sensitive topics no serpents in our garden [open - adder]



OOC- [ - example of the adder he's hunting. Mans rolled an 18 on a 1d20 so he had no trouble with this guy :D Tag is for semi-graphic snake death!

Johnny was fairly well versed when it came to slithering serpents. Back home, across the great water where the twoleg gardens backed onto great grasslands and rolling moors, snakes had been a far more common thing that one would expect, and after moons and moons of observation he'd learned to tell which ones were dangerous and which were safe to let go. Hell, he'd even brought one into camp for the kits to practice their hunting skills with.

This one, however, could not be allowed to live.

A short, thick body of pale brown with a back holding a bold zig-zagging stripe, Johnny recognized the beast for what it was immediately- an adder. He'd frozen midstep the second he noticed it curled ahead of him on the side of the trail he was walking down, its body partially blended among a few scattered pinecones that also sat atop the forest floor. Normally the snakes stuck close to the Rockpile here they could hunt the mice that hid within the crevices, crawling out onto the sunwarmed stones when the need to heat their blood too hold.

Why was this one barely a three minute walk away from the camps entrance?

Muscles stiffened as he slunk forward, but it was no hunting crouch he approached with. Snakes like this one didn't flea from cats. They knew what they had and they weren't afraid to defend themselves with it, and unlike the harmless garter snakes the bobtail had brought around in the past, this one had a mouth of teeth and a willingness to fight before it fled.

It let out a long hiss as he circled it, keeping a wide berth even when it coiled in on itself, molten eyes of gold never leaving it's scaled body. He knew the S like curve of that neck though as it readied itself to strike, purposefully stepping closer and lifting a white paw as if he were going to bat at it. It took the bait, and when it launched itself forward Johnny expertly pulled back to avoid those curved fangs and the venom within them. It was only when the snake was pulling back to coil in on itself again that he launched himself forward, both paws coming dawn hard on the creatures head and pinning it to the ground.

It's body lashed and writhed the moment he made contact with it, but the serpentine body curling frantically around his forelegs hardly bothered him. Instead he leaned down and began gnawing at the thing, not stopping until he'd severed it's head clean from it's body.

It was far from a pretty sight- Johnnys maw covered in blood, the detached head still pinned beneath his paws while it's body flopped and twitched, but it had to be done. He wouldn't risk letting such a bold snake get closer to their camp, especially when there were so many kits currently housed within it's walls.

"What a waste. Probably can't even eat the meat.." he grumbled to himself as the body finally went still.


From where Mallowlark had been stalking in the undergrowth, preparing to add one more catch to his two-catch streak, he'd heard that grass-carried hiss. Like a whisper of wind through trees, but sharper in sound- harsh, like the creature it fled from. Its kin's unbleached skull lay in his collection, watching over the nest he shared with Dawnglare- a snake, undoubtedly. Enough of them had slithered low and camouflaged in the half-dead grass of the maddening moors to make the black-and-white tom acutely familiar with them.

It was close to camp, wasn't it? Good thing, then, that Johnnyflame had been looking out for it! Seldom-seen blinks obscured the orbicular wideness of Mallowlark's squall-grey eyes as he drew closer, footsteps peculiarly quiet for such a large cat. What a sight! Blood smeared around his maw as if he had been trying to rip the thing inside-out, a head rolling like a trophy beneath his foot- Mallowlark let loose a laugh at the sight, gory as it was. A wonder of nature it was that such a small, thin thing could have so much ichor stuffed inside it!

"That's one way to kill it," Mallowlark chimed, amusement peppered heavily in his tone. He stared, stared, stared at the head- before, quick as a lightning flash, his attention snapped up to Johnnyflame with such suddenness it was a wonder it did not crack his neck-bones. A black paw motioned to the severed head. "How far do you think you can kick that?"
"Damn, Johnnyflame. That was a close one!" A voice would chirp from above the forest floor, swathed in the greenery of trees that he hidden himself within. He had had the mindset to go out for hunting today, but with the warm sun kissing his white and crimson fur, why not enjoy it for a moment? He loved climbing and splaying against against the thick boughs of the pines, letting his tail and forepaw hang from the branch as he perched like their spotted ancestors. "I watched the whole thing, thought that adder was going to get a hold of you for sure!" A surprised laugh leaves him, short and full of awe. He had seen the way the torbie moved, keeping his distance all while luring the serpent closer to him for a precise pounce upon his head. Auburnflame had waited with baited breath, glacial eyes wide and neck craned forward to get a better look until the lead warrior had disposed of it, practically tearing it's head off.
Feeling as if he had lazed about for long enough, the calico moves for his departure. Patched fore limbs stretch down to steady himself, and in one swift motion he repels down the trunk until he's kn tne ground, crossing the path where Johnnyflame stood with Mallowlark. His gaze flits to the decapitated snake, pink lips twitching in mild distate as the last of it squirmed until it finally lay still. How weird that that happens. "Where'd you learn to do that?" At the sound of Mallowlark's voice, he huffs out another laugh and a mischievous smile breaks onto his face. "Proobably pretty far—or we could put it in someone's nest. Heheheh."



"Wow, Johnnyflame, that sure was...uh something," Howlpaw mewed, looking between warrior and the adder at his feet. It certainly wasn't a pretty sight, perhaps made even worse by the way in which Johnnyflame had killed it. Still, a dead snake was preferable to a live one in Howlpaw's opinion. She had only seen a snake once before previously, but in her youth in ThunderClan had been warned of the dangers of the snakes close to her former home.

When Dawnglare asked how far he could possibly kick it, Howlpaw chuckled. "I bet you could kick it into WindClan at least," She tittered, joining in with Dawnglare and Auburnflame's jokes.
⭒✧ Shock at the nearby scuffle snagged the fur of Chalk's spine high. He had been wandering out from camp, intent on a new discovery, when one made itself known independently. Late to the scene, the tom only just caught the final bite given to the snake. Sandy fur smoothed over, Johnnyflame's success marking the danger over.

His approach was stunted by the sight of Mallowlark, like an inexplicable snow bank amongst the ferns. Perhaps it should be unsurprising, considering the warrior’s interest in corpses. Specifically- "How far do you think you can kick that?" . Ah, yes that.

"That would bring about some interesting results." He responded to Auburnflame musings on what to do with the remnants of the snake. As shocking as it might be, Chalk would be lying if he said he wouldn’t watch that event keenly.

Marine eyes returned to Johnnyflame, blocked out as he blinked in long agreement with Howlpaw. ”Impressive- I’ve never seen a cat go after a snake like that. Even the twolegs shy away. "

Appraisal given, he returned to the question at hand. "Windclan?" Words grew soft with amusement. "We might need some pointers from Mallowlark to get that far, he has experience with disembodied projectiles."
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