camp Not a fan || o. Kitsitting

Jul 28, 2022

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

How did she get herself into this mess? Ravenwatcher's stoned cold face staring down at the kits before her, all playing with each other as well as clambering themselves onto the warrior, pinching her fur with their tiny claws as she grimaced slightly. A few of the queens had approached her and then began begging and pleaing with her to kit-sit and at first, Ravenwatcher wanfed to refused, as she wasn't the most biggest fan of the little ones but...she understood the need to stretch the legs and breathe in the crisp fresh air that new-leaf brought but... Couldn't they have found someone else to do this? Ravenwatcher never was good with kits and... by far she guessed it was only due to her being well, the most likely not to attempt to strung a kitten by their tail.

Her tail thumped in irritation as the kittens laughed and screeched, some using her as a hiding spot as she let a low grumbled noise out as blue eyes began to screen the clearing wondering to herself if she could possibly drop these little brats off with another but... how disappointed would these parents be if she just...up and left these kits with someone else? They trusted her enough to be responsible but...this wasn't something she signed up for
"Why are you scowling like that? For all you know, that could be the future leader or medicine cat you're watching." Dogfur cackled from his hunched position over the fresh kill pile. He had just deposited a skinny frog into it. Newleaf was bringing new prey—a blessing for the tortoiseshell who liked to shirk from their duties. It made him look productive!

"They will remember you as a traitor if you be unkind to them. Foresight." Dogfur grinned, stretching out his legs and shaking out his mottled pelt before crossing the camp to become closer to Ravenwatcher. "'s how you survive here." They crouched down to get eye-level with the kittens, thrashing his twitchy tail back and forth for them to pounce and attack if wished.


"Why did they put you here? Your face is bad and your aura is atrocious."
The black and white apprentice appeared next to Dogfur, leaning into the others leg for support whether the patchy tom wanted him to or not, he didn't ask first. His remark might have felt insulting, but he was referring to the black she-cat's scowling face and obvious disinterest here. Maybe it was because he was still upset at being taken from the nursery himself, he longed to return to it and continue a life of inconsequential ambling about but time was a cruel and merciless thing that dragged him forward despite his protests. If they had wanted someone to watch the kits they could have asked him, he would be better at it and treat it less like a chore as the older warrior was doing.

"A hawk would watch them better." The apprentice remarks, tone still chipper as ever despite the words said.


So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Oh great, the first to approach her was Dogfur and her ocean-blue gaze stared at the tom with a cold yet calm look in her gaze as she watched him approach, one of the kits tucking itself inbetween the young warriors paws to get away from the other more energetic ones, her tail swishing a bit as she listened to the warriors words with a slight sigh coming from her maw as she looked down at the kits. "Perhaps one would be your furture apprentice too, Dogfur, yet I feel that they'd have more time watching you instead of you training them" she said smoothly before another approached.

Magpiepaw, the little wobbly apprentice who spoke words of insults that made her shrugged as she listened into his explanation as to why the queens had chosen the warrior to kitsit. She too wished to understand why she was chosen of all cats. "Perhaps they knew I wasn't going to try and threaten to eat one of them" she said calmly blue gaze dancing between the kits as her ear twitched calmly, and then Magpiepaw let more foolish words come from his maw and she couldn't help but laugh at what he had to say. "A hawk would make a meal out of them, a Raven would bring them trinkets to play with if they behave" she placed in as she gently moved one of the kits a bit closer to her as she looked down. "They're cute, despite being annoying, and besides they're our future, so it's best to allow the Raven to watch instead of a hawk" the she cat calmly stated in her monotoned voice.

"ow! ow! ouch!"

raggedkit was tackled to the ground by another kit. it didn't bother him that it hurt– he honestly thought they were playing. the kit was being rough on purpose, using claws and teeth upon him, but he wasn't mad about it. he just thought this was how he was supposed to be play with. he didn't think he could play as rough– if only he'd known. he wasn't being played with like he thought. he was being bullied, again, but he was too naive to even think that.

"hey– ow– hey, ravenwatcher! look at raggedkit! look, look! look what– ouch– this one can do!"

he pulled himself out of the grip of the other kitten, shaking out his pelt and skipping over.

"are you watching? are you watching!? look at this one! look at him!"

he giggled before he pushed himself on his head, trying to do a headstand. he did, for a moment, before he fell to the ground with a grunt. he looked at ravenwatcher, upside down, from the ground with a giggle.

"did you see him!? huh? he almost did it this time! he almost did it! he thinks his mama would be pretty proud of him right now!"