sensitive topics no wearing my usual lipstick / mourning

✧ Mottledove.

Apr 28, 2023

mottledove & 20 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

Mottledove does not take the news well - yukio is dead, not of yellowcough, not of the sickness that plagues them - but at the paws of who she is told was his ex-lover. It feels as though she is in a nightmare, blue eyes glassy and blank with grief as she sits listlessly within the nursery, staring out at the camp but unseeing. Since being rescued from her cold metal cage by skyclan, it seems as though she has only seen death after death - more bodies lying cold than she'd once have imagined were even on the earth.

Of course, her sheltered worldview has been widened now, but it still hurts. She'd thought him a friend, like bobbie, and one she'd felt comfortable around - someone she'd wanted to know better, to spend more time with. A shattered dream now, because he is gone. Was this... was this what clan life was like? Is this the future she'd signed herself away to? One where her clanmates can die in a heartbeat, where she can, where her kits can.

And yet... they'd done so much for her, for her kits. And she can't find it in herself to regret that choice she'd made - no, not even now. And so she just sits there, mourning what is gone and what could've been, but treasuring the moments they'd had. It's al she can do for him, she thinks - for all of them. She must grieve and mourn, and then she must remember them, even when others do not.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


She felt like such an outsider recently, but it was no fault of the clan. She'd joined right on the cusp of the sickness rising and cats falling ill left and right and so many had passed in such a short time frame; several cats she would never get to know or meet because they faded as she arrived. Hazel did not know Yukio really, saw him briefly in passing but had never spoken once because she assumed she would have all the time in the world to make friends with her new clanmates and was very swiftly proven wrong. She'd heard he was foolish, constantly wandering off, and she could understand the drive to explore and seek things out that had drawn her to SkyClan in the first place but she had also heard he was kind and while some cats had murmured negatively on mistakes made, in death you were sparred your follies. A cat deserved that much, so she would recall him as kind in passing and leave it at that, a cat like her had no right to judge nor did she feel like she had any right to even offer condolences but when she sees Mottledove so dejected it breaks her heart. Surely she could do something? Anything to help at all?
A mouse was claimed from the pile and she turned to head toward the grieving queen, standing there awkwardly for a moment before clearing her throat to get attention and speaking up the moment she was acknowledge, "Um-! Would you like to share this mouse with me? You look like you could use a shoulder and I'm told I'm a very good listener. Big ears, you know..."
sacrifice , that's what we do for the people we love .
The ghostly tom frowned, watching Hazel comfort the mourning queen which spurred him into action, settling beside the other with a weary grin, optics rimmed with red. He had wailed, nearly sending Jaggedstorm into a blind panic when he first laid an eye on Duskpool’s ichor-splattered frame until the news broke through.

It wasn’t the same when Jaggedstorm vanished. Somehow it was worse, but Lostmoon wasn’t too thrilled to let those emotions run wild, instead offering the mourning queen a gentle bump to the shoulder, optic crinkling.

He hummed, bobbing his head. “It looks tasty, mhm?” He chirped, ignoring the hoarseness. If he ignored it, then it was bound to go away, right? Naturally! He was good at ignoring his problems until his mate came bursting down his walls and demanding the queen to tell him what’s got his head all messed up. Not that he told him everything.

He kneaded the ground, humming softly hoping to offer comfort to the other. He’d been doing that a lot lately, it seems. Not that he minded all that much. It was comforting. Something that calmed his fraying nerves and rapid heartbeat.
Lostmoon shifted, glancing at the other through his peripheral, expression soft. “It’ll be hard for a while.” He began after Hazel, expression thoughtful. “But it’ll be less … painful. It won’t leave completely, but it’ll be easier to think of them if you give it some time.” He finished with a hum, expression distant. He remembered all the times curled up with the smaller queen, laughing like kits as Lostmoon rambled on about another exaggerated story.

Yukio didn’t deserve to die like that. Not him. He was too kind for his own good, but Yukio had been trying until Kyungmin—Lostmoon nearly hissed at the thought of that foxheart’s name, hoping Duskpool made him suffer for taking away another family member.

Shaking his helm, Lostmoon offered the other a small smile, optic crinkling leaving the burns that curled around his neck to crinkle with the motion. “It’s good to grieve, but never good to hold on to it until it festers.” He hummed. “It’ll only leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth when it happens.” A tail flickered, curling around his frame.
thought speech