pafp No sign of what's ahead | Bad eyesight


Poor nocturnal sight has not, so far, been too much of a problem for Snakeblink. Sure, his ability to move around the territory safely is reduced by half at sundown and he nearly slipped down the gorge that one time… but when it comes down to it, he gets by well enough in the daylight hours, and there’s always something to do in the dark that doesn’t actually require much visual acuity at all. He’s gotten very good at weaving without actually looking at the reeds he’s twisting around.

Sometimes, though, it’s… a bit of an obstacle.

”What… is that.”

The sun has gone behind the horizon, leaving the forest bathed in the purple haze of dusk. The waning moon casts her dim light upon the river, set like a single smiling eye in the darkening sky. In plain words: there isn’t a single bright source of light around, and Snakeblink is rapidly losing the ability to make out distant shapes. Such as the suspicious bulk hunkering on the other shore, rendered grey and anonymous by the hour. Its silhouette looks suspiciously beast-like, and they’ve had a predator problem lately. Could it be a straggler from Thunderclan’s dog pack, lying in wait? Or a bear, perhaps? The wind isn’t blowing the right way to carry any scent his way. It’s not on their shore, at least, but his fur bristles anyway.

Their way: his ears perk up as he remembers Petalnose is near. Turning to his fellow lead, he jerks his head towards the distant shape and whispers, ”What do you see? I can’t quite make it out.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • @Petalnose it's a dog! it's a bear! it's... probably a weirdly-shaped log.
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


The fall of the night came. Petalnose's sight naturally adjusted to the lack of light, but per usual the molly couldn't see far. Further surroundings were merely blurbs of colors or odd shapes she couldn't quite make out. Atleast, she only had to explore close to figure out a source of curiosity. Her usual squinting atleast made her look more intimidating to addition of her resting face. Although, unhandy it was for scounting. Therefore she relied on her other two senses to make out unfamiliar figures in her path.

The woman had not noticed Snakeblinks source of curiosity until his voice came to question for her. An alerted deep hum rubbled through her chest as she seeked out his cause of concern.

A large figure seemed to be hunkered by the river.

Petalnose craned her neck despite her already tall stature as if it would assist her, squinting her eyes even more. Her nose twitched in an attempt to bring in scent and ears urged forward to pick up on movement. Nothing. Not a sound. Not a scent.

"I- .. can't pick up on anything." She huffed in disappointment and slight irritation.

What do you see? I can't quite make it out.

"Not entirely sure but it looks suspicious. Almost like a bear of some kind. Or I can creep closer to figure it out." She announced, slowly crouching her body low to the ground in preparation to seek out the suspicious blob of color. Curiousity struck her like lightning, causing an unresistable urge to seek it out. She hoped Snakeblink would join her and feed on her decision. Petalnose couldn't leave this unsolved, her ever wondering mind didn't help her weak self control.


LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
There were many remarkable things about Lakemoon, she knew this because she had worked tirelessly to make them so.
Yet, the one thing she couldn’t change about herself was her biology. Her eyesight was nothing special, she could not train it to see better, she could only train her mind to be more aware.
The sun has risen and set, and she is taking a moment to herself, outside of the settling camp.
The sound of rushing water and crickets is a soft lullaby when the warrior finally decides it is time to turn around and go back to camp, to her shared nest where her mate might already be resting.
She has hardly begun her trek back home when Snakeblink’s voice catches her off-guard.
She turns, parting a clump of reeds to reveal both Petalnose and Snakeblink gawking at something in the distance.
"Is everything alright?" The molly prompts, taking a cautious step forward to take a peek at what they were entranced by.
Strewn half-hazardly on Thunderclan’s shore, is a shadow of something. Lakemoon squints, azure pools cast almost black in the moonlight.
Petalnose suggests a bear or dog, but.. is that..?
Lakemoon blinks, and what looked like a terrifying limb of some kind at first sight now looked more of.. a branch?
Another blink, and Lakemoon looks to both Snakeblink and Petalnose, could they not see it? "Wait to see if it moves, perhaps? Then you’ll know if it’s a beast before you get too close." She suggests, taking a seat, her tone free from urgency as was her norm.
She didn’t want to be wrong, so while she was sure it was harmless, the molly didn’t mind waiting to see how it all played out for the two lead warriors.

Hazecloud had joined both her leads in the moonlight of a loosely pulled together patrol. When she returned from her sundown patrol, her muscles lacked the desire for rest. Instead they had ached to keep going, protesting against rest whenever she tried to find comfort on the soft earth of camp or in her own nest. It appeared she still had a drive to keep going, and sought to do something productive while out in the evening.

Snakeblink and Petalnose are muttering to one another, and the silvery cat cautiously joined Lakemoon in approaching them. She made sure to keep a certain distance from the scarred warrior after watching her fight with Lilybloom unfold.

