camp no time for caution — night swimming

Foxtail shifts in his nest, letting out a groan at, yet another, a sleepless night. He opens his tired olive green eyes, and tucks his tail over his paws. His nest feels comfortable, and his eyes feel ready for sleep. But when he closes his eyes to enter his dreams, his mind feels awake. His thoughts are running wild— wilder than they have ever done before— and he simply cannot sleep in this condition. What if I’m still failing Smokestar? His mind hisses, anxiety sinking into his chest. Foxtail had been too inexperienced to handle Eelpaw. As the rogue situation intensified, he pushed her aside to apprentice chores after apprentice chores. ...He thought he was keeping her safe; she was far too young to be out in RiverClan territory with rogues lurking in every corner. And now it’s his fault her training has been delayed! Only a moon had gone by before Smokestar entrusted his nephew to Foxtail. He wants to believe he’s a better mentor this time around... there hasn’t been a waking moment where he and Pebblepaw aren’t out and about. Pebblepaw is excelling in hunting, making progress in battling and tracking.

But what about swimming?

Pebblepaw doesn’t know how to swim, He thinks with dread, his claws flexing onto his nest. And it’s my fault. …StarClan forbid Pebblepaw accidentally got swept by a nasty current, or fell into deep water— would the instincts of a RiverClanner take over, or would his apprentice drown? His RiverClan instincts certainly didn’t take over when he was an apprentice, that’s for sure. ...He’d be among silverpelt if it weren’t for Feathergaze, and he shudders at the thought. The frozen river accident was moons, moons, ago. And it still has a toll on the young warrior. He remembers how frigid the water felt. And how silent drowning really is. He didn’t cry for help; he didn’t splash around and make a dramatic scene. It’s quiet and deadly, and it was pure luck his friend noticed him slip underneath the frigid water.

I’m failing Pebblepaw. Just like I failed Eelpaw.

He’s avoiding training all over again, isn’t he? He’s been so, so, busy with Pebblpaw’s hunting, battling, and scent tracking progress. But an entire moon has passed. He can’t remember a single instance where he brought Pebblepaw to the river, that wasn’t for a fishing lesson. He lets out a heavy sigh. "I-I don’t want to fail him too," He quietly murmurs, ears pinning back. But if he can barely get himself to swim comfortably, how will he teach Pebblepaw? How will he ensure his fear won’t pass down onto his apprentice? He gulps, that only means one thing.

He steps out of his nest, and exits the warriors den, the moonlight brightening up the night. Most of the clan is in deep slumber, and his gaze flashes over to the apprentice’s den. His gaze lands on the slumbering form of his apprentice, with his two littermates close by. With a quiet sigh, he looks away and pads through the quiet camp. His paws get closer and closer to the water that surrounds their camp, his heart starting to race on instinct. I have to improve myself before I can teach him, He tells himself, his limbs shaking. He lifts his paw, and briefly hesitates. He stares at the calm water and disrupts it as he steps in.

He pushes himself forward and goes deeper into the water, until only his head is visible. "S-stay calm… stay calm," He whispers to himself as he kicks in the water, and keeps himself afloat. He’s safe. He isn’t going to drown. …But despite repeating this mantra in his head, his heart continues to be on edge. This is only the start to overcome his fear of water. It won’t magically go away after a simple swim, but at least he’s trying. A heavy, nervous breath leaves his maw as he continues his nightly swim. This is necessary, He thinks one more time, not noticing the silhouette approaching him from behind.

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons

The newly named Foxkit had never been one to fall asleep quickly. And now, as the days wore on with no sign of his mother, he tossed and turned more than he ever had before. She could be anywhere. What if something awful had happened to her? To his littermates? The forest was awfully dangerous, more dangerous than he had realized. Frowning, he sat up and shook stray bits of moss from his pelt before slowly standing up. He peeked out of the entrance of the nursery, quietly surveying the empty camp.

His ears twitched, and he scrabbled to his paws as he caught sight of Foxtail across the camp. Where was he going? Trotting out of the den, Foxkit lowered himself into the reeds around the nursery, peeking out past them to avoid being spotted. He tipped his head to the side as he watched the bigger cat hesitate before entering the water. This wasn't surprising to him--he knew the RiverClan cats swam all the time--but why was Foxtail going for a swim at night?

Curiosity getting the better of him, the little tortoiseshell trotted out from his spying place and over to the water's edge. "Hi Foxtail!" he chirped. "How come you're goin' swimmin' in the dark?" He stuck out one small forepaw and tapped at the water's surface.
Sleep drifts away from Hawkcloud quietly, slipping off into the cricket-filled nighttime and leaving the she-cat blinking in the darkness of the den. She paws at her eyes, slowly waking up from a vivid dream that fades into the dull-colored, cross-hatched reeds of the den walls — and notices that her brother's nest beside her is empty. Curiosity overtakes the she-cat as she picks up on his recent scent leading out past the entrance, and it's enough to guide the still-sleepy Hawkcloud to her paws and poke her way out into the darkness-cloaked camp.

