across his body, namely two across the bridge of his nose, a torn right ear, a long scar along his right eye, bite marks on his neck and shoulder, and deep scarring on his underbelly. slate also has a folded left ear due to an ear mite infestation, which has since been treated by twolegs. descended from show cat parents, his features are quite handsome and sharp.

    healing dislocated hip joint
    ripped right ear
    torn, folded left ear
    right eye scar
    nose scars
    misc body scars
    once a street cat living with no sense of honor or integrity, clan life is forging slate's character and unearthing traits that he previously thought himself incapable of. he is someone who won't back down and wants to succeed at everything he does. he is driven to work and complete tasks and missions and doesn't enjoy messing around on the job or wasting time; he likes the sense of purpose a clan has given him.

    socially, keeps others at arm's length. he does not share much about his personal life, and while technically considered an introvert, he is not afraid to voice his opinions. since he tends to be so focused on his job, he comes off as distant and usually takes some time to truly warm up to others. he is quick to unleash sarcasm onto just about anybody. straight to the point, as he doesn't prefer to sugarcoat things or beat around the bush, which makes him come off as blunt and at times insensitive.

    morally gray/ambiguous. he is unopposed to siding with "good" or "bad"; ultimately he will support whatever benefits/appeals to him. having grown up with a deeply rooted distrust and wariness of authority figures, he only pledges his loyalty to leaders who are strong-willed and show conviction. even then, he does not hesitate to challenge his own superiors if he feels he should. at the end of the day, if he disagrees with an agenda or a leadership style, slate will not bow down to anyone he dislikes.

    slate has a short fuse and will lash out if provoked ( which doesn't take much ). he is often quick to argue and even violence in order to solve his problems. he is rarely apologetic and is incredibly stubborn, though when he is sincere he tends to be uncomfortable simply because he's not used to acknowledging his emotions or making amends. he is not used to being shown patience or gentleness and reacts awkwardly when done so.

    he can be incredibly controlling over other people, mostly because he believes he is right and wants everyone else to agree with his way. he is a hypocrite, holding others to a standard that he doesn't hold himself to; will be quick to judge others but will turn around and do the exact same thing, except he'll find a way to justify his actions. wants to believe that he's always in the right and gets ruffled when he's called out on it.

    slate is loyal to those whom he forms bonds with and would perhaps even sacrifice his life for them, though such individuals are few and far between. somewhere in his heart, he has the potential to be a loving and genuine man, though rarely shows such qualities as he is lonesome and detached from other people.

    roy kent ( ted lasso )
    wolverine ( marvel universe )
    rex ( babe )
    does not trust nor make friends easily. protective of his clan and is distant/wary toward other clans. extremely suspicious of outsiders and hostile toward rogues.

    ROCKY xx BROOK littermate to primrose and cloverjaw | expecting kits with orangestar | mentoring no one | mentored cherryblossom, coffeepaw
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: orangestar, cloverjaw
    TOLERATES: figfeather, silversmoke, johnnyflame, cherryblossom, owlheart
    DISLIKES: batscreech, doeblaze, emberpaw, thunderclan, windclan, rogues, kittypets
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: twolegs
  • speech is #92534e, thoughts are italicized, attack in underline
    — will start fights, will end fights, won't run away, will kill if necessary
    SOUNDS LIKE: matthew daddario

    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ HUNTING: decent. will more than likely bring home at least one kill, but quicker prey such as mice and small birds may be scared off by his pawsteps.

    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ CLIMBING: one of skyclan's worst. slate can manage to climb to the lowest branches. jumping from tree-to-tree is considered a death sentence by him.

    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ TRACKING: basic. a decent tracker but subtle, more difficult scents can evade him.

    ★★★★★★★★☆☆ COMBAT: skilled. one of the biggest and toughest opponents in skyclan, though he falls short when facing smaller, quicker foes. don't get caught underneath his weight as he aims to crush.
    — capricorn sun, capricorn moon, aries ascendant
    — olive-toned skin with scars. short, dark brown hair and muscular, though not overly bulky.
    — tends to dress in dark, monochrome colors. jeans and pants/jackets and tees combo, wears athletic shorts and joggers as well as tank tops if working out.
    — mma fighter and personal trainer who comes from a shady past. he lives in apartment and drives a black bmw m5 (and yes, he drives like an asshole).
    — enjoys indulging in high-end purchases like high-end sneakers, watches, and clothing. however, he does not flaunt any wealth he has.
  • [ KITHOOD ]
    born to two purebred maine coon parents named rocky and brook alongside his littermates named clover and shale. pampered and doted upon, slate and his siblings were always told that they were highly desired by twolegs and were born to be pets who were admired for their looks. wanting a more fulfilling life for himself, slate ran away from his adopted twolegs to live the life of a "wild cat".

    overwhelmed by the outside world and after nearly being run over by a monster, slate joined up with a pair of rogues and learned street survival skills from them, including how to hunt rats, fight other cats, and outwit predators. they served a rogue group called the blackguards and slate would often help them in completing their missions and bounties.

    one day his "mentors", out of selfish desperation, literally threw slate to the hounds as bait. only eight months old, he managed to escape with a few scars and lived on his own from then on. he met a pine colony cat named orange blossom a few months later and began a casual situationship with her, though he stopped seeing her when they began to grow too close.

    slate met another rogue named silver and scrapped with him over a mouse, which ended in him nearly taking silver's right eye.

    [ 2023 ]
    after living in the twolegplace as an aggressive rogue for years, he shows up on skyclan's borders and is vouched for by his brother, cloverjaw. he reunited with silversmoke, refueling a long-standing rivalry from before the creation of the clans. not long after slate joins, he participates in a battle against windclan and witnesses blazestar lose a life.

    slate aids a small patrol in driving out a fox from skyclan's territory, though the tip of his right ear is torn off. a murderous rogue named kuiper is put on trial, where slate and several others speak out against his heinous crimes.

    weeks after multiple cats have been taken from skyclan's territory by twolegs, silversmoke and slate get into a heated argument and near-altercation before being interrupted by a stray dog. not long after, slate himself is trapped by twolegs and taken away to the shelter.

    after a moon spent in the shelter, slate and the other skyclanners are freed and return to camp. in the following meeting, blazestar apprentices howlpaw to slate and promotes him to lead warrior.

    an attack from windclan occurs at random, and slate battles a warrior named cygnetstare. they engage in a proper scuffle, and although windclan technically wins the fight, slate has nearly torn her throat out.

    slate gets into an argument with bobbie and sweetybee when fantastream brings toy mice into camp. he voices his concerns about the way that skyclan handles joiners, especially kittypet joiners, in a council meeting. unexpectedly, and begrudgingly, slate takes on cherrypaw as his new apprentice.

    yellowcough plagues the clans, and when blazestar makes a call for volunteers to embark on a dangerous journey to find the cure, slate offers himself in a perhaps surprising turn of events.

    through all of the dangerous and treacherous events that face the journeying cats, slate perseveres. however, he finds himself truly feeling hopeless during the cave-in event, where he has a panic attack and is talked through it by the shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, magpiepaw.

    slate saves a windclan apprentice from a badger attack, teaming up with figfeather in the process. he also happens upon the scene of little wolf's death, where he promptly scolds his apprentice cherrypaw for venturing off on her own in the first place.

    the journeying group, almost home, is ambushed by dogs and slate freezes out of fear right before being knocked into reality by orangeblossom and milkpaw. utterly flustered from nearly being mauled, slate urged the group to continue on despite there being injured party members. much to his dismay, slate and figfeather are the only skyclanners who return home on time. shortly after, slate breaks the news to blazestar that his former mate and the mother of his kits, little wolf, had been killed on the journey.

    slate realizes, after a period of denial, that he still has romantic feelings for orangeblossom.

    [ 2024 ] the rogues descend upon skyclan. slate's patrol runs into a rogue, though he kills them in the name of skyclan. he is seriously injured in the process, landing him in the medicine den for a few weeks.

    blazestar dies, leaving orangeblossom to take her place as skyclan's leader. he begins sleeping at the entrance of her den, feeling that she could use extra protection. slate's apprentice, cherryblossom, receives her warrior name. after tensions escalate between the daylight warriors of the clan and the small anti-kittypet crowd, orangestar gives her lead warriors a stern reprimanding.

    a border patrol is attacked by a pair of foxes, killing orangestar and wounding most of the others. slate received medium-grade injuries, landing him back in the medicine den. once released, orangestar invites him to sleep at the mouth of her den once more.

    primrose, one of the newest daylight warriors, confides in slate that she had a littermate with his same name. he confesses that, had his parents birthed a she-kit, he would have had a sister named primrose. this leads to the two realizing that they are, indeed, long-lost siblings.

    one night, orangestar shares with him her dream, insisting that she leave for the moonstone at once. as much as slate protests this idea, as rogues and foxes are running rampant around the forest, she embarks anyway. this leaves slate feeling restless and worried, and he takes this out on his clanmates when orangestar fails to return as planned.

    after orangestar returns, slate speaks with her in private and confesses his feelings. she reciprocates and they make their relationship official. however, slate decides to step down from lead warrior at her request, as she believes that a conflict of interest would arise otherwise.

    slate jumps out in front of an oncoming car and dislocates his hip in order to save his sister, primrose. he lands himself in the medicine den for several weeks.
  • Code:
    [tabs][slide=𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘][/slide]
    [slide=✹   .   +   ˚     ·  ][quote][img][/img][/quote][/slide]
    [slide=𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓][fleft][img width="180px"][/img][/fleft][quote]a warrior ( formerly lead warrior ) of skyclan, [abbr=cis male, uses he/him pronouns]slate[/abbr] is [abbr=ages every 1st]forty-two moons.[/abbr] he is mated to [abbr=penned by mercibun]orangestar.[/abbr] he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face. [url=][color=#456663]✦[/color][/url][/quote][/slide][/tabs][/font][/justify][/box]
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