nobody's gonna know | sneaking into the med den


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
A patchy scrap of fur slinks its way across camp in an attempt to retain as much stealth as possible. Long gangly limbs cover ground rather quickly, finally slipping into a den that appears to be unspokenly labeled as off limits. But why? He needed to know. Turquoise eyes skim the bare floor littered with sporadic herbs and seeds haphazardly placed in messy, unorganized piles. The mixture of scents was sharp, making his nose wrinkle and itch to a degree as he continued his search throughout Dawnglare's den. Las Plagas bounced inside an empty nest, spider-like limbs catching his descent as he pounced from the other side. Nothing in here seemed to be of particular interest the further he delved into the den. He was about to turn tail and leave when one of the herbs caught his attention. The kitten's eyes grew wide as he sauntered up to it, giving it an experimental bat of the paw. The purplish blue berry rolled as he lowered his head to give it a tiny lick. It didn't taste like much so he decided to give it a bite. However, the opening of his mouth froze mid action as he witnessed Bobbie hurry into the den. Leaving his maw ajar Las Plagas stared up at her with wide eyes. (@bobbie)
Go off the deep end
SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
Bobbie had been lounging about in front of the nursery; the camp was as empty as it tended to be during the day, when all the actually productive cats split into their little flocks to patrol. That was what she had been doing; that is, until she saw a small patched scrap darting into the shady recesses of a den she hadn't yet dared to enter. Whispers of Dawnglare's .... interesting .... mannerisms had reached even her fresh ears, and the kits seemed to be doing fine, from her novice inspections and from the seemingly relentless kicks they were delivering. Constantly. Anyways, Bobbie hauled herself to her paws (as best she could with her endlessly growing stomach) and limped as fast as she could over to the den, hesitating only for a beat as she entered: that den was no place for anycat who didn't need to be there, much less a kit! She'd clearly arrived just in time—the kit's tiny jaws were poised over an indigo-blue berry she couldn't have identified with a claw to her throat.

"Don't eat that!" Bobbie yelped, as much as she could yelp in her mellow voice, attempting to push the kit gently back from the blue nugget of (potential) danger. She looked down at the patchy gray thing, pity and relief rippling over her thoughts: One of the shelter kittens, nobody to take care of him she could see. If Bobbie remembered correctly, this was the same kit who'd been chowing down on the fresh-kill pile recently. Poor thing. She relaxed her tone, mewing concernedly, "You shouldn't eat anything in this den. It could really hurt you."
[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?
The brownish-pelted queen is another one who lives in the nursery, but she does not nurse him. She usually chases after Las Plagas. The orange one is the one who gives his ear a cuff when he's disrespectful or bratty or biting my tail. The orange one is not here, though, and Bobbie is preoccupied prying Las Plagas' jaws open and scooping out the scraps of whatever he'd eaten.

"How can you eat this stuff! Yuck!" He darts past the pregnant queen and her unfortunate captive, his paws shooting straight into a pile of strewn-out herbs. They smell awful! Why are they so sharp; it feels like they're pricking the inside of his nose!

"Ah... achoo!" He sneezes, and the leaves scatter everywhere, covered in kitten snot.

Fireflypaw is returning when he hears Bobbie's yell to someone, nose lifting slightly to smell for who exactly was present. Doomguy, Las Plagas, and Bobbie are the only ones he knows now is present- his eyes narrow in distaste at the kitten's shenanigans. How could a cat be so ill-mannered? He thinks to himself with a frown, making it a point to shove past whoever he could to get into his den. A paw skillfully scoops up the blueish berry, plucking it up and storing it back inside the crevice of their den where it belongs. I need to reorganize and sort these herbs before this happens again. Dawnglare won't like it, but it's necessary to keep these troublemakers safe.

The seal point turns back to the three cats present, eyes narrowing sightlessly once more. "Don't go eating stuff that isn't yours to eat. As Bobbie says, you can get seriously hurt, Las Plagas. And you-" He hisses, head swiveling sharply to glare towards Doomguy's direction. He'd sent herbs flying everywhere, and now their scents were all over the place! He'd have trouble organizing them now! "Stop messin' with our stuff! These herbs are important!" He tries his best to hold his temper, but this isn't the first time these kittens have caused trouble. Finally, he takes a deep breath to calm himself, turning to Bobbie's direction to face the Queen. "I'll try my best to reorganize so this doesn't happen again. Thank you for making sure he didn't eat that berry, Bobbie."
I've been trying not to
A gentle paw pushes him back, keeping him from test tasting any further. A disgruntled expression crosses the gaunt kitten's features, clearly miffed over being denied food of any sort. "Hurt me?" He echoes, disbelieving. Since when could food hurt you? It had only been a wonderful experience from what he had seen. Doomguy tottles in after him, scattering a stray pile of herbs and mixing them further. "I didn't get a chance to, she took it from me." Las Plagas laments, although he chuckles a little as his denmate sneezes all over the leafy bits all over the ground.

Tapered ears prick at the sound of hefty paws, signaling Fireflypaw's approach. The seal point lectures him over the potential dangers of eating foreign things unknown to him and his nose wrinkles only slightly. "If it's dangerous like you say why keep it?" The lanky kitten mumbles, forked tail flicking as he takes a seat and then glances back at Bobbie. "Could you at least tell me what it tastes like?"
Go off the deep end