private no reason & no rhyme | bumblecrown


New member
Aug 1, 2023

It was not the first time this moon that Brackenleap had frozen while hunting, but it was weird it had happened twice.

In front of him, a skunk ambled along, presumably on the hunt for food and shelter like most creatures in the woods. It did not seem overly bothered by Brackenleap's presence, but perhaps that was because it hadn't noticed him yet. The uncertainty left Brackenleap's paws pinned to the earth where he stood peering through leaves. He could probably go around it... but what if that startled it, and Brackenleap ended up pungent and hardly able to stand the smell of himself?

The tom glanced to where @Bumblecrown was nearby, frantically gesturing towards the skunk in a warning. Maybe the other warrior would have an idea of how to get out of the situation they were now in.​