private not a toy to play with // thriftkit

periwinklepaw | 09 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Periwinklepaw has always had a soft spot for kits. Perhaps, he thinks, it had started when hyacinth had brought cloudkit to camp, had proclaimed him to be their new little brother, had told them to care for him. He'd felt so responsible - had felt joy watching the little ball of fur tumble about with a naivety that peri himself had already begun to lose as the days crept closer to what was supposed to be his apprentice ceremony. Even now, the nursery is a soothing place - bright and cheerful, seemingly always full of tiny paws scurrying about as queens keep a watchful eye out. Or - in this case, call over one of the other members for babysitting duty.

It is a task many would rather avoid - gravelsnap especially, peri can't help but muse as he pads over, but periwinklepaw is more likely to volunteer than run away. "H-h-hello again!" he says, soft voice ringing out as son as he spot the newest member of windclan, his head tipping to the side as he scrunches himself down, making himself smaller simply out of habit. If he is small, he is non-threatening, and he's still convinced this pitiful appearance of his is half the reason he has not been chased from the moorlands just yet. "d-do you like y-your nest?" he askes, hoping that a bit of small talk - and a pretty gift hidden tucked in his tail - might brighten the mood. "I b-b-brought you something-g to m-make it pretty,"

// @Thriftkit

The nest has quickly become the only place Thrift wants to be. It's the perfect size for Thrift, and it's his nest, and as long as Thrift is curled on his nest nothing bad will happen. He tries to stay in his nest for as long as he can, white paws tucked under his belly and his chin rested on the fuzz of his chest, just as he's seen some of the older cats lay. He's one of those older cats in this moment, capable of doing anything in the world, and strong enough to know just what he's supposed to do with all of that freedom.

Dark paws approach, and then just as Thrift starts to startle, a familiar face lays in front of him. Thrift recognizes him — the first cat to speak to him when he was brought here.

"Hi," Thrift returns after hesitation, and eyes Periwinklepaw's scars. He's hurt, just like Thrift. There isn't time to wonder about that though, as Periwinklepaw has a question for Thrift. For the first time since arriving, Thrift brightens, if only marginally, "My nest is good! It's mossy."

And then Periwinklepaw continues on — wants to add something new to Thrift's nest. His gaze turns wary. Thrift likes pretty somethings, he used to pluck tall grasses and tiny yellow flowers to show to his mother, but he's never considered pretty somethings in a nest before. And then there was the matter that Thrift doesn't even know what this pretty something is. And then Periwinklepaw would want to touch Thrift's nest to make it pretty.

The mistrust is new to Thrift. It swallows him in a bite, and Thrift visibly recoils without moving back enough to threaten his hold on his nest.

"This is mine," It comes out more as a question, uncertain when he had meant an assertion, "And only I'm allowed to touch it."​
periwinklepaw | 09 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Periwinklepaw is a bit taken aback by the childs vehement insistence, but all the sleepy boy does is smile kindly and nod, making sure to scooch himself back a pawstep or two just in case. "Okay th-then - i won't t-touch. he agrees easily. Its an understandable sentiment - to have something that's yours - truly, wholly yours - and to not want others to intrude into that space, or ruin it in any way. He gives an absent hum, pretending to glance about before play-whispering "... I d-don't like it when p-p-people mess with my n-nest either. I k-keep all my f-f-favorite thing-s there." Like memories of those long gone and those still around.

Long tail flicks idly and he suddenly remembers just why thrift had gotten set off in the first place. A bit sheepish, he wraps it around himself, a flash of shining white glinting in the light as he reveals what he'd tucked away to spare the indignity of speaking around it within his jaws. "I th-thought you might like this f-feather, it's s-s-super soft and pretty, so you can h-have it f you-d like" He doesn't actually mind if the kit uses the pigeon feather for his nest or simply to play with, it's the giving that matters to peri. He just... wants to see thrift be happy here.
There is something undeniably intriguing about Periwinklepaw. He whispers and Thrift leans close, ears perked and previous misgivings forgotten in favor of the secret that Periwinklepaw offers. Thrift wants that too — a nest to put all of his favorite things in. He wants favorite things to put in his nest. Thrift doesn't know what his favorite things are yet, but Periwinklepaw reveals a feather, one gray with a darker band, and Thrift thinks he figured one of his favorite things out.

"This is mine?" Disbelieving, Thrift had snatched it as soon as he'd understood that Periwinklepaw was giving it to him.

He stares at Periwinklepaw like wonder, mouth slightly agape. The smile starts slow, a curl in his mouth that then stretches his face, and suddenly Thrift is grinning.

"I love it. It's the best — it's uh — I love it a lot! And it's mine! Did you know birds grow these instead of fur?"​
periwinklepaw | 10 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Eyes are kind and warm as he watches fear turn into disbelief and - perhaps even joy. Being in an unfamiliar place, with no family, no one to rely on - it must be terrifying. He's glad to see thrift opening up - glad that his gesture was accepted. "Y-yup," he hums, confirming that it is now the childs possession and no one will take it away. Well... he can't guarantee one of spiderblooms litter won't make an attempt, rambunctious as they all are, but he certainly won't.

Head tips to the side as he listens to the golden child's eager ramblings, nodding his head with a rather serious look upon his face. "mmm th-they do, don't they. I d-don't know why though, I th-th-think having-g f-fur is much b-better than f-feathers!" he says cheerily, giving a grin. He's practically melted into a puddle upon the nursery floor by this point, the tension leaking from him more and more as they speak, his mind finally drawn from his darker thoughts.