
Dec 17, 2022


  • ORIGINAL BLURB: Chrysaliswing's and Honeysplash's story starts in the midst of their apprenticehood, both meeting at quite a young point in their lives. Chrysalispaw was an irate and sarcastic apprentice who always lashed out, particularly at authority and outsiders. Honeysplash, then known as Bananapaw, was a bubbly and affable feline as well as the young sister to Orangestar (then known as Orangeblossom). She sought out Chrysalispaw as nothing more than a friend, at first. Their chance encounter started quite quickly, with Bananapaw persistently attempting to befriend the other time and time again. Chrysalispaw pushed her away, but she seemed to gravitate towards him more and more. There was something about her that he orbited around - perhaps it was their unending compassion or their determination to make him stick around in her life.

    Chrysalispaw could never sort out why he felt the way he did towards Bananapaw, even after the other feline pined after Quillstrike (known then as Quillpaw). Jealousy started at his heart at the thought of Bananapaw with another cat that wasn't him - and though he did not recognize it as such, he felt spurned from it. As time went on, the pair grew closer even as she held flames for other cats. Chrysalispaw helped her through the wrinkles and messes of her life, much to his chagrin.

    If their love was a sheet of stationery, then it surely would have been ripped in two when Honeysplash was taken by Twolegs when both cats had been fresh into their warriorhoods. Though it had been against her will, Chrysaliswing took it as a sign that he was not destined for love. Resenting the Twolegs for taking the only Skyclanner that truly cared for him, he repressed himself further into his own anger and hatred. There were many times that infatuation had crossed his mind, though none remained as strong and as fervent as the love he held for Honey. Honeysplash, in the meanwhile, had escaped from the Twolegs that captured her and wandered through the winding Twolegplace for many moons. For a while, it seemed as though the twin flames would never reunite.

    She returned almost a year later, frazzled and dazed from traversing a world so far away from the clans. It came as a surprise to Chrysaliswing, who believed that she had left forever. Although Chrysaliswing and Honeysplash had many arguments, their relationship rekindled from the stagnant ashes it once lie in. A tryst became a rumor, which became public talks, which became a substantiated relationship. Soon, they became so close that the rest of the clan had started to notice them always at each other's sides. Their lives were not all roses and rainbows, though, as they continued to argue about their differences.

    Then, an unexpected development arose: that Honeysplash was pregnant with Chrysaliswing's kits. Still harboring resentment from past arguments and holding onto the trauma from his own childhood, Chrysaliswing ran from the chance to start a family with the only cat that had ever been truly kind to him. Now, Honeysplash and her friend Flora are raising the kids, and the father of the brood shies away from his responsibility. Will the newly-made father return to his kits and mend the cats that he hurt? Will the abandoned mother manage to care for her kittens while navigating the landmine of her bond with Chrysaliswing?

    Honeysplash has gone missing, the kits have become apprentices, and everything is worse now for Chrysaliswing. Without their doting mother and left with another one of Honeysplash's widowers, Florabreeze, the litter has been thrown into a tumult of changing expectations and new experiences. Some things seem like they will always stay the same - namely, Chrysaliswing's sheer reluctance to even involve himself with his blood kin. He finds that ignoring them is much harder now that they are not confined to Skyclan's camp anymore. Will he rise to the occasion and do the hardest thing he's ever had to do - be a father?

    Please read the ORIGINAL ADOPTION THREAD for more information. The slot of Orangekit/Cloverpaw is being readopted out.

    — OPEN!!

  • — The choosing date for this readoption is currently undecided! I will be updating this thread with a concrete due date when I decide on it.
    — The kits are currently 6 moons old. They age realistically on the 6th of each month.
    — Follow the genetics and naming guide(s) for the kittens, please. I would love alternative names provided!
    — The kit must (ideally) stay in Skyclan. However, if there is a good plot to warrant an allegiance change, please contact me.
    — I will likely prioritize those without an active Skyclanner for slots. However, if you are currently in Skyclan, please do not be discouraged to apply!
    — Form is FFA but not FCFS. Please apply with all the basic information necessary, including but not limited to name, age, gender, appearance, and personality.
    — Casual activity for the kittens is allowed! However, I request that your kitten stay active enough to remain on the census. I am very lenient on activity requirements, and I will work with you in most circumstances.
    — I reserve the right to rehome your kitten for any sort of reason. If you wish to rehome your kit, please contact me.
    — Characters with physical or mental disabilities are allowed. Please research what you want to portray so you may do so appropriately.
    — As the circumstances of this litter are less than ideal, angsty characters will be allowed. Please note that Honeysplash loved her children dearly. It is also planned for Chrysaliswing to come around to fatherhood and attempt to be the best father he can.
  • Sire: LH black (carrying dilute)
    Dam: SH cream tabby w/ high white (masking black; carrying longhair)

