pafp no sign of the night ⍋ welcome

Nov 6, 2023
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

Having new faces in the den is both a potential blessing or an equally potential curse. Valepaw feels vastly outnumbered by cruelty and evil in here every night... having argued and hissed at more than half of the clan-mates that live in this den. With Dipperfrost moving on, it meant there was one less cat in there that he could bother being around... she had been quiet, had kept to herself, wasn't blatantly rude. That had been enough to make her likeable.

Eelpaw is the only one to be walking into the den tonight a new apprentice. He'd spent the last few moments pulling his nest aside so there is enough room to comfortably fit her away from the more malicious mouths in the den (Nettlepaw, Asphodelpaw, Otterpaw to name a few). The excitable distance sound of a voice yammering on suggests maybe Shellkit has come to poke her nose in here again... to explore or ask to play. Valepaw doesn't mind, he's more than willing to oblige her in the form of hide and seek (he's good at that game).

He pokes his head out of the den with idle curiosity but his lack of forethought finds him smacking his head into someone else's head on their way in- "Augh," he yelps softly, pulling back to put his paw on his throbbing temple. "S-sorry... Wasn't looking..." How unfortunate it should be the very newcomer he was trying to make space for and properly welcome.... What a horrible introduction.

Eelpaw finds herself standing outside of the apprentice's den, a small bundle of moss in her jaws as she prepares herself to enter the den. It was going to be a difficult adjustment, and she wondered how the others had managed to adjust themselves. Exhaling, she began to walk into the den, but not without her head making contact with Valepaw's, a yelp emitting from her jaws accompanying the dropped bundle of moss. "It's ok Valepaw!" Pausing, she glances around the den as she takes a mental note of the limited amount of space within the den. Already being nervous about making friends, the last thing she wanted was to steal someone's spot. Besides, they wouldn't make her sleep near the den's entrance where it was coldest, would they? Scraping together the small amount of moss she had, she would glance at the tom, hopeful he'd be kind enough to her. At least for tonight. "W-where can I make a nest? I-I don't even know if I have enough... I won't have to sleep in the cold spot just because I'm new and littler, will I?" Rambling, she searches the apprentice's eyes for any signs of reassurance.

// prompt: on her first night in the apprentices' den, how does Eelpaw go about making some new friends of her den-mates?
It’s a sight to behold—Valepaw, trying to rearrange his nest to make room for the freshly named Eelpaw—and missing the obvious solution in the two newly vacated nests. Pricklepaw doesn’t share his thoughts; he’s never once claimed to be helpful, but on the chance that he had, it must have been for a joke.

Normally we’d make you sleep outside the den, and you’d need to work your way in,” Pricklepaw folds his blue paws in front of him as he speaks from the comfort of his own nest, “But you’ve got a smart look about you, Eelpaw. You can just take Nettlepaw’s nest, he won’t mind any.” Pricklepaw points with his chin to the nest in question—conveniently near his own.​
Claypaw had found herself (unfortunately) stuck in the den when Valepaw began to busily rearrange his life. Yes, she knew new apprentices would be on their way in, and she wanted to huff her exhaustion. Maybe Claypaw would take to sleeping outside from now on, if they were to continue to add bodies into the mix. Her nose flared as she nudged her own nest back into shape, settled somewhere off to the side of the den where it drafted.

She quietly didn't mind. After all, she had been stuck in the world from a young age without relent from the cold, or the hot. Her fur kept her more then comfortable. And while Claypaw had every disdain for Riverclanners, the younger crowd always pulled on her heartstrings. Mismatched eyes pinned upon Pricklepaw, and her words came quiet, but with a strong tone of disagreeing. "Eelpaw. Settle wherever you are most comfortable- It seems Valepaw had taken the time to find you some space."

