camp No weight on my shoulder || pafp Quillstrike


New member
Jun 9, 2024

In the midst of greenleaf, the bright cloudless sky stretched on and on. It reached from tree to tree, to twolegplace and beyond. Ghostkit couldn't help but stare sometimes, entranced by the endless heavenly sea. She found she could only do so outside of sun-high times though, otherwise her eyes were seared like morning dew. Duskpool had caught and chastised her more than once, so Ghostkit had gotten sneakier. This morning she had tucked herself away near the edge of camp, nestled in a bundle of verdant ferns. She liked the downy plants, the way they tickled her nose and brushed her ears. She gazed toward the sky, one with the greenery. Until a little something alighted right on her nose.

Ghostkit halted her breath, mint green eyes growing wide and crossed as she tried to see her own muzzle. The little creature had two gleaming wings and a striped body, ebony and gold. Woah! Oh wow, oh wow! It's- It's uh, umm... As her curious mind worked furiously to come up with an identification, her lungs grew impatient. Oh, I don't know. But Duskpool might! I bet he's seen loads of, of, this thing! An excited squeak escaped her, and her body took the opportunity to finally exhale in one long whoosh. The striped fly darted up from her nose, and for a moment it hovered just over her head. Before Ghostkit could uncross her eyes it was zig-zagging across camp. 'Hey! Wait, come back!"

Little black paws scrambled into action and she burst from her fern sanctuary. Hurriedly she glanced around, and upon spotting the bug she pelted after it. It didn't seem too cross with her, it hadn't whizzed into the sky beyond. It buzzed here, and it buzzed there, easily tracked as the second tiny, striped sun plastered against endless blue. Ghostkit just knew she would catch up in a matter of heartbeats. Don't worry little guy, grandpa's gonna think you're so cool! The little bug spiraled higher; Ghostkit jerked her chin up to follow its path. Oof!

The unstoppable force connected, hard, with an immovable object. Ghostkit's face mushed as her legs kicked up behind her before she tumbled back into the dirt. The little kit lay crumpled in a heap, fur sticking out and heart quivering painfully as her blood was charged with adrenaline. Her breaths came short and fast while her stunned body tried to maintain order. What- W-what... Where'd the bug go? The urge to leap to her paws and restart the search warred with childish panic that assured her she must have broken bones in the collision. It was then she managed to perceive the object, or rather cat, that she had so rudely barged into. She'd run headlong into Quillstrike's flank. Ghostkit blinked up at the warrior who towered over her, pale eyes glazing over as reactionary tears prepared themselves for when the shock released her. "U-Uhm, h-hi. Hi. Did- Didju see my bug?"

//please wait for @QUILLSTRIKE <3


What may have been a rather jarring experience for Ghostkit, was little more than a mild inconvenience for Quillstrike, who simply turned his head to see who had run into him. He knew right away that it was someone on the younger side given the fact that they’d practically bounced off him during the collision, which meant the tom had some size and weight on them.

And as expected, mismatched eyes of ice and fire found themselves met with the watery green eyes of a kit.

Shit. What was her name, again? Bitterly he realized he couldn’t remember, that she -like so many others during his moons of recovery- was a stranger he’d never bothered to meet. He could vaguely recall that she’d been brought in by Duskpool, and he mentally kicked himself for being as careless as he had. He should know every cat that stepped foot in his clans camp, from the youngest kit to the older elder.

How else was he supposed to know who was worth trusting?

”No, sorry.” he replied as he turned to properly face her. She wasn’t going to cry, was she? The wobbling voice and wet eyes had him nervous. He’d never liked when kids were hurt, some sort of leftover trauma from his childhood, he suspected. ”Must have been a pretty interesting bug for you to not notice me though. You okay?” He was kind of a giant after all, and even if he was typically on the quieter side, he was a difficult presence to ignore.

skyclan - male - 24 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
“Think the little bugger went that way.” He commented from nearby, wooly plumage curlin’ languidly in the direction he observed. With a stifled yawn, Outlaw observin’ Ghostkit with an affectionate twitch of whiskers to Quillstrike’s larger form, lips still curled in a languid grin — friendly as ever.

“Hey there missy, why don’t we go bug huntin’ eh? Might even find the same bug ya been chasin’ before bumpin’ into this here fellow.” Hoping to defuse the situation before the youngster cried. “If we’re lucky, might even get to show yer grandpa what ya found.” He prodded, timbre rumblin’ warmly.

His brother might not be thrilled to know the little miss scampered off without tellin’ anyone. But it was all fine and dandy now. Unless she scampered off again, then Outlaw wasn’t so thrilled in gettin’ an ear full from the burly warrior.
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