Foxkit's voice cuts easily through the murmur of crickets and flowing of water that bathes the RiverClan camp at nighttime, and Hawkcloud pads over to the edge of the stream where her brother is submerged. She lets out a gasp at the sight of his head peering out above the night-black waters, the rest of his pelt soaked beneath the current, and immediately bounds closer — past Foxkit and into the shallows. But Hawkcloud stops as she watches her littermate wade in the river despite his fear, and a smile tugs at her muzzle the longer she observes him. "It's because he's very daring, don't you know?" she answers Foxkit's question playfully, but she means it. Her brother, Foxtail, is braver than even he himself knows.

"He lives for danger." Hawkcloud doesn't mean this part, she just says it because she thinks it's funny.​
*+:。.。 Asphodelrain understands the fear of water. He's been struggling with it for moons now and still hasn't quite cracked the code on how to get over himself. Still, he's determined to figure it out - the idea of calling it quits and being labeled a 'dry-paw' mortifying him. He's often woken from his brief instances of sleep after dreadful nightmares where Lichenstar snarls at him from atop the high rock, renaming him Asphodeldrought for failing his clan. Shivering awake thinking about it, the new warrior notices Foxtail as his scarlet namesake flicks out of the warriors den.
Seeing nothing else better to do, the silver lynx point rolls onto his stomach before following.

He comes across the warrior's sister first, joking along with Foxkit. Asphodelrain's nose twitches, wondering if a child should be up so late. Before he can comment, however, his attention follows the girls' to the subtle shift in the water's current...and he balks. "Perhaps even die from it, too - Foxtail, are you sure midnight is the best time for this?" he asks, careful to keep his voice low so he doesn't wake anyone else up.
Nightswimming was a common stress-reliever for the cats of Riverclan, but Asphodelrain couldn't say he approved. There was already a lot one can't see in the water during the day time, let alone at night. What if he slipped on a rock? Swam too deep? Lost his way from the bank? Maybe the young man was fretting too much, but y'know sometimes others didn't worry enough.

Watching Foxtail go, however, as Asphodelrain's chest squeezing with a twinge of envy. With a sigh, he sits down, curling his tail over his dry paws and meows weakly, "Just- be careful"

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    12 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
Swimming was a strong suit for Riverclan, so it was a rather wild thought to think there was ‘dry-paws’ in the clan. Though while they understood water could be scary they just didnt see how they could be a Riverclan cat and be scared of water. It was an irony they couldnt quite wrap their mind around that was for certain and they twitched their ear a little. Though swimming at night had to be a new one they’ve seen as- wasnt it dangerous? What if they got taken under?

Magpiepaw had heard the voices of hirs’ clan mates and followed it, finding Foxtail swimming in the waters with Foxkit nearby along with Hawkcloud and Aspholdelrain. The chimera cat tilted their head to the side as Aspholdelrain called out to Foxtail to be careful, and they shared the same sentiment. That would be rather poor if the warrior drowned in the middle of the night. Well- they assumed so in any case.

You’re doing really good, Foxtail!” They called out in weary encouragement. Sure it was good to see the warrior swim when otherwise didnt like it, but part of them felt they should go out there just in case something was to happen to them. Foxtail wouldn’t be that dumb right? ​


Of A Monster
To say the least, Foxkit's voice catches the warrior by surprise. He quickly turns around in the water, and if his coat was soaked beneath the surface his fur would've bristled on it's ends. Olive green eyes land on the orphaned kit, his gaze softening. But he swims forward to shallow water, but most of his body is still hidden underneath the dark water. "F-Foxkit! ...What are you doing up so late?" It was acceptable for Foxtail— a full warrior —to be awake at this hour, but not a kit. Kits need a lot more sleep than a warrior anyway, is Foxkit not sleepy right now? He doesn't exactly feel the most comfortable with how close Foxkit is to the water... if he's close enough to tap the water with a forepaw, he's close enough to jump in. "...It's a p-perfect night for a swim..." He finds himself trying to explain, as he wonders why Foxkit is out of the nursery at such a late time. "J-Just stay at the shore, okay?"

His ears prick as his littermate's voice reaches his ears, and Foxtail is unable to stop himself purring from amusement. While his sister's tone is playful, he knows that her words are genuine. ...Foxtail doesn't exactly consider himself the most daring or brave cat out there, but it warms his heart to hear those words from Hawkcloud. "Hawkcloud is r-right," He jokes along with his sister, a light smile on his maw, "I live for d-danger..." He swims back into the water, but a new voice reaches his ears. He looks over to watch new warrior Asphodelrain pad over, and the young tom speaks with a concerned, hushed voice. "...There isn't a better time than now," He reassures his fellow warrior, but he holds his tongue on what else he wishes to say. I'm doing this for Pebblepaw.