    Toms can be red tabby or cream tabby
    She-cats can be tortoiseshell or blue tortoiseshell
    • kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    • kits will have low white
    • kits can have any realistic eye color
    • red-based kits will mask black
    • shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute


    — Blood children to Honeysplash and Chrysaliswing. Co-parented by Florabreeze and Chrysaliswing
    — Sibling to Weaselpaw and Adderpaw
    — Nibling to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower, Blueberrybounce, Cloudberrythorn, Termitehum, and Katydidcry
    — Cousin to Cherryblossom, Glimmersun, Owlheart, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, and Robinheart
    — Grandchild to Alice, Heavy Stone, Dragonflywing, and Earwigtuft
    — Related to the FruitFam
    Insects/Arachnids: Hoverflykit, Mayflykit, Beekit, Waspkit, Sawflykit, Antkit, Mothkit, Butterflykit, Gadflykit, Cicadakit, Grasshopperkit, Roachkit, Cockroachkit, Skipperkit, Ringletkit, Graylingkit, Heathkit, Hornetkit, Beetlekit, Ladybirdkit, Weevilkit, Springtailkit, Damselflykit, Centipedekit, Millipedekit, Chaferkit, Darterkit, Leafhopperkit, Caddisflykit
    Misc. Animals: Adderkit, Serpentkit, Finchkit, Woodpeckerkit, Squirrelkit, Mousekit, Volekit, Foxkit, Juncokit, Thrasherkit, Jaykit, Warblerkit, Chickadeekit, Robinkit, Hawkkit, Eaglekit, Owlkit, Stoatkit, Weaselkit, Martenkit
    Flowers: Cowslipkit, Anemonekit, Buttercupkit, Bluebellkit, Helleborekit, Rosekit, Primrosekit, Marigoldkit, Maplekit, Campionkit, Celandinekit, Pimpernelkit
    Misc. Plants: Oakkit, Pinekit, Alderkit, Birchkit, Yewkit, Hollykit, Rowankit, Hazelkit
    Family & Friends: Earwigkit, Termitekit, Katydidkit, Howlkit, Honeykit, Splashkit
    Names to Avoid: Firekit, Snakekit, Sootkit, Windkit, Spiderkit, Figkit, Dragonflykit

    Fruits: Apple, Cherry, Orange, Apricot, Cloudberry, Juniper, Gooseberry, Lemon
    Cute: Sweet, Giggle, Downy, Joy, Wonder/ing, Silly, Goose, Olive
    Forest: Oak, Maple, Birch, Fern, Bramble, Bush, Flower, Robin, Squirrel, Mouse
    Appearance: Black, Ebony, Sable, Raven, Dusk, Yellow, Amber, Daffodil, Spot/Spotted, Stripe/Striped
    Family & Friends: Egg, Hiccup, Shine, Shell, Laugh, Jitter, Orange, Ginger, Gold, Blueberry, Blue, Bug, Pigeon, Bird, Termite, Hum, Peek/ing, Green, Emerald, Grass, Rain, Storm
    Miscellaneous: Flight, Cloud, Ferret, Rose, Silent, Flame
    Names to Avoid:
  • PLEASE NOTE: If you apply for a hypokit and you get a slot in the litter, you will also receive the transparent design file. Designs must come with the names! You may tweak gender and personality notes. Applying with a hypokit will not affect your chances of receiving a slot. All hypokits are currently available to be applied with as of the posting of this readoption thread. All designs have been checked with the genetics team for legality (though I am willing to make small tweaks). All designs by Tempest on a F2U cat base from rookruff.

    HYPOKIT #1: Hoverflykit
    — Named after the black-and-yellow insect that resembles a bee or a wasp, as they are mimicking the more dangerous species.
    — A longhaired tortoiseshell AFAB with low white and green/yellow eyes (sectoral heterochromia on the left eye).
    — Quiet, complacent, and often finds themselves falling behind their peers in terms of social etiquette. Seems to always be angry or at least slightly perturbed, though just has a case of severe RBF.

    HYPOKIT #2: Greylingkit
    — Named after the speckled grey butterfly, with mottles that resemble rough bark.
    — A shorthaired blue tortoiseshell AFAB with low white and green eyes,
    — Outgoing, perky, and always up for a good adventure. Prone to idolizing their heroes to a fatal fault and often cannot tell when one is projecting a persona or it is simply their true self.

    HYPOKIT #3: Daffodilkit
    — Named after the trumpet-shaped flowers of sprightly yellow hue.
    — A shorthaired cream tabby AMAB with low white and green/yellow eyes (complete heterochromia).
    — They resemble their mother both in appearance and demeanor. Playful, sweet-natured, and impossibly kind - though they also tend to be quite sensitive.

    HYPOKIT #4: Apricotkit
    — Named after the orange fruit, sweet and vibrant in color.
    — A shorthaired red tabby AMAB with low white and green eyes.
    — Fiery, passionate, and ambitious. They don't know when - or how, for that matter - to give up, especially if they are quite fixated on something.

    HYPOKIT #5: Gooseberrykit
    — Named after the small, globular fruit that is often seen along the sides of fences or byways.
    — A shorthaired tortoiseshell AFAB with low white and blue eyes.
    — Dramatic, pithy, but ultimately compassionate behind the playful acts they put on. They have a flair for the exquisite and seem exceptionally slothful - perhaps they would be better suited as a kittypet than a warrior of the forest?

tracking for flora <33

Also uhhh wip
GREYLINGKIT GREYLINGPAW: she / it; (fine with feminine terms, AFAB)

– A short haired blue tortoiseshell with low white, wide green eyes in kithood that have learnt to carry a jaded aspect to them, always squinting in judgement or wide in unjust fury. Her small tufts of fur are unruly and there are random parts of the forest intwined in there (leaves, bugs, sticks you name it she's wearing it). Now that it's an apprentice it can get away with running away from all attempts of being cleaned. Will only clean her appearance as a last resort, this will change when she becomes an older.

Walks in purposeful strides, very fast, always practically running as if she has places to be. As it gets older it will slowly develop a slow and purposeful gait. That will tie into their importance over self image, will try to look 'powerful' but will slip into a faster gait if excited or mad.​

─ Littermates with Adderkit and Weaselkit

✦ trait, trait, trait: blah blah blah expand

Outgoing and always up for a good adventure,

Prone to idolizing ther heroes to a fatal fault and often cannot tell when one is projecting a persona or it is simply their true self. Chrys is ultimately her biggest hero, in the sense of she views him as completely fictional, like all the best heroes he is just out of reach. She will never try to contact him as that breaks her illusion of what makes a great hero but it watches him and learns. Internalizing his behaviour and mannerisms into her own, her grandfathers vitrolic hatred that was passed down to her father is now passed onto her. It is warped, unlike Chrys she has no clue of where this stems or the history behind it, these are just words that she takes on and parrots.

As such it is also tempermental and prone to aggression, this mixes in a cocktail with her excitable and outgoing nature. The contrast clashes to outbursts, these are frequent and either stem from joy or malice. She has not been taught good emotional regulation despite the efforts from Honeysplash and later on Florabreeze. She attempts to be private later in life, secretive and out of reach just like the heroes she idolizes, fails at being alooft but will bite the head off of anyone who pries into her business too much.

She is a clever kid, while she doesn't know when to bite her tongue she knows her way around training. Analytical in the way that she knows clan culture well but will struggle with practical skills at first. When she does understand her way around both sides she will become a show off, the hey watch this (does a backflip) kid. This will extend to her social life as it grows older, having grand flourishes in the way it presents itself to others, grand gestures to friends and dramatic spats when it can't control it's temper once again.

If Chrysaliswing's personality shifts over time there is a huge chance that hers will too, for all intents and purposes it acts like a warped mirror him. Sins of the father reflecting in the eyes of innocent youth.

Misc inspo
─ From Eden (Hozier)
─ Solitary Confinement (Everybodys worried about Owen)
─ Devil Like Me (Rainbow kitten surprise)​
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Name: Cloverpaw
Gender: Male
Appearance: While he is a tortie much of his fur is predominately covered in black- making him somewhere in the cryptic tortie genre of coat colors. Of all kits he is the one who looks most like his father, long fur that is all too easy to puff up.
Personality/History: The best way to describe him is spiky. He is temperamental, always questioning authority, and if you tell him he was just like his father at his age he will tackle you. He was/is a huge momma's boy though- and still is with Flora. Only two people could get him to behave without problems and it was those two. He likes giving them gifts because they're the best momma's in the world. He knows he has a father out there in Skyclan. And does not give a damn. He came out about a month before his apprentice ceremony and I'll ask you how that went down with the siblings and his mums and such.

He can't decide whether Honeysplash has to be dead because she'd never leave him or if for some reason she secretly never liked him in the first place because he was a troublemaker, so she ran away to get away from him. He holds onto the hope she's alive, but fears the implications of it. She wouldn't just run away right? Behind the mask of aggression he commonly wears is a deep seated insecurity.

Despite all his flaws when he cares he cares just as fiercely as he does when he's angry. He likes giving gifts as well.
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