The apprentice lifted her head. She hated speaking out enough to draw more attention to herself, but Pricklepaw was getting on the wrong nerve already. "We can help you find some more moss if you need some." Claypaw's eyes finally ripped themselves off of the back of Pricklepaw's head to look at the newest. A forced smile found her face, but it fell awkwardly against a normally unsmiling face.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.
bio ₊˚✧ ゚. It isn't that long ago that him Valepaw and Goldenpaw were the new entrants, Bitepaw ensuring his presence was known, shrilling his way through the nights, eager to inspire spite through inevitable irritation. He's settled and melting into the moss of his nest, absently adjusting the pebbles by his nest when the commotion by the entrance draws an unimpressed gaze. "Watch where you're going." He's ready to rise to his feet and shoulder in defense of Valepaw, but remains seated, flexing his claws. The invitations from the other apprentices aren't shared by Bitepaw, the stuttered inquiries wrinkle his nose, spoils an already sour expression further.

"There's no room by me." His dubious claim is untrue, but something about the rambling words of Eelpaw pinch him. It doesn't look like Valepaw is opposed to helping, with Pricklepaw offering a spot, he's expecting his friend to follow with an offer. Even Claypaw offering help, her expression strange looking. He has no such intention of sharing anything becoming. They're shared curiosity in the past, having the innocence to pelt warriors with questions, but the visible nerves of their peer draw his ire.
*+:。.。 "I doubt anyone would want to sleep by you, Bitepaw" Asphodelpaw would sigh, shooting the younger tom a disappointed glare. Asp understood being a little grumpy towards change, but man was the kid unnecessarily rude. Did he not experience the same nervousness when he'd first joined the apprentice's den? Asphodelpaw recalled the first time he'd joined the 'paws - how he'd trembled with excitement and nerves, babbling apologies and pressing against the walls of the den to avoid being a nuisance. Ferngill and Mosspool had been some of the few who had welcomed him into the new den, making sleeping for the first time away from his parents feel a little less scary. Asp kinda regretted not being that kind of welcoming force to the most recent batch of littles...or any batch of littles.
He chewed on his lip as he thought about it then, realizing he hadn't done, well, anything to be a proper veteran of the apprentice's den for the newly initiated. In his defense though, it was hard swallowing the fact that he was one of the oldest here now, with only a pawful of moons left to go before he left. Suddenly, he felt a little bit like Eelpaw as he imagined having to go through the whole reintegration process again, losing his comfortable spot near the back of the shelter where it was quiet and warm. Having to be surrounded by warriors who'd be more irritated by his presence than excited. He shivered at the thought.

Biting off a chunk of his mossy nest, Asphodelpaw would make his way over to Eelpaw and Valepaw. Blatantly ignoring the little monster that was Valepaw - his good idea to be so sweet to Eelpaw did not save him from the cruelty he'd done to Asp, something maybe the boy would warm Eelpaw of later - he'd drop his contribution onto the constructed nest. Smiling at Eelpaw, a bit awkwardly as socializing didn't come easy to the older boy, he said, "Here, take some of my bedding. It was freshly laid down, I promise, so not used much ah - but I can help with gathering more if you prefer. If this spot isn't to your liking, I don't mind scooting over where I sleep." He lifted his chin slightly and said with a bit of misplaced pride, "I barely sleep much so I won't make for a bad nest-neighbor since I barely move"

Finally, flicking his tail about nervously, the older would say, "Welcome, by the way, to the apprentice's den. The first night can be a little spooky, but you're among friends" he shot Bitepaw a hard stare, "for the most part, anyway"

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice [/COLOR]

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
The den used to cycle well with young and old apprentices. Every moon someone was becoming a warrior, enough that even Ferngill's days as a -paw weren't so bothersome for it. But ever since yellowcough's plight on RiverClan new warriors lulled and he felt like their den was only getting fuller every month instead of emptier. It didn't help that the Ripple cats couldn't even take their own apprentices yet, practically apprentices themselves and only 'warriors' in where they slept.

As one of the oldest in the den he slept in the center alongside Brookpaw and Oxbowpaw (and Jaypaw, but only because he was so annoying about it), but with all of these runts coming in they might become squished together with hardly any space left. If Pricklepaw wasn't still a kit to the chimera he might have played along with his bit.

"What Claypaw means by most comfortable means anywhere but here. This spots for the strongest apprentices." Otterpaw jeered as his eyes searched for Brookpaw. "When you aren't so runty anymore you'll be able to sleep in the best spots like we do."