no title here | hunting patrol (open)



OOC- This takes place shortly after the return from the shelter! Skyclan has lots of hungry, scared cats to feed, so Johnnys leading a hunting patrol

Johnny had not been home to visit his twolegs yet.

To most it wouldn't really be seen as that big of a deal for a daylight warrior to spend the night with the clan, but those who knew the bobtail would know that he was typically very dedicated to his routine, always returning home at dusk to spend the nights curled up at the foot of his twolegs bed only to return to the forest at dawn the next day.

Last night hadn't exactly been a normal night, though.

Instead of returning home he'd been leading a patrol to break a bunch of cats out of the shelter, and after returning back to camp that morning with all of them he couldn't just up and leave back to his twolegs knowing that the rest of the clan was going to be scrabbling to accommodate all the newcomers. So, despite the gnawing feeling of guilt that his twolegs would be worried about him, the short, stocky tabby had made the decision to stay and work throughout the day.

"I'm taking a patrol out to do some hunting!" he called from where he lingered near the camps exit. "Anyone whose got the energy to come along is welcome to- we've got a lot of hungry cats to feed."

Despite the fact that he was exhausted from not having slept in two days and the endless throbbing in his paws from unlatching so many cages, there was a brightness in his tired eyes and a small grin on his muzzle. They'd done good work last night even if he did feel bad about not being able to bring everyone back home, and was glad that they'd been able to help out so many other cats. Many were scared, and several of them were just children, but that only made Johnnys determination to look after them all the stronger. They hadn't deserved to end up in that place, and now they'd get to rest easy for a while.


When that first patrol had gone out into the Twolegplace to go an locate cats Sparrowpaw was sure were already long gone, the apprentice had hardly been able to sleep, hardly been able to breathe beneath the force of their worry. It was- it was nothing short of throwing their lives away. They wished they could have that unwavering faith, that bravery, but the thought of them not coming back was enough to make their legs tremble.

They wanted to believe everyone would come back safe. They wanted to have faith in the words Silversmoke told them not too long ago, to trust in them, but they were just so, so afraid. Afraid of losing the friends they had only just made to that same terrifying threat that still loomed despite their best attempt to get away.

Yet despite it all, they had come back.

Not with the cats they sought in tow, and one cat short, which in itself was enough to make their heart wrench, but they had come back. With news on their lost friends, alive and well.

So with slightly less fear in their heart, the chocolate tabby had watched when that patrol later set out a second time. Only this time many, many more cats entered camp than had left. Despite the news of loss that had many eyes gleaming with tears along with their own (they had expected it, right? Sparrowpaw had always had that fear that something would go wrong), the moment had been largely celebratory.

So maybe next time, if they were told to trust in their Clanmates, Sparrowpaw would listen, would agree.

With the new influx of cats that had returned from the twoleg Shelter, they found life had become even busier than before. There were many mouths to feed, many cats to teach, themself still included. Even if they themself were still learning how to adequately hunt for prey, they would try their best and eagerly share whatever they managed to snag.

Johnny's call cut through the typical chatter of camp, their dark ears perking and head raising from where they rested. There was only a moment's pause and contemplation before they pushed themself upright uncertainly, peering around in hopes they would spot Auburnflame and uncertain of where he was. Were they allowed to go on a patrol without him?

"Can I come?" they asked with a shift of their paws. "I don't have anything I'm meant to be doing right now... I think."


In the end, she'd been too exhausted to immediately return to her housefolk after the rescue patrol. She hadn't been the only one, either -- Johnny is still here, and despite the obvious exhaustion weighing his body down, he's fit enough to lead a hunting patrol. Tallulahwing exhales softly, giving both Sparrowpaw and Johnny a tired smile. "Oh, stars, I'll hunt with y'all, but you can bet your fluffy bottoms I'm going to my housefolk right after!" She knows they've brought a lot of extra mouths into the Clan, many of whom aren't fit to hunt for themselves, and some who may not even know how. It's only right. "And one of you darlin' cats can bring it back for me!" Stars know she isn't trekking all the way back!

Their excursion into the woods restores just a bit of her energy. The sun is still low enough for the breeze to be cool, and the ruffle in her fur and beneath her ribbon feels soothing. Her ears flick, catching the trembling of leaves, rattling needles in the pines clicking together.

Without warning, Tallulahwing shoots up the tree trunk beside her, her paws blitzing against the bark as she scales the tree. Perhaps she's too exhausted to exercise her normal stealthy approach; perhaps she's simply unlucky. Either way, the rodent hears her coming and with wide, frightened black eyes, it streaks across another branch in a flash of russet.

"Oh, damn it all!" She curses, slamming her paw onto the branch. She won't put up with any more failures like this!

