Grass and heather rustle underpaw as Dimmingsun leads Brackenpaw further out. He carries victory well — chin high up, chest puffed out —, because that is what this really is. Whether the 'paw would accept his offer or not had been anyone's guess, and Dimmingsun had awaited her response with restlessness. She is no easy target... got a sharp tongue and even sharper wit, plus as Scorchstreak's apprentice, who knows what Brackenpaw thinks of Dimmingsun? The deputy's general distaste towards him is nothing new. Perhaps she would have his ear for taking her apprentice out... but it would be worth it.

His long cheek fur brushes against his shoulder as he looks back at Brackenpaw, slowing his pace as he does so. They are far enough in their apprenticeship to allow some "slacking off", so to say, since they appear to have mostly everything under control. Brackenpaw's got a good head on her shoulder... but Dimmingsun has always been on a lookout for advantages, and today's would be feeling like he is a mentor once more.

"Alright," he announces his stop, turning in one smooth motion to peer at her. "I was thinking we could practice huntin' in pairs. Stars know we will need to do a lot of that, once the weather gets cold and all the goods start burrowing underground..." Dimmingsun awaits the colder moons for his own sake, but definitely not for his stomach. What little prey they will spot will have to be ensured as much as possible; a pair or even a group focusing on one rabbit are always better than someone alone by themselves.

His ear flicks in thought. "How does that sound?"

Please wait for @Brackenpaw! Will be open to anyone afterwards, preferably mentors and apprentices who want to focus on training.

There was almost an immediate regret to saying yes to this, the sun felt warmer than usual. The torrid heat of the rays punctuates what has already felt like an exhausting day. There is something about this that they find uncomfortable. The coolness of the tunnels had become a reprieve from the heat during green-leaf and eventually those all encompassing walls had felt comforting, compared to the openness of a field. Brackenpaw had to admit though, a part of her did deeply miss being brought out here, it didn’t happen as often as she liked. This had been her ulterior motive to accept Dimmingsun’s offer, to experience the beauty of the moors once more without grating company.

Right now she wouldn't consider Dimmingsun's company to be grating anyways. Yes he's a lead warrior, a member of Sunstar’s trusted council, that had already left a distaste in her maw. Out of all of them though, they didn’t think he was the worst. Terrifying when under the right circumstances, sure. Yet overall she didn’t loathe his presence, perhaps this time together could lead to them making up her mind. Paw steps slow and then falter entirely when he announces his stop, scrutinising eyes dissect his motions, every word he says and the inflection of how he says them.

Hunting, they frown at the thought. Admittedly, it was not her strong suit. This meant that the experience would be of great value but it brought a concern that maybe she would be a hindrance. It isn’t a concern that she wants to reveal, instead they take in the windswept moorland around them, it was a welcomed distraction. “In pairs? Does it really take that many cats to catch something when it gets cold?” They wouldn’t know, she had no prior experience of what life is truly like in those bitter months. She only sought to reap the rewards as a kit, not entirely looking forward to the struggle as an apprentice.

“It sounds awful” the complaint comes naturally, despite the deprecating groan they roll lithe shoulders. “Come on then, show me how a moor-runner hunts” it’s clear she’s moved on from her complaints immediately, always the type to do the work at the end of the day no matter how much she makes it known she’s not happy about it.

  • ooc.
  • Brackenpaw
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 10 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater