private no song unsung -- blazestar

☆ -- | The blood was gone, and Brightpaw - although slowly - could now walk well enough to be able to move a little bit around camp. With her movement came thoughts once more about what had happened, where she had been, and although @BLAZESTAR hadn't asked for her specifically, Brightpaw knew that it was possible that the time could come. She wasn't going to get out of this without at least being talked to - especially not after what she had heard about two other cats crossing the border before she had. Those two had been accidents, but Brightpaw had done everything on purpose, and she had admit so on the border.

Moving slowly from nerves more than anything, Brightpaw made her way towards Blazestar's den, ears pinned slightly back before she came to a stop outside the entrance, paws shuffling underneath her for a moment before she finally spoke up, ears finding themselves pricked on top of her head to listen for an answer. "Blazestar?" She called out, clearing her throat before she continued on, "Are you busy? I can come back later if you are." At this point she hoped that she was, now that she was actually seeking him out she wished she was still in the medicine den with Fireflypaw and Dawnglare.​
Blazestar had planned to go to the medicine cat’s den once Brightpaw was patched up, but to his surprise, the light brown she-cat tentatively pokes her head through the elderberry bush guarding his den. “Are you busy? I can come back later if you are.” He swipes his tongue about his jaws, catching any stray bits of the bluejay he’d eaten. “Not at all. Enter, please.” He is proud of her for coming to him directly—he can sense how nervous she is even from this distance. Once she’s before him, Blazestar will rise from his nest so that he can look down on her.

I hope you’re feeling better, though you may wear some of those wounds as scars for a long time.” He stares at her. “I need you to tell me how you received those injuries, Brightpaw. And then we will talk about what happens next.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
☆ -- | She almost left, almost turned around and skittered off, hoping that Blazestar wouldn't have heard her or would have just ignored her, until she heard Not at all. Enter, please. And once again ears pinned to her head and stomach dropped for a moment. This was the most nervous she had ever been, and it was showing, and as much as she had tried to hide it she couldn't help it, as the leader walked towards her, she swallowing down her fear and nervousness, preparing herself for the anger that she had received at the border - not just from Blazestar but from others as well - before words spoke and it slowly began to melt away. He wasn't yelling, and a small sigh of relief couldn't help but leave her maw before she relaxed slightly.

Head nod slowly in response to his comment about her wounds becoming scars, it was what she had thought about after the fact, something that could be seen as cool with kittens but to those her age or older they would all know how she had gotten them - by not following policy and by being stupid. And then he asked for an explanation for said wounds, and for a moment she looked like a fish, mouth opening and closing as she tried to find the words right away. "I got a little bit turned around, and I ended up on another border, there was a cat there, I think she might have been a warrior?" Small shudder of breath as she got the words out before she continued once more, "Anyway, I asked her the direction to get to fourtrees and she kept being really mean, so I told her I'd try to find my way myself and she attacked me so I turned around and tried to get home but the ThunderClan patrol found me first." She was thankful that had been the case, even if the outcome had been this - her being in trouble and injured - but she considered herself lucky that she had been caught by a patrol with decent enough cats where they helped her to get home safely.​
Blazestar listens, his fur prickling with unease. Brightpaw describes a mean cat, quick to use her teeth and claws, and the way she talks about being turned around leaves him with an ache of unease. “Brightpaw… were you trespassing? Did you go to WindClan territory?” He stares at her. Old memories come crawling like the undead from the cesspools of his mind—two silver tabbies, their green eyes full of hatred and fire as Blazestar named Daisyflight his successor and not one of them. “StarClan forbid… you may not have made it out alive.

He studies her, then exhales. It’s a ragged sound. “Long ago, Brightpaw, a cat made the same mistake you did today. His name was Haze. He was the son of the leader who led before me… surely you’ve heard of Rain before.” Blazestar’s eyes glaze as he peers into SkyClan’s sordid history. “Haze and his brother Squall did not like that I claimed leadership. Their father led before them, so they felt like it was their right. When I named Daisyflight as my first deputy, Haze became very angry. He left, looking for Fourtrees as you did.” He shakes his head. “He met Sootstar there. WindClan’s leader. She did not take kindly to him on her territory, and she tells us now he accused her of all kinds of things before attacking her… we’ll never know what really happened, but it doesn’t matter. The ending is the same. Sootstar killed Haze for trespassing.

Blazestar’s ears flatten for just a moment. “If you met a WindClanner on this foolish adventure, you are lucky to be here, alive.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Brightpaw watches as Blazestar listens to her story, and she starts to think when he asks if she had been to WindClan territory. "I-I think so, but I didn't go in WindClan territory..." It smelled of how parts of the territory had smelled after WindClan had tried to attack their camp, and although she hadn't seen their territory before, she could have sworn what she had seen was territory only those who liked to run would have tried to live within. A lump of fear rose in her throat as he continued on, speaking of how she may not have made it out alive. That was how she had felt, that she was lucky to have gotten away considering the insistence the older cat had about attacking her that day.

Lump swallowed, she nod her head when Blazestar asked if she knew about Rain, it was a name she had heard before, when she was younger, the dead cat that had spoken to many of the prophecy that had formed the clans if she remembered correctly. She wished she had been old enough to be there when it had happened, but the stories she heard would have to be enough, the one Blazestar speaking now the same. She listened to the story that Blazestar told, soaking it in and shuddering as she fully absorbed what could have happened to her, that she could have died within ThunderClan's border all because she was impatient and couldn't wait to be told she could go somewhere with the rest of the clan. "Are all cats like her - like Sootstar?" It was curiosity that coursed through her this time, wondering whether or not she had run into the WindClan leader at the border. She'd never seen her before, didn't know what she had looked like, but could it be?

A sigh left the apprentice as her shoulders sagged once more, "I don't... I don't feel very lucky. I was stupid and I probably worried everyone in camp - especially Shadowfire - and I didn't mean to but I think I made things bad with ThunderClan, I didn't think of that happening before." They went through ThunderClan's territory every moon to go to the fourtrees right, so why had this been any different if that's where she had been going? She hadn't thought of that before, but as she had walked back with the ThunderClanners she could only think of why it was different in that moment, and how much she had messed up.