camp NOCTURNE | prompt, storm

[ taking place in the apprentice den !! ]

Out in the forest, everything seemed louder. Each crack of a branch sounded like thunder, each warble of a bird crackling like lightning through the lilac tom's system. He had been blessed not to have witnessed many real storms as an apprentice, but for whatever particular reason, newleaf had chosen this day to open its heavens. The sandy ravine lay sodden with rainfall as the storm crashed down upon ThunderClan's home, threatening to abate every few minutes or so before striking with a new conviction that left Pebblepaw's fur rising and falling with disappointment and shock. From the apprentice den, he longingly looked out to the greater camp, frowning sadly to himself as he looked for an opportunity to get back out into the world and train. The pressure of being one of Howlingstar's trainees was felt strongly on days when he could not prove himself to her, secretly, he hoped she would tell him to endure the weather and stop being such a kit. It would be easier than feeling confined to the den by those around him, their gossip and complaints about getting their fur wet influencing the tom to stay put.

A loud roar caused a full-body shiver to ripple up Pebblepaw's body, his copper eyes growing wide with fear. Loud... that was too loud. He didn't see where the lightning struck, but a few seconds afterward, thunder rumbled out again, this time earning an "Eep!" From the apprentice. He dropped to the ground and covered his large ears as best he could, bringing them down to cushion the side of his thin face. His tail lashed like a propellor as he appeared ready to take off at any moment, the bravery from the dog attack a moon prior long gone. This was different - though he thought himself weak, he could at least try to fight against a canine. What good did anyone have against the weather? So random and far away it was that Pebblepaw could not comprehend how anyone could think to defeat it. Curled up, he prayed to StarClan that the storm would take mercy on his clan, shuddering in anticipation of the next loud clap to erupt from the sky. With no seethrough walls and stone enforcements to protect him, the noises of the storm turned Pebblepaw's stomach in a way they did not realise until they were caught in the eye of it.
"Pebblepaw?" The whisper came from the apprentice's younger cousin. Stormpaw was looking up at Pebblepaw, blinking owlishly in the minimal light of the apprentice den and the storm clouds that had blotted out the sun. The torbico had a natural fondness of the rain and storms—perhaps she was so aptly named for that.

"Pebblepaw, are you okay?" She whispered again, knowing immediately from his curled up position that the lilac tom was not okay in any real sense of the word. She could see his body shivering in its nest and her eyes softened. "It's okay." She got up from her nest and slowly moved over to Pebblepaw's side, curling up next to her cousin and attempting to place her chin atop his flank. "It will pass."

Cloudypaw winced at the sound of thunder, resisting the urge to jump. Glancing out at the storm she shivered at the idea of having to train in it. On her best days her training could be a struggle for her, but trying it in a storm like this would be just miserable. She had no doubt that if she tried she would do terribly and feel even worse. The thought of trying to stalk through the undergrowth with her fluffy fur soaked to the bone as she dreaded the next thunderclap almost made her wince again.

Her brother's cry drew her gaze away from the rain and toward him. As she saw Pebblepaw curled in upon himself her heart ached with sympathy. She could understand his fear of the storm, even if she didn't share it's intensity. The sound was unsettling, for sure, but it didn't make her feel in danger. The threat it posed was too far away for her to fear it, too fuzzy in her mind compared to the sharp memory of the dog's jaws.

Without a word, she padded over next to him, settling down on the side opposite of Stormpaw. She attempted to wrap her tail around him reassuringly.

"I'm here." Cloudypaw told him simply, her voice soft as the clouds she was named for.​