// rolled for funsies and babygirl got a nat 1 lol

benzodiazepinepaw walks alongside sparrowpaw. another apprentice, so naturally she'd like to stay close. maybe they can be... "friends". (translation: maybe they can aid one another in surviving, gaining social favor, and rising to the top. if there is one thing benzodiazepinepaw knows about adulthood, it's that it's coming for her right now. she must be prepared. and preparedness means friendship.)

the five-month-old apprentice has tagged along with her npc mentor, snow-white fur ruffling in the wind, bright blue eyes blinking in dappled sunlight.

she watches tallulahwing's failure with measured relief. tallulahwing is a respected warrior. if she can fail like that, perhaps benzodiazepinepaw will not be punished too harshly or relegated forever to obscurity for her own shortcomings. because unfortunately hunting and climbing are difficult things, and benzodiazepinepaw is ... well ... still learning. (shameful, she knows. it pains her to admit it.)

she casts sparrowpaw an uncertain smile, then takes to the trees herself at her mentor's nod. okay... she can do this. ​


OOC- Rolled for fun and he got a 9, which is a miss according to his chart, but close!

Sparrowpaw was the first to make her way over to join him, and at her words Johnny would cast a glance around for her mentor as well before replying. "I don't think Auburnflame would mind if you came along so long as I keep an eye on you." he reasoned, offering the young shecat a reassuring smile.

Tallulahwing came next, and Johnny couldn't help but chuckle at the females words. "Aye, I know how you feel. Might just sleep for a whole moon once I get back to my housefolk." the bobtail chuckled. "I don't mind carryin' it back for you though. I'll probably be here for the day anyways."

He nodded a greeting to Benzo as they padded over to stand beside Sparrowpaw, and then they were off, anyone else who wanted to join having to catch up.

Out in the pine forest the tom quickly went to work trying to find a scent. It didn't take too long for him to set his amber eyes on a finch pecking around on the ground. He crept low and slunk forward, steps quiet and his stalk good, but when he lunged forward to catch it he found his claws an inch short of their mark, leaving him standing there with empty paws.

"Shoot. Better try again, I suppose." he said as he shook out his coat, ready to try tracking something else down.


Their presence wasn't denied, Johnny suggesting that he would simply keep an eye on them in Auburnflame's stead. Sparrowpaw nodded quickly, leaning forward on their paws. They would do their best, then.

Tallulahwing joins the group next, and the tabby gave her a smile and giggled at the lighthearted bet. "Okay," they chirped softly. They were already thinking about bringing home mouthfuls of prey, the expressions that would brighten upon seeing it. They weren't very good at hunting yet - they missed more often than not - but it made them feel good when they did.

It wasn't long after that Bin- Benzo- their heart lurched. They couldn't remember her name. She joined the party along with her mentor as they set out into the pine forest, and they returned the given smile. Thankfully (they felt a twinge of guilt), no words were said between them.

The patrol of five began to split up, and the chocolate tabby began to look around uncertainly. Was this their first time hunting without Auburnflame to guide them? What if they were the only one not to catch something? The thought made them grimace, and they shook out their fur to redirect themself. They needed to focus.

Sparrowpaw did their best to keep their lessons in mind as they carefully stepped through the forest, carefully drawing breaths in hopes to catch the scent of any sort of prey. At the thought of a fresh mouse, their mouth watered.

While they did hear the rustle of a small critter in the pine needles, it wasn't the scent of mouse that hit their nose. The apprentice lowered into a crouch, creeping forward in hopes to spot their soon-to-be catch. A flash of movement caught their eye. Their muscles stiffened in anticipation. Only... they paused when they spotted the songbird hopping about upon the ground. It seemed to be searching about for food of its own. They shifted their paws uncomfortably.

Glancing around to ensure nobody was watching, Sparrowpaw lightly bit the tip of their tongue and backed away to go find something else.

Thankfully, they did find something else. A squirrel, rummaging about by the roots of a tree, fluffy tail twitching this way and that. Sparrowpaw crouched, beginning to creep closer, but it was quickly alerted to their presence and began to bolt up the tree. Eyes fixed upon their prey they bolted after it, paws kicking up fallen pine needles to pursue.

Up the tree it went, and... not the apprentice. Their paw snagged aggressively against a fallen branch, tripping them and sending them face-first into the ground. For a moment they laid there, stunned and nose aching before they lifted their head to peer up into the branches of the tree. The squirrel was long gone.

Whether it be from frustration or the sting, tears pricked at their eyes, and they reached up to rub at them only to wince. Their paw was throbbing now, nose forgotten. Sparrowpaw sat up, but it hurt to press it into the ground. "Oh no..." they whimpered softly to themself.

Staggering upright onto three paws rather than four, their ears shamefully pinned to their head as they began to limp back to where the group initially split up. Should others be there, they wouldn't meet their eyes.

// i rolled and the dice said fuck this one right here


  • Crying
Reactions: Marquette
Drizzlepaw decides to offer to go hunting as well, mostly because he wants to be of use, but after his last patrol that we’re pretending happened, he knows he wants to hang around Sparrowpaw some more, as he’s sure the two of them could gel together if they were interested.

