Nombres [prompt] one-shot

Softkit had never given much thought to her name: she had been born with it, as far as she was concerned, the second gift that Spiderlily and Whitelion had given to her after life itself. Softkit was just who she was, and that was the end of the discussion.

Or it had been, until a new kitten in the nursery arrived who shared Softkit's name. Two Softkits in the one nursery that ThunderClan had; one might have thought that it would cause a dispute or scuffle, perhaps even a rivalry that would grow with the two kits, but Softkit (the one who was herself, that is, not the other one) never thought twice about it. Yes, for a few moons into the foreseeable future she'd have the same name as the other Softkit, followed by the apprenticeship days of being the Softpaws, but what Softkit thought the most about when it came to her name was that when she became a warrior, her name would be hers and hers alone.

When she and her Clan had found refuge in ShadowClan during the rogue invasion, Softkit had played Clan with a variety of other kits that she knew she wouldn't see again for a long time - but while they had played, Pigeonpaw - Pigeonkit then, but also Pigeonstar, names were a fickle thing - had named Softkit, Softstorm. She had taken it and worn it like a badge of honor, considering she was also playing deputy, but giving it thought, Softkit wasn't sure that Softstorm was a name that would really fit her.

There was nothing stormy about her; in fact, Softkit thought she was rather the opposite, though she wasn't sure exactly what the opposite of a storm would be. Stillness, perhaps, though Softstill sounded silly as a name. Softcalm, Softpeace, she went through the list of opposites of storm, but the names that came to mind weren't anything she thought highly of. Most of them sounded clunky and unusable.

Though, there was always a chance that Softkit would be named for something other than a storm - or the opposite of - when she became a warrior. Perhaps something about her smaller size, or her pink eyes, or curious nature - perhaps she would be named for something that hadn't happened yet, a quality or trait that Softkit wouldn't obtain until she was older and had seen more of the world.

She would just have to wait patiently and see.