no angst NORTHERN ATTITUDE [ chompin' on ice ]

( ) the frozen times have begun their steady descent onto the earth- each day one wakes they are met with colder air, until, all at once, one finds themself in the center of a personal wintery wonderland. the first snow has fallen across riverclan territory, blanketing dens in light puffs of chill, and the river, while not frozen over, has begun a shallow crust of ice growth at its edges. coyotecreek finds himself appreciating the stark beauty of this cold land even as the sun begins to warm the earth and turn the new snow to chilled water. he sits at the edge of the river, face contemplative as he gazes across the river into the dense trees of thunderclan territory. it is almost absentmindedly that his paw reaches down, scooping into the delicate ice and piercing a small piece with his claws. he brings his paw back up to his mouth, jaws opening to bite gently down on the crystaline water.

satisfaction glimmers in his gaze as the crunch is heard, the ice now thoroughly chomped down on, breaking to bits in his mouth. moments pass as he chews, swallows, then returns to his contemplation. his paw reaches down to continue his routine, and he is unaware of any movement near or around him. the man is lost in thought.

This leafbare was the silver molly's first as a full-fledged warrior. Free from apprentice duties, she could do whatever she liked! Well, so long as the prey pile had been hunted for and patrols were completed. For Feathergaze, she liked to use her freedom to enjoy the snow, to dip her paws in the frigid river and yearn for the seasons where she could swim once more, and to consider the next time she would visit her grandmother's resting place. Catching sight of Coyotecreek, she was shown an entirely new pastime that she had never considered before. The crack of his jaws that sent ice chips spinning into the air tickled her head in the most unique way. She approached slowly, cocking her head to one side whilst her ears twitched.
"Doesn't it... Does it hurt your teeth?"​
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Anyone that has met Coyotecreek knows him a bit of an oddball... his fatherly nature is never far behind that silly exterior but this is a new level of chicanery even for him. Her nose screws up into reflection of her dismay with his antics, watching and listening with twitching ears the loud crunch of ice in between his teeth. There's no way that's comfortable... and it has to be the least effective way to get some hydration. Why not just... reach his neck a little further to drink from the river?

Feathergaze seems to share in her confusion and voices it as a question. The stripe-legged molly gives a small snort of amusement, "Quenching your thirst or hunger more, Coyotecreek?" It is almost funny... If not also equally terrifying that his answer might be 'hunger.'

I'll go hunting again... she thinks almost without consideration, taking a seat by the rusty tom to peer at the thin fragments.


Maybe it was Ferngill's affinity for rocks, but he did not find Coyotecreek's fangs crunching against a clump of ice anything other than relatable. As a kitten, resisting the urge to put something glittery in his mouth was often irresistible- and though he'd long grown out of that habit, there was some glimmering speck in his mind that stayed satisfied when chewing ice.

A glittering glance was passed Lichentail's way, humour curving his gaze. "It's not much of a snack, but it is refreshing." Tone warm with earnestness, there was no sense of irony in Ferngill's approach. Attention soon fell upon Coyotecreek, catching the last clatterings of ice between his jaws.

It was hard to miss the glaze of thought in the older tom's mismatched eyes- though he was no mindreader, absent-mindedness was easy to spot. "What'cha thinking about?" he prodded. Not aggressively, ut there was a friendly interest shining from him like a sunbeam.
penned by pin
Moonpaw would be lying if she didn't admit she was curious about the ice that now began to pool at the edges of the river, though she would have never thought to bite into it. Waking up early as usual the sound of crunching caused her ears to prick and head rotate as she sought out the source of the noise, head tilting slightly in confusion as the snow-colored apprentice looked to Coyotecreek eating the ice. Maw opened and snapped shut as she tried to think of something to say, nothing coming to mind as she quickened her steps to the edge of the river and peered over towards the frozen water, her own paws reaching out slightly to grab a piece for herself.

Eyes glanced to the others that had been there slightly before her, listening to the words that they said for a moment before she looked back down at her ice. Feathergaze questioned if it hurt Coyotecreek's teeth while Lichentail and Ferngill mentioned things about thirst and the ice being refreshing. And so she bend down and licked the ice she had dragged from the water before reeling back in shock, ice moving with her for a moment before it quickly melted and fell to the ground shattering. "It's cold! It stuck to my tongue!" The young moggie quietly gasped, amusement glinting in her eyes.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || brother to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
Such behavior from his mentor would have brought on agonizing embarrassment, perhaps even a scathing remark on how ridiculous he looked but something about the chilling weather has cooled his raging temper today. His shoulders squared together as he stood close by, waiting idly for their assigned patrol to begin.

Otterpaw, like Ferngill was not any stranger to scraping his teeth against foreign objects. Stones had just been the beginning until he was introduced to reeds. Then broken shells, twoleg garbage that flowed from the campsite, and even the occasional piece of bark from washed driftwood.

This was the apprentices first leafbare, though. He had never met ice, and watching his mentor crunch away had his mouth watering at the sound. Slowly he inched ever so closely until his paws were only a claws length away.

"How are you picking it up like that?" He rumbled as he tried to not seem so invested. Tentatively he placed a paw against the ice, claws flexed to grasp around his pad but his hold was too aggressive, sending the ice shattering into too many pieces so that they melted away within a few blinks. ​

The cold has made its return, and while Gillsight is not fond of leaf-bare's moons, he doesn't dwell on dread toward crisp air, toward icy rivers. Instead, as snow blankets the camp, the warrior finds himself taking in the sight - the rare beauty of the cold's initial frost over the camp. He'll let himself admire it, for now, before ice-numbed paws leave him wishing for greenleaf's sun.

Crunching shifts a golden gaze away from sparkling white and toward flame-patched fur instead, as his clanmate's teeth burrow into chunks of ice - a leaf-bare snack, one that Gillsight remembers treating himself to in his late apprenticeship. Though the black and white tom doesn't move to swipe crystalized water out of the river now, he's sure he will eventually.

"Y-You e-enjoying that?" Gillsight finds himself asking, an amused tilt of the head pointed Coyotecreek's way. ​