Soft green sights followed where the three of them were pointing their muzzles. Something across the river was catching their attention, and Hazecloud raked over every branch, stone and bush on the other side of the river. Her lids squinted as though it would help find the aimless threat the other three saw, or assumed, but clearly there was nothing of concern here.

"What... are you talking about?" She made no attempt to hide her voice after deciding nothing was there. After a bit more deducing, she followed their exact line of sight to an oddly formed log, weird shaped limbs lilting with the summer breeze. "Are you guys playing a joke of some kind? That's... that is a log. Washed up on ThunderClan's side." Was she ruining a prank? Was she supposed to be the victim of this prank? She couldn't imagine this was supposed to be believable, if she squinted maybe it looked beastly, but she was thoroughly lost on the situation.
( ) when one is bored in riverclan, there's no need to look too far. some idiot is always up to something- at least this is what willowroot has noticed. and obviously, obviously, they're not all idiots. some of them are highly qualified lead warriors, in fact! as the smoke femme watches two of riverclan's finest huddle and whisper together, their muzzles low, she can't decide if maybe some are more idiotic than she first realized. just across the river, on thunderclan's side, lies a forest. as it turns out, forests have trees and branches in them. as snakeblink mutters something about a dog, or a bear, and petalnose agrees with him, willowroot gazes clearly at a branch. a stick, even. a log. look at her, expanding her vocabulary!

if she tips her head, she can see their vision- blame it on the dark, or on snake's old failing eyes, or whatever. it could possibly be mistaken for danger. but it's not moving, and there's no scent. it is so very clearly a log that has washed ashore probably weeks ago. as lakemoon approaches with her suggestions, willow glances at the silver tabby, an eyebrow raised. could she too be fooled? surely not. hazecloud breaks the hushed whispers with the plain truth. "i do believe hazecloud is right. it is, in fact, a log."

// willow loves her idiot friends (ic opinions obvi) <3
A great strength of Cindershade's had always been her sharpened eyes, acute and cutthroat just as she was. An ally she had always been blessed with ever since she was a young child, scouring through dim alleyways to dark marshlands until now within the meadows and reeds of RiverClan. Built to be warrior of strength and dexterity, hollowed out as her emotions resided on the shallow end. Velvet ears perk to the sound of hushed voices along the banks, lush greenery now glowed dim with silver luminescent light. She is silent in her trek, honing in on more snd more voices as they grow as she nears them. Snakeblink and Petalnose. An odd pair to be seen together, though she won't comment on it. They fret together, picking up bits and pieces of their conversation. Now there's another. An affirmative tone, serious as ever and eloquent. Lakemoon. Wait to see if what moves? Rosettrd fur prickles at those words, muscles tensing and rippling under her sleek coat. Was there a threat? Her steps grows quicker and quicker till finally she appears along the river's shoreline behind Hazecloud, just in time to hear an exasperated mew from the blue molly.

Are you guys playing a joke of some kind? That's... that is a log. Washed up on ThunderClan's side.

Cindershade halts for a moment, tail tip flicking in light ire as those words grazed her ears. A log. Willowroot's ever softened voice speaks up now, affirming Hazecloud's truth and she glances to the black smoke with a quirked brow. Were they serious? Were Petalnose and Snakeblink that blind to mistake a rotting log as a potential threat? The woman slips around Hazecloud, her fur barely brushing this whisps of the other's before standing at her side, paws wading in the shallows. There, she spots it immediately. A gnarled branch that dots an inky silhouette in the night with jutting branches that weigh down from decay. She blinks, virdian irises flitting to the two leads and she finally lets her her own exasperated sigh. "You two are fish-brains." Her voice, hushed as ever, pointedly speaking to both the tabby's that sit before them all. "Honestly, you think would would also smell whatever beast you've conjured up in your heads. Or even the smell of rot if it was dead." Her helm shakes slowly, eyes rolling to the back of her cranium. "What am I to do with you both?" It was rhetorical, her question leaving her pursing lips with another sigh. "Half-blind badgers the both of you are."


Snakeblink does his name justice by batting his eyelids quickly before narrowing his eyes, trying to focus on the increasingly hard to see shape in the distance, and… yes. Yes, he does believe they are right: that is just a log.

”Ah… indeed it is,” he murmurs flatly. Cindershade is right: even this far, they would smell something from such a large… ‘beast’. Snakeblink doesn’t know if he ought to be heartened to share this embarrassing moment with Petalnose, or even more ashamed to have brought her down with him by speaking his suspicions aloud.

Kneading the ground under his paws and refusing to meet anyone’s eyes, he keeps to his hunched position and stares intently at the mocking shape of the waterlogged wood. ”I believe I’ll follow Lakemoon’s suggestion and wait for it to move nonetheless,” he says airily. Under his breath, he adds, half-joking, ”Hopefully it will rush this way and put me out of my misery…”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 43 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo