camp not a steak, a mistake ( roach )


Nov 17, 2022
Claws scrabble noisily suddenly, hindlegs wagging as he swings his limbs rapidly like a rat terrier on a mole hill. Scorpionpaw had heard scratching under the dirt, and with kitten-like curiosity and predatorial instinct he is uprooting snow and soil.

" what are you " he mutters, chuckling to himself as he flops over onto his side accidentally. With a snort and sneeze he comically flips back onto his paws and digs faster.

Suddenly a little brown insect explodes from his little scraped up patch. Scorpionpaw snaps his jaws around it instantly, crunching down but immidiately spits it out. That’s no prey, that’s a roach.

" Eh- yuck… yep… nah. Gross " The tan apprentice spits and coughs.

  • — small lil backstory. Been in Skyclan since 5 moons old / former stray

  • ✧ S C O R P I O N P A W
    — nine moons
    — apprentice of Skyclan
    — gay crushing on n/a
    — mentored by n/a
    — spiky furred tan and brown tom with orange eyes.
  • 8471c78d76abc649d998a6525def420b.jpg
) It was hard not to sit and watch the youth fumbling about, as exhausting as it felt. Bearheart blinked with surprise though as the mystery was revealed and he couldn't help but erupt into laughter. "Talk about bugging-out! Poor thing, though nice catch all the same. Just... not the tastiest find ever." The warrior was somewhat revolted by the roach. When it came to eating bugs he much preferred moths and spiders.

The wrinkled armour of the roach caught the milky light of the leafbare sun. Daisyflight rose to bat it away, disgusted by the sight of such an insect in the camp, but Scorpionpaw's crazed consumption of the creature gave her pause.

"That- is vile." Tone adrift with dread, the warrior couldn't help the downturn of her maw. Bugs were a natural layer in the life cycle, of course, but nothing could persuade her to pardon their presence. "I'm all for squashing the little horrors, but ah... you'd never find one near my mouth." Daisyflight hovered a few paces back, not far from Bearheart, who seemed to be far too open to calling a thing like that a 'catch.'
Finchfang was sprawled out in a meager patch of sun, attending to some snarls in his striped coat. His fur was short but thick, and prone to becoming snarled and dirty if he didn't attend to it regularly. Besides - he did not do well if his coat was messy. Untidy fur, untidy mind, and all that. But he was interrupted from working out a kink in his white-patched chest when he heard a small commotion from across camp, and his head snapped up. As soon as his hazel eyes found the source of the noise and his brain had time to process, he relaxed, recognizing that there was no danger. He...didn't really know what was going on, but it didn't seem like it was a threat, so...he rasped his tongue over his chest a few more times and then stood and began to pad towards Scorpionpaw, Bearheart, and Daisyflight. Oh - a bug, of...some type. There seemed to be a general consensus of disgust, though Finchfang wasn't quite sure why: a bug was a bug, right? They were an annoyance, especially ticks and fleas, but little more than that.

"Crunchy." noted the slender tom with the briefest hint of a smile, extending one paw and nudging the dead insect. "I suppose it's a good sign no one is jumping at this delicious opportunity. Must mean times aren't too lean."
Muffin finds themself settling into SkyClan slowly, but surely - they've never been around this many cats at once, and always seems to be tripping over someone or another. But they keep a small amount of distance as best they can - that is, until a crunch and various reactions of disgust echo through the camp. Oh, one of them found a roach? Muffin peers around Finchfang, half hidden in the slender tomcat's shadow, and nervous eyes flit between him, the other SkyClanners, and Scorpionpaw the roach-hunter.

"... You haven't eaten roaches before?" They whisper, mortified. It wasn't ... normal, to eat bugs sometimes?​

"B-BUGGING OUT!" Pumpkinpatch had heard most the conversation but it was the stocky tom's joke that set her on her path over to investigate out of curiousity and she was still giggling as she approached the scene to survey what exactly the group had been gathered around. Her laughter peetered into a shrill noise of alarm, the pun now making sense as it became apparent there was a creepy critter laying on the ground with its legs still faintly twitching in what seemed to be its throes of death; all for the best, a dead bug was the only good bug. "Oh-egh-uh-I hate those! I don't like how many little legs they have-! It's so uh weird..." Centipedes were by far the worse based on her qualifications of what made a bug gross.
More than four legs, those little wiry horns that came out their head, the big shiny black eyes...The tortiseshell gave a full body shudder at the recollection.
"M-Muffin, no, don't....don't eat those..." She had no real reason why the child shouldn't outside of she thought it was unsettling and didn't want to see it. Her green and blue eyes darted around to Daisyflight, Finchfang and Beartheart as if asking for some backup on expressing how very much she would like to not see bugs on the freshkill pile in the near future.


A soft chuckle leaves the older tom, bright blues focused on Scorpionpaw for just a moment before he shakes his head. Ah, when he was just a wee bit younger and roaming the twolegplaxe there had been all sorts of little crawling creatures. Mice, roaches, flies, beetles, worms, all could be found there and to him they were small snacks and the like. Being a kittypet left room for many activities and tasting was one of them. He smiles softly as he pushes himself to his paws, shifting to makes his way over with a gentle bump if his hip against that of Muffin. "Non, most don't tend to have a feast on bugs around here. Although if you prefer it..." It isn't like he could say anything. And a roach might be a good snack when push came to shove. Sitting down he then glances to the apprentice and the rest of the warriors that are there.

"I say he is quite fleet of foot to catch such quick little critters. But truth they are an acquired taste garçon." Though personally he doubts he will he putting any bugs in his mouth anytime soon. He has left that far behind him. The experience over and done with.