private non-negotiable manners » COTTONPAW.


May 19, 2023
✿ — The Gathering disperses and Peonypaw finds himself almost relieved.

Don't get him wrong; seeing the other Clans is always an interesting experience, plus hearing the leaders talk is almost magical... right up until they start flinging accusations at each other until you cannot tell which one is lying and which one is not. (It's Sootstar, the one always telling the truth, but the others would be hard-pressed to agree.)

It's the crowd he doesn't like. The way the unfamiliar scents and voices blur together and overwhelm him, and he has to sit there and pretend it's not getting to his nerves. Misbehaving would be like a permanent stain upon his soul, a shame he would carry to his grave. Simply not allowed, even if he sometimes wishes he could just cover his ears with his paws and curl into himself somewhere at the edge of Fourtrees.

Well... getting out of your comfort zone is a good thing, or so he hears. Maybe overcoming this would be an achievement.

Nevertheless, Peonypaw finds himself accompanied by Cottonpaw on their way back home. Some would definitely call the two an odd pairing: night and day, when it comes to their personalities and general demeanours. Cottonpaw has the strange yet compelling ability to talk your ears off without having to stop and take a breather, while Peonypaw much prefers losing himself in apprentice duties instead of endless talk. Somehow Cottonpaw has proved to be pleasant company, one that Peonypaw still finds odd but otherwise appreciates. Perhaps it stems from knowing some of the apprentices would rather avoid her rants. He'd hate to ditch her like that.

"Speaking of," he says, not interrupting, but taking the chance to get his thoughts in when Cottonpaw falls silent, "That Magpiepaw or whoever the ShadowClan apprentice was, you know him?" Peonypaw swears he remembers Cottonpaw calling out his name. Odd.

Maybe it says more about Peonypaw than Gathering etiquette, but he would not manage to tell you the names of cats outside his Clan aside from the important ones like leaders. Not even if a fox demanded it from him with snapping jaws - spill or die.


Cottonpaw is acutely aware of how over-excited she must've seemed at the gathering - most of her doesn't care to analyze it, however. It was her first gathering! She's allowed to ambush other Clan's apprentices with questions and curiosities, lest the event intend to be so boring. No warrior has yet to reprimand her for it, either. Their walk home is largely like the walk to the Four Trees filled with innocent chatter, some spurred on by whatever the leaders decided to announce.

The grey apprentice trots alongside one of her fellow apprentices, Peonypaw, and fills the air between them with ease. Something something RiverClan, yadda yadda fish-breaths. She pauses in her rambling to glance up at the stars and moon, wondering if they've still kept themselves on full display, when the tom finally speaks. Blue eyes flick back towards him and her smile hardly wavers - instead, she offers a soft, "Oh!" preceding whatever information-overload the lynx point triggered.

"Yeah, kind of!" she starts, tail twitching as she steps just a bit faster to keep up with him, "I met him on a border patrol. Him and... Ghostpaw, I think? Told me all about their unlucky leaders. One of them was crushed by a monster, y'know," she trails off only for a second, recognizing that the aforementioned Ghostpaw hadn't been at the gathering. Such wasn't unsurprising, given she's been an apprentice for a few moons now and this is her first gathering, as well. Would she have greeted him with excitement, too? Her tail twitches, "Magpiepaw is fun, though. A little silly in how he walks," though she does not dare to mimic it. That would just be rude.​
✿ — Oh, she says, and for one, Peonypaw is endlessly curious about what she will say about this mysterious ShadowClan apprentice.

His steps are kept light and slow to allow Cottonpaw to walk side by side with him. It's probably an unrealistic fear of his that drives him to notice her lag behind ever so slightly without even turning his head; the idea that one could be swept away by the going and coming cats as if they're an unrelenting flood.

"Ghostpaw," he echoes. What a strange name. He makes a face, something akin to a frown, when Cottonpaw mentions the cruel death. "That's awful."

Preoccupied with such light chit-chat, it takes a moment for logic (perhaps based on something petty) to form within Peonypaw again. It feels innocent if you're the one getting such information about other Clans and their members. Useful, even. Where would the line be drawn though? For courtesy of polite conversation, would they one day be revealing Sootstar's downfall?

His eyes drag over Cottonpaw. It feels rare for him to get hung up over whether he should voice his thoughts as they came to him. She seems pleased - it'd feel rude to tear her down for just chatting.

So, he takes a bit of a different approach.

"Doesn't it feel weird to talk to the other Clans?" he asks, curiousity genuine. It feels hard to think he could gain friends that he'd have to face in battle one day. "I'd feel on edge... we are kind of enemies, after all. I wouldn't want them to use something I said against me."