He gives a glance over to Magpiepaw, giving the apprentice a nod. That's Troutsnout's younger sibling, right? His heart aches at the thought of his friend.... she would've loved to see this. She was the one who first vouched for him to work on his fear of water, after all. "Thanks Magpiepaw," Foxtail says, noting the weary tone in the apprentice's voice, but he decides not to comment on it. "The water is perfectly c-calm... anyone want to join m-me?" He knows Tigersplash would love to, if she were awake right now.

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to kabliahk via insta for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons

Foxkit purred as Hawkcloud told him Foxtail lived for danger. This seemed plausible enough to him, as someone who hadn’t known any of the clan cats very long. The kit cast a worried glance at Asphodelrain as the older cat commented on Foxtail’s swimming, but quickly turned his attention back to the ginger-tailed tom as he warned Foxkit to stay away from the edge.

Foxkit obediently took a step back, wondering if he’d ever be able to swim like the other RiverClanners. His gait was wobbly, and he struggled to keep upright even on dry land. What would happen if he set paw in the water?

Worriedly, he glanced around before saying, in a small voice, “I hope I can learn to swim someday

She is no stranger to rousing during the midnight hour - tending to fussy kits or checking on Foxkit to make sure he is sleeping comfortably. Tonight is no different. Citrine eyes crack and adjust to the dark of the nursery, moonlight filtering through the woven walls and illuminating slumbering bodies - well, all except one body. “Foxkit?” Robinheart whispers, eyes fully open and head raised. He is not nestled beside her kits, he’s not nestled beside any of the other queens and their kits. Oh StarClan… Where are you?

The tortoiseshell queen slips from her nest, ensuring her children are safe and sleeping, and steps outside of the nursery. Within moments she finds the grouping of RiverClanners, her mottled charge among them, and a breath of relief is expelled from her worried bodice. Robinheart pads over to the shore, ears perked and tail flicking with unease. She’s not used to being out - if she had not perceived danger to Foxkit she wouldn’t be out.

“I can teach you one day, Foxkit. And perhaps Foxtail can help too… but when it is light out. And you are well rested,” she murmurs, plush tail relaxing enough to drape protectively over the wobbly kit. Her weary gaze drifts out to the starlit waters and fixes itself upon Foxtail as he swims, offering those gathered to join him if they’d like. She doesn’t like the idea of swimming in the dark. If there was something in the water… something dangerous… it could happen again. Robinheart doesn’t think herself strong enough to lose another clan mate to the river. “Be careful please,” she begs just under her breath, hoping the ginger tom understands her hesitation. “Foxkit, let’s get you back to the nursery. It’s late.” She adds as she aims to gently touch her muzzle to the top of the kit’s head.
[ penned by kerms ]

Initially, it's Foxkit who keeps her awake. Eveningkit has looked at the newcomer fondly so far, thanks to the privilege of sharing an age bracket, and maybe with a hint of pity at the lack of parents he possesses. It simply stands out when there are so many queens with their litters in the nursery. But at least, he's not alone... she certainly wouldn't let him feel lonely, anyway.

All that doesn't excuse keeping her conscious even when she just wants to slip away into dreamland.

"Foxkit, I-" she starts, but by the time she raises her head and blinks weariness from her eyes, he is nowhere to be seen. Yellowed eyes glow in the dark, and she finds Robinheart's similarly colored pair across the nursery. Where did he go?

Eveningkit wonders if she should just tuck her curiosity in and tell it a story to inspire it into slumber. After all, it'd still be here tomorrow... she could always interrogate either Foxkit or Robinheart or whoever saw him during the middle of the night. But, even when he isn't here to toss and turn to keep her from restful sleep, she hears the slosh of water. It always acts as a peaceful little background noise that make her eyelids heavy enough to shut. But it sounds different tonight- like something is in it.

Abandoning her quest for sleep, Eveningkit decides to investigate. She doesn't even realize how much she fluffed herself up as she does so; even though her mind doesn't catch up this fast, her body already prepares itself for potential danger. So many Twoleg activity... what if it's a dog that has decided to go for a swim in their stream?

It's Foxtail, and that fact alone threatens to send Eveningkit's lower jaw onto the ground in her astonishment. "You're swimming?" she wonders in perfect rhythm to all the others who focus more on the time. Why couldn't he swim at night? It's not like the water gets angry when the moon is out. Right?

"I will!" Eveningkit accepts Foxtail's invitation, and jumps right in — smart and good quality parenting has ensured she picks the more shallow parts to swim in, lest Foxtail's ripples carry here away and tumbling. "You don't like water, right? Look at you! What made you change your mind 'bout it?"