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good fences, good neighbors
Sep 10, 2022
જ➶ Wolverine's jaw and toes are sore from all the bug pulling and nest preening. Ticks are easy (and extra protein!) but he doesn't know how to slot the broken pieces back into place into the new nests so he just sort of smashed the holes in with soft stuff. If they don't like it in their neat prim weavings, he supposes they shouldn't have told the likes of him to do it because that's as good as it gets for a cat as big and clunky as he. He takes the time after to lick his paws free of debrise like dried reeds chunks and unfortunately sticky hair locks- Pffsh, ffpf--" from between his lengthy teeth. He won't say he's been pouting (okay, maybe a little) but more than that, he's been trying to convince himself that he belongs here. He has to, for his family, even if it just feels like he's lying to himself. He told those same lies in Shadowclan after all, though he's self doubting if they were really fibs or apprentice angst after his mentor, Dogear's, passing. He idly recounts those good days. Stomping the marshes with Dogear, finding all sorts of yummy worms to slurp up. Until his fever pelt finally loosed and he became a lankier version of the badger pelted creature he is today and Dogear was pushing daisies.

He could try the same here, attempt to link some old feelings with his new surroundings but its daunting. Just when he was getting a hang of the territory, here they are relegated to a new encampment by the waters. He wonders how Riverclanners... other Riverclanners, can respect the waters so much when it seems like an icy jailer now rather than a life bringer. Either way, he'll need to suck it up and--

A snapping twig shakes Wolverine from his musings, tensing his shoulder blades only to exhale as it's followed by the chatter of younglings a small ways from the temp camp. Well, the medicine cat apprentice and a male so thin Wolve''s unsure his age. It must have just been them though Wolve could have sworn it was louder than that. Well, it's getting pretty late for them to be out and about and he pauses his grooming to watch, curious to see what Gloompaw and Sneezefur are up to.

That's when he hears the clack of springing branches above and in a flash, a large shadow descends in the blushing twilight toward the pair. A large owl, with mighty outstretched talons and a speed that defies feline imagination. On impulse, the hefty tom springs up and peels toward them with wide eyes. "Watch out!"
The night felt safe amongst clanmates and acquaintances. Gloompaw had barely realized the sunset was fading away into night, chattering idly with Sneezefur. At ease, she was relaxed, the lowering visibility offering her a sense of security. They hadn't been so far away from camp, only a mere few minute travel from their spot in the territory. Everything was meant to be fine.

Until it wasn't.

Watch out!

Her vision blurred, neck twisting as she hissed instinctually. The razor-sharp talons that dug into her back was her first detection of the owl. Blinded by the pain, she twisted as it curled around her shoulders, the single foot of the avian gripping her tightly. It was sudden, and shocking, and scary. Owls could kill cats, couldn't they? She'd heard something like that, anyways. Or maybe it was only hawks...

Gloompaw didn't want to find out.

In the struggle, she didn't see if Sneezefur was fighting a similar fight. All her attention was directed towards trying to wiggle free, an impossible feat given the owl's hold. The beat of its wings as it desperately tried to attack, the motion too close, everything overwhelming. Blood roared in her ears, the very rhythm of her heartbeat derailed. Pain was an unfamiliar territory for her to experience, so used to seeing it upon other cats that she'd never been tolerant of it when it came to herself. A feral scream came to her as she wriggled, a worm on a hook.

She couldn't articulate any words, nor a complete thought. Everything was honed on survival, useless in combat, she'd be certain later on that not even ten seasons of training to fight would prepare her for it. The adrenaline was all-consuming, claws scrabbling at the ground as wordless prayers ricocheted through her thoughts.