Unfortunately, no one else was successful so far. Maybe all the luck was taken with the rescue patrol… He wasn’t sure he would fare much better since he’s still relatively new, but no harm in trying. Before that, though, he gives Sparrowpaw a sad smile, despite the fact that their eyes were aimed down to the ground. “I’m sorry that squirrel got away…you tried, though! I’m sure you can catch something else,” Drizzle says to hypes them up.

It was his turn to try, now. He looks upwards to find his target, wanting to focus more on his tree climbing skills, even if he failed to demonstrate anything. He then spots a Starling, and immediately settles on it being his hunt.

// Rolled a 15!

Drizzlepaw climbs as quietly as possible, and while he stumbles a bit getting up high enough, it luckily doesn’t alert the bird. His pupils thin as his focus intensifies, ready to pounce. He waits to make sure it really doesn’t see him coming, and he leaps. It’s not clean by any means, and he can almost feel it escape him, but he is successful at holding it down, delivering the killing blow with his teeth.

He carries it down with him back to the forest floor, eyes shining brightly. He definitely impressed himself, and it clearly shows. He just hopes the other apprentices don’t feel too bad.​

Silversmoke was not the best hunter, he was not the worst hunter, he could sustain himself and that was it. Still, the promise of being useful lured him in like bait as Johnny called to a patrol, and it wasn't long before the spotted tabby began his own independent hunt for food, a short distance away from the rest of his clanmates. Prowling through the dense undergrowth, his thick coat was only on display to the rest of the world for fractions of time before he melted back into the greens and browns of the forest floor. Prey seemed scarce in the area he'd chosen. Then, the attack began, but not from him. A scream like an air-raid siren pierced the air, the tabby tom's fur standing to attention as his wide gaze shot upwards. He saw naught but a blur of blue and whites barrelling towards him at a speed the likes of which he'd seldom seen before. Fear of it being a bird of prey caused his claws to unsheath and swing wildly at whatever it was, missing by a wide margin as something sharp jabbed into his forehead hard enough to warrant a hiss from the Lead Warrior. He swiped again, again missing, his eyes desperately trying to keep track of the figure. For but a moment it settled, revealing a small corvidae standing defensively over a full nest, its crest puffed and its glare so angry on Silversmoke he could feel the heat of it from a dozen or so tail-lengths away. A bluejay - since when had bluejays been as moody as this?

He bared his teeth towards the creature, which elicited it to divebomb again, this time striking him on the soft skin around his mouth. "Argh, you son of a..." He licked his lips, noting a familiar tangy taste to them as pricks of blood began to pool at the surface. The being was too fast for him. On and on it swooped and on and on it pecked at weaknesses in Silversmoke that he didn't even know he had until he felt jolts of pain running through them. His attacks only found thin air, even the close calls where he swore he felt feathers between his charcoal claws were shortlived as the bird from hell seemed to find its momentum again. His confidence shaken, he cast one final dangerous look towards the bluejay. "This isn't over," he promised it, tone burning with the prospect of vengeance against this awful, awful creature. Turning tail, the Maine Coon disappeared once more into the bushes, rejoining his patrol empty-pawed and with a faint trail of blood running down the corner of his mouth. His ears flattened with shame, Silversmoke decided it was best not to elaborate to the others what had happened - he feared he wouldn't hear the end of it if a little bird had been able to best him.

well, it seems they're all unlucky today. except for drizzlepaw — benzodiazepinepaw grins at the successful catch and return, nodding in acknowledgement, though her chest does twinge with jealousy and fear. the standard's set, then. she must catch something.

with deft leaps to higher branches, she sets her bright blue sights on a bird: it's small but it is something. prey is prey. it's enough to justify her place here another day, certainly? she creeps closer and —

lunges, misses, nearly falls. scrambles to keep purchase on her chosen branch. ears pinned to her skull in shame, benzodiazepinepaw will cast her gaze across the forest, searching for another piece of prey. damn it.

... at least she's not the hunt's sole failure, she notes with more relief as silversmoke is the next to miss a catch. (although that brings up its own share of worries, as she thinks of hungry kittens back at camp. they'll just keep going till they do catch a patrol's worth, she supposes, and that's that.) to her mentor she'll murmur, loud enough for any nearby to hear, "maybe the birds are just smarter today?"


OOC- boy rolled a 14, caught a mouse with average skill!

Quill was among the few who'd managed to make a kill that morning. After breaking away from the group to stalk through the branches of the pine trees, he'd spotted movement down below. A mouse, foraging beneath the tree he was in.

Instinct swept through him as he crouched low along the branch, claws careful not to scrape the bark as he crept along, making his way into the lower branches of the pine. Stars how he'd missed this, something as simple as being able to stalk his own food, relying on his own skill and cunning to fill his stomach.

As silent as a thief in the night, Quill lept from the branch and pinned the creature, quickly delivering a killing bite before picking it up in his jaws and making his way back into the trees, heading toward the patrol that seemed to be gathering back up.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.