⋆。°✩ "Oh, Mosspool --" calls Cricketpaw, catching the young warrior's eye. She's coming back from a patrol, and he waves her over with a paw. He's never known the molly to be one for rest, and he highly doubts she has anything better to do.

"You're quite the talented warrior, yes? My papa speaks highly of you." Flattery, perhaps, but not untrue. It is stated as little more than fact. "Perhaps you could help me. I've been working on -- I'm quite the, ah, gangly cat, as you can see, I get knocked over easily. In battle, that is. I've been working on stances." It takes a moment for the apprentice to get to the point, words spilling out unhurriedly. The warrior won't interrupt, he knows.

He'd prefer to have Petalnose, of course, but... "My mentor's out, she's busy." He waves a paw dismissively. Lead warriors are often busy, he finds. Mosspool will have to do. "I though maybe you could help, in her stead. How does this look?" They demonstrate finally, lowering into an awkward half-crouch. It doesn't feel steady, no matter what he does.

  • @Mosspool
  • 74770513_25s5b0B3zXid8vd.png

  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, eight moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool blinked as Cricketpaw caught her attention. "Yes Sta- Cricketpaw?" Her ear flicked. It had been a spit second mistake, one that was easy to miss unless you were really paying attention, but that did not make it less embarrassing. His old name still came to mind whenever she saw him. Starlightpaw. She had thought such a name would be a blessing for the whole clan, but the wisdom of two leader's said otherwise. It was not for her to question that.

Still, she did not quite know what to make of it either.

She dipped her head modestly at his words, even as her pride swelled within her. "It is an honor to hear that Smokestar thinks so highly of me." It was, more than words could express.

It made sense that his mentor was busy, lead warriors had much to do. "I would be more than happy to lend my aid." She took a look at his stance. "Your legs are in the wrong position." Mosspool commented bluntly. Even though he was the child of two leaders, it would be a disservice to let that blunt her teaching. She tapped the tip of her tail against Cricketpaws legs to indicate where he needed to widen his stance and where he needed to narrow it. "It should look more like this." She settled into a stance of her own, one that felt almost second nature for her after how long she had practiced it.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

⋆。°✩ Mosspool almost misspeaks, and a satisfied grin curls its way across the apprentice's face. Yes, he knew he could rely on her. She's always been so loyal to his fathers, so dutiful. So respectful of them even when age made others turn their noses up.

Cricketpaw nods as she taps his legs with his tail, watches as she settles into a crouch. Begins to maneuver his spindly limbs into twisted reflection of her own, chatter spilling out breezily as he does so. "You nearly called me Starlightpaw, hmm?" It's casual, deliberately so, an observation rather than accusation. She continues before the warrior can apologize. "It has been a difficult adjustment, this new name, and one I can't say that I am entirely pleased with."

Starlightpaw shoots a quick look to Mosspaw, something almost childishly guilty in his eyes. He doesn't regret saying it, but Mosspool is such a stickler for rules. "I trust Smokestar, of course, but ah..." Does she feel the same? Does she too see how wrong it is to strip the holiness from the starborn? "I cannot help wonder if it was truly so horrible, to have a name befit a leader's son..." She gives a soft sigh, takes a moment.

Looks over himself. They thinks they've... almost got it, now. "Is this better?" He asks with that same deliberate casualness, looking to Mosspool expectantly.

  • 74770513_25s5b0B3zXid8vd.png

  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, eight moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

𓆝 . ° ✦ The corner of her mouth twitched downward in embarrassed displeasure at the mention of her slip up. They spoke again before she could even apologize for it. Her ear flicked, an apprentice interrupting a warrior was unbecoming. It was even moreso to hear him question the leader so openly, and a little personally uncomfortable as well. Yet she did not chastise him as she might have another apprentice.

"We- you need to have faith in your father. The stars have given him a wisdom that is beyond questioning." Even as she sad it, Mosspool sounded like she was convincing herself more than him.

It was not often she was this clumsy with her words, she took pride in the deliberate and exact manner in which she spoke. Cricketpaw put her off balance. She was not certain where she should stand with them; their ranks put him beneath her, but his parentage and relation to the stars put him above her. The orderly hierarchy she had in her mind could not fit them comfortably.

Padding over to him, she examined the stance once more. "Yes. There are still improvements to be made..." Her tail again touched his legs a few times to indicate where she meant. "...but on the whole this is acceptable."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

⋆。°✩ Mosspool's soft chastisement certainly doesn't come off as such, more uncertain than he thinks he's ever heard her. She sees, then, the conflict, even if she doesn't want to admit it. The apprentice smiles, satisfied, as she speaks hesitantly of faith. "Naturally, naturally," trills Cricketpaw, easy as breathing - as though she were the strange one for doubting his devotion, not him for questioning the leader. "I know that better than anyone. I merely mean to say that the stars' wisdom seems - ah - fickle, as of late." His mouth twists wryly. One more prod, and then he'll drop it. "For one leader to grant a name and the next take it away..." The words trails off, Cricketpaw leaving the conclusion to her with a simple shrug.

"No matter, I suppose," he continues, mercifully. She's clearly uncomfortable, and Cricketpaw doesn't want to give her the wrong impression. He is no blasphemer; he is just as holy as his father, but it must be hard for a simple warrior to see that. Instead, he adjusts his footing just slightly where she's tapped his legs, still not quite satisfied.

It'll have to do. Something easier, then; "Mosspool," he begins, gaze searching. Pauses, for a moment. Smiles again, eyes twinkling. "Take a few paces back, then attack me." Curt, breaching no room for argument. It's the only way he can test his stance, after all.

  • 74770513_25s5b0B3zXid8vd.png

  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, eight moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

𓆝 . ° ✦ A name given by one leader, and then taken by the next, fickle was one thing to call it. Moons had passed since she had last questioned the stars, as her path on the journey had instilled her faith in then. She had come so far since she questioned Ravensong in the medicine den. It felt strange to have those old questions coming back to her, stranger still to have her own thoughts mirrored in the words of one that was so clearly her junior. Her tail flicked. "I am not privy to the stars' wisdom." She murmured simply, hoping that they could leave the matter at that. Even after all this time, she could not understand Starclan. All she could do was have faith.

She was glad when he did move to a new topic. It seemed he wanted to test his new stance, a worthy endeavor. "Very well." Mosspool agreed, taking a few steps back. Then she lunged with alarming speed, but aimed to do little more than place her paw gently atop Cricketpaw's head. It was a bit show-offy, honestly, a show of her agility and grace.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.