private not dead yet // foxglare

maggotfur 20 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
why is it, exactly, that Maggotfur inevitably ends up at the thunderpath? Perhaps, it is some ingrained urge the molly cannot fight... or perhaps it's simply the fact that shadowclan has so many of them, surrounded on all sides. Though, it always seems to be this one her paws take her too, rarely the others.

In truth, the why of it matters little - only that it once again happens, as tabby and white molly makes her way through the brush to acrid black pavement, eyes glowing in the light of the setting sun. She's not on patrol today - or at least, not exactly. Searching for finds on the path really should be a patrol - really, it never fails her. Now if only her clanmates thought such activities to be so important.

Today though, she is not alone - eyes falling ona figure across the path - not the golden fur she can't help but to wish it was, but another. Windclan, she thinks - they must be, because they seem passingly familiar. She waits for the roaring thunder of a monster to pass before she speaks, head tilted and fce blank, though amusement glimmers in her eyes a lilting voice calls out. " No patrol nipping at your heels then? "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T
⁀➷ Wandering was an old habit of his, though nothing about his rigid posture nor the perpetually guarded look