The dawn brings a light drizzle, a much - needed cleansing in the momentary peace of sunrise, washing away the weight of this quarter - moon's events. Rain dapples the landscape as the warriors disperse, murmurs rippling through their ranks from the eventful past few days. SkyClan's working cats spill out into the rain - soaked pines, a flurry of multicolored pelts and darting eyes, of strong legs and gruff words; one of them is distinctly absent.

She lies in a curl of limbs, pulled tights as if she'd known the night would bring storms to weather. Rain plasters her lilac fur to the slim dip of her torso, although the morning wind tousles a few tufts as it begins to pick up. Her eyes are shut, the rain having washed the tears from her cheeks, her sturdy forelimbs draped over the grave and her ivory paws dug into the earth as if she might never be separated. She looks peaceful, for once, her face loose and free of tight claws of stress pulling at it, asleep and unaware of the cats who may find her—or the threats that could have in the night.

OOC : TL;DR – Doeblaze went to visit Blazestar's grave the previous evening and fell asleep on it. Set a day or two after Silversmoke's & Orangestar's returns and the meeting, the morning following this oneshot!
Ever the early bird the black smoke decided to go out for a walk and take a visit to Blazestar's grave. They were not close in life and while he still harbored some hatred in the former leader's actions, he can't deny the leader's influence in his life. The advice the golden tom had given him has been seared into the crevices of his mind. While it wasn't surprising that he found his mother visiting the grave of her deceased mate, he was not prepared for her to be asleep, with a pelt plastered in rain. Their relationship was strained, but he was serious. He wouldn't push them away and accept their feelings towards him. They didn't need to forgive him or love him. They could hate him and resent him. Who was he to demand them to feel a certain way?

Who knows how long you've been out here mother. If you stay any longer, you're going to get sick. Ever so gently he begins to nudge her with his paw. "Psst. Wake up, you're going to catch a cold." If she didn't wake, he would begin to put a little more force in his nudges. The last thing he wanted to do was scream and subsequently startle her. Though it would be a little amusing to have to explain why he has a scratch on him if she woke up in a panic and swiped at him. "Don't make me start yelling at you to wake up," he mutters under his breath.

If she awakes she would be met with a face far too close to her own. "Oh good, you're up mother. I think you should come back to camp to dry off. You're soaking wet and might catch a cold." The topic of Blazestar is unsaid. He knows how much the golden tom meant to his mother and wouldn't dream of conversing with her about him with a lack of tact. Besides, they weren't as close anymore. One poorly constructed comment would not bode well.
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
A sedated sigh left scarred lips at the sight, heart pullin’ painfully at the graves tucked away of family members he ain’t ever gonna see again till death came knockin’ on his door. In the past, Duskpool would have gone willingly, but now? He frowned, uncertainty poolin’ into a frigid gut, black ooze fillin’ crevices and turnin’ his blood to slush. Right. No more of that. Shakin’ his helm, Duskpool padded forward, offerin’ a subtle grunt in Crowsight’s direction.

It reminded him of the times he spent outside of camp, nestled in a rickety nest that’d seen better days with brittle flowers Yukio had woven into the bramble that he’d never gotten the heart to dismantle till recently. His breath shuddered, sorrow poolin’ hotly into agin’ bone and tastin’ nausatin’ iron on his tongue. Oh, kiddo. I know. I know. He thought mournfully, starin’ at the scarred molly with blank hues, expression offerin’ nothin’ but muted calmness despite the roll of thunder his thoughts became — sickenin’ in every way.

Another reason life was shorter than they realized. If offerin’ any kind of advice, Duskpool would tell ‘em to seize the moment because really, it ain’t ever gonna be a next day so enough of the what ifs and i could have done thisp because fate waited for no one. It sure as hell ain’t gonna wait till ya pick up the broken pieces and put ‘em back together. No. Duskpool learned the hard way losin’ kin after kin and fallin’ into pools of despair till he laid chokin’ at night, muffled against his tail as he slept in a hollowed tree wonderin’ why them when he was the one that sinned.

“Come on, kiddo, let’s get ya warmed up.” He murmured, tone a low, gentle thrum against the early dew, wooly plumage sweepin’ the ground, downright refusin’ to glance at the cluster of graves that held familiar bodies tucked within the dirt. If she did wake from Crowsight, Duskpool would glide forward, offerin’ the molly a shoulder to lean on and pull whatever heat she needed in that skinny frame of hers. It was one thing to curse his wooly fur when the heat got unbearable, but it was a natural heater durin’ the colder, rainy days like this. “Ain’t needin’ ya to get the sniffles if we can help it.” He grunted, molten gaze glancin’ at Crowsight in muted agreement.
thought speech