The day of Ferndance's kitting had been fast approaching: nests had been built, names had been decided, and all that had been left was to invite the bundles of joy into the world. But, the nursery was empty that day. It had been empty the day before as well, the day before that, it had been vacated in-and-out the short leafbare hours. No walk had been announced by the ticked tabby, no messages to loved ones offered or assurances to camp guards that she was doing something 'important', Ferndance had vanished, letting the winter wind carry her to parts unknown. The hoard of personal belongings strewn around the Queen's den suggested a hurry (or a lack thereof to tidy), though it seemed asinine to count each crinkled leaf that lay upon the nursery floor, nothing seemed to have been taken by the expecting mother. She expected to return, but that fact did not change the overarching question:
Where in StarClan's name was Ferndance?