no wind resistance. pitchstar

the deputy had enough of this. their friend was slowly wasting away, not doing anything to take care of himself. he watched with paranoid eyes and uncertainty about the loyalty of his clanmates, and chilledgaze couldn't stand it. not everyone was like fleecefur. not every cat wanted to leave them high and dry like bonejaw– or whatever the fuck her name was. not everyone was out to get him. he had a right to be a bit anxious, but down right looking like he never slept a wink? that was doing nothing for shadowclan's reputation. his own reputation. chilledgaze had their own to work on, but they needed to start from the top. no matter how freaked out pitchstar was, he needed to look a lot more confident.

"pitchstar. get up. come on, we are going on a walk."

first step was to clean him. it was cold, and most places were frozen but there were some places that weren't. he needed a new nest and a bath. he was going to get both whether he liked it or not.

"and I overheard you wanted to... speak with me, anyways. so mine as well do it on our walk."



if it had been any other warrior, pitchstar would've snapped at the voice calling him from his nest to leave him alone. never, in a million moons, would pitchstar want to leave camp alone with another- not after fleecefur's betrayal. but chilledgaze is his confidant, his deputy, and he trusts them more than he trusts most cats.

and he's needed to speak with them about the gathering, anyway- he's been putting it off out of a failure to understand why it was so important- as chilledgaze mentions. so, with a groan, pitchstar rises onto legs weakened from hunger and creeps from the shadows of his den... unaware of chilledgaze's intention to tidy both him and his den up. "fine, fine. as long as you aren't dragging me anywhere near the thunderpath..." grumbles the leader. his mother's death has left a permanent hatred for the monsters that roam the thunderpaths, and he avoids the place unless absolutely necessary.

"sootstar wanted me to speak with you," pitchstar begins as the pair pad out of the camp, his ragged fur fluffing up against the leafbare wind that nips at his skinny frame. "i told her i would to get her off my ass 'bout the gathering... apparently it pissed her off that you weren't practically sharing tongues with her on the great rock, or whatever." callous are his words, dismissive of his ally's worries... but pitchstar has always been biased towards his own above others.

he raises an eyebrow at chilledgaze, waiting for their response as he ambles after them.