camp NO SUNSHINE | disappearance

The day of Ferndance's kitting had been fast approaching: nests had been built, names had been decided, and all that had been left was to invite the bundles of joy into the world. But, the nursery was empty that day. It had been empty the day before as well, the day before that, it had been vacated in-and-out the short leafbare hours. No walk had been announced by the ticked tabby, no messages to loved ones offered or assurances to camp guards that she was doing something 'important', Ferndance had vanished, letting the winter wind carry her to parts unknown. The hoard of personal belongings strewn around the Queen's den suggested a hurry (or a lack thereof to tidy), though it seemed asinine to count each crinkled leaf that lay upon the nursery floor, nothing seemed to have been taken by the expecting mother. She expected to return, but that fact did not change the overarching question:

Where in StarClan's name was Ferndance?

Frostbite had taken to glancing towards the nursery more often the closer it came time for Ferndance to give birth, when he could. It was an experience he'd never forget, certainly. The agonizing pain and the smell of blood, he wonders if something had nearly gone wrong with his pregnancy and if other births were less... Agonizing.

He was curious to see how Ferndance's kits would act. Would they be silly like her? He feels he's among the few who don't find her to be annoying. If anything, he finds her to be refreshing amidst the angst. But today, when he casts his gaze towards the nursery, he catches a glimpse of an empty nest. As he peeks in, he realizes it's been empty for a bit. He hadn't seen Ferndance at all, recently, actually.

If his fur wasn't already white, he swears this clan would make it so.

Had something happened to Ferndance, or was she being irresponsible so close to kitting and leaving the camp? She could get attacked by a predator, or a rogue, or bitten by a snake, or something could go wrong or-

When did he start fretting so much? When did he start to have so much anxiety?

He turns to face the camp and shouts. "Has anyone seen Ferndance?"

Surely someone knows something?
Sprucepaw perks up upon hearing Frostbite calling out. Her tail twitches, ears folding back with mild discontent (though, she cannot admit that concern doesn't mask it well.) Ferndance isn't in the nursery? Well... it's not unlike the she-cat to wander off, but it would take a cat with dirt for brains to not know how improperly dangerous that is. At least, that's what her mentor says.

Mapleberry strides effortlessly towards the lead warrior, her daughter in tow. The calico sees reprieve from the monotony of training Sprucepaw - a hunt such as this would surely prime the tabby cat and allow her to gain her name early! She sees a prize. "We were off to do some hunting, anyhow," Mapleberry hums, dipping her head to Frostbite. Sprucepaw lingers close, eyes fluttering between the adults, "Do what you must, of course, but we'll keep an ear out. Won't we, Sprucepaw?" And so does the black tabby nod obediently.

Before the lead warrior can make a command of her, Mapleberry guides her daughter out of camp and into the snowy wetlands of their home. Whispers of pride and greed wreathe around the mother, whilst the daughter trots in beside her willingly.

[ in and out :) ]​

[ ༻❄༺ ] Frostbite's call to ask if anyone had seen the newly made queen, and her yellow eyes drifted onto the lead warrior before attempting to remember if she had seen the other before a shake of her head made it clear that the young apprentice had not seen the other who had overcrowded the nursery proor with her move in.

Her ears twitched a bit before approaching the other, a look unconern glittered in her eyes. "Ferndance is probably fine... " she expressed coolly before glancing away, afterall she was a warrior...wasn't she..? And Ferndance had been a lead warrior at one point until Chilledstar had demoted her for being too silly (she had heard that from others), besides it should be okay? Snowpaw hardly knew the warrior so she saw no need to fret over the queen, she had plenty of others to do such thing but... if Scorchedmoon was to attend a search patrol, she too would tat along with her mentor.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 4 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

A pregnant queen was now out wandering the territory. Magpiepaw's expression does not betray his thoughts but he finds he is more than a little exhausted at the idea and perhaps even moreso annoyed that this was happening at all. Forestshade at least had her kits in the camp before she ran amok not tending to them and continuing her duties as a warrior undaunted. Ferndance was so close to her due date he couldn't help but be concerned, surely she wasn't going to risk their lives by having them out in the cold territory somewhere? Not even she was foolish enough to do that. It was one thing to get her own fool self killed, it was another to lose kits due to negligence.
The medicine cat apprentice wandered forward and stopped alongside Snowpaw, his nose wrinkling, "She is hardly fine. She is a blithering fool. Frostbite, she is going to have those kits any day now, please send a patrol. Starlingheart and I can't help her if she's not here."
What if she had problems delivering them? What if something happened to make things more dire? What if one of the kits had an issue? What was he supposed to do? Wander aimlessly around the territory and hope to find her? Pray she came back before the kitting started?
"...and hit her upside the head when you do find her. Her skull isn't pregnant."

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

🕊️ "She's not in her nest?" Needledrift appears at the lead warrior's side, her green eyes dark with concern. It was very much like Ferndance to just rattle off to whoever knows where but so close to her kitting time.... it was very, very worrying. Her mate could go into labor at anytime and with Siltcloud and Granitepelt still loose somewhere in the forest, Needledrift couldn't help the creeping feeling that something was going to go very, very wrong if Ferndance was left to her own devices.

A small gaggle of apprentices appears, Sprucepaw, Snowpaw, though Magpiepaw is the only one that grabs her attention for longer than an ear twitch. She wholly did not agree with her mate getting a whollop just for her wayward nature, but she did like the idea of a patrol.

"Please, Frostbite. Let me go with you. I know my mate better than anyone and if she didn't even let me know where she was going, she's not acting normal. We need to find her quickly."
── Ferndance being gone was unsettling. If today hasn't already been bad, then it's gotten worse. He just hopes it won't be the worst day of his life. Sprucepaw was able to cheer up his spirits, but it all comes reeling back when his mother's mate is gone. The tom has seen the way the two are with each other and he knows the despair his mother will be in if Ferndance and their kits are hurt. He's been told numerous times that they would be coming soon. Green eyes linger on Sprucepaw's disappearing form while he takes his place beside Needledrift.

There's this talk about what they should do until his mother, Needledrift says they must find her. "I'm going too." He will not take no for an answer, besides the more paws they had, the better chances they had in finding Ferndance. All they can hope is that she's safe somewhere within their territory. Although, he would be lying to say he also wants to go because of Sprucepaw.