no other version of me I would rather be tonight [☼] Burnstorm

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Sunfreckles advice had stuck itself to the back of Roeflames mind, both as a bittersweet reminder, and the last memory she had together with the ginger-dappled tom.
A sad thought, really, but it was all the cinnamon molly had to hold onto while she prayed to the stars for his safe return.
Luckily, her best source of comfort was never more than a few pawsteps away, each shoulder bump and affectionate touch against her ear easing her sadness little by little.
When a long-winded confession of her love comes to the young warriors mind, it is always laced with an irrational sense of doom, as though if she could ever bring herself to speak her heart out loud, tragedy would be laying just around the corner.
So, instead she tells herself that there didn’t need to be a lovey-dovey speech, that Burnstorm was undoubtedly the only cat she wanted in this world, and undeniably her mate.
Making herself tucked comfortably in the slight curve of his flank to protect herself against the early mornings chill, being far too loud in her laughter at some squirrel-brained joke the tom had just made, Roeflame cannot deny the surge of overwhelming contentment, lightness.
"You’re a mouse-brain, but I love you." Words warped in easing giggles, Roeflame hardly registered them as she shook her head in amusement.
When they finally clicked, however, the giggles come to an abrupt stop.
She was waiting, waiting for the overwhelming sense of oncoming tragedy.
At least, until the tabby realized how foolish her tense anticipation was. She did love him, of course Burnstorm would know that already.
Instead, she shifts closer against his dense fur, acting as though she had said the most casual thing in the world.
"Okay, pass me that." Roeflame lightly hums, tone still sparking with adoration as she’d gently gesture to the lean bird they were in the middle of sharing.


The words 'I love you' had always been reserved for family. Spoken only to his mother, occasionally his siblings, but never aloud to someone who did not share the same blood as him. There are cats he cares for, of course. Lightstrike, Stormywing, Freckleflame, Mousenose to name a few, but he had never said such a thing out loud to them and he doesn't feel as if he has to. He likes to think that they just know that he does, that his actions speak far more than his words ever could. He would jump in front of a monster for every one of them, and for Roeflame he sort of had (if one could count a boar as such) and he would do it as many times as he needed to if only it would keep her safe.

She lays tucked into his flank now, brilliant silver so bright against the ebony of his fur. He can tell she is cold so he sweeps his fluffy tail closer, draping it over her back so as not to impede the meal they are passing back and forth between them. He is mid-bight when she says it. 'You're a mouse-brain but I love you' He nearly chokes but he catches himself, forcing himself to swallow as he looks at the she-cat next to him with golden colored eyes rounded with slight surprise. It sounded like the most natural thing in the world, but they had not yet uttered it out loud to one another. "I love you too" he says once the initial shock wears off, his voice soft as he presses his nose lovingly to her cheek "And I may be a mouse brain but I'm your mouse-brain so you better get used to it" he says with a light laugh, using one paw to push the partially eaten bird closer to her "And besides, you're a mouse brain too. How long have you been holding on to those words? How long have we both? I have loved you since we were apprentices, though I had too many bees in my brain to know that's what it was back then" if he had known what it was back then, if he had been smart enough to figure it out and confessed his feelings sooner, would they have been here much earlier? They would never know but that is okay because he is glad they are here now.

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ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

I love you, too.
Instinctively, Roeflame feels herself lift her chin in response to his touch against her cheek, unable to suppress the low rumble of a purr escaping from deep within her chest.
While outwardly her reaction is affectionate and subtle, the young warrior can feel fireworks erupting from her chest cavity, sparking through her limbs at his simple reciprocation.
Another light melody of laughter interrupts her purr as Burnstorm proclaims that he is her mousebrain, and eyes set aglow with joy are cast to the side in an amused eye roll.
"You know I wouldn’t have it any other way." She hums with a light-hearted tsk on her tongue as her mate passes their feathery meal to her.
Despite the silvery mollys want to say more, Roeflame opts to take a bite instead, ears flicking in the larger toms direction as he calls her out.
Roeflame almost snorts involuntarily, pushing the bird back to him with a shake of her head as she swallows down the bite she was now regretting.
"Since that night you let me fall asleep on your shoulder, you… let me fall apart for a moment, and didn’t look at me any different." The tabby finally answers honestly, almost sheepishly. Her own words are not a revelation for Roeflame, but a reflection of all the times the tom had let her crumble, and made sure to hold her back up when she was ready.
Her conversations about Burnstorm with everyone but Burnstorm play fleetingly through her mind, and Roeflame cannot help but smile fondly.
"I’ve never had… consistency in my life, not like this. I haven’t had someone like you. " The admission is a scary one for her, but the delicate smile remains steady on her features as she speaks. "I think I was scared to lose that when I realized how much I had fallen for you. Thank the stars I got over that!" The last part is spoken with an amused scoff.

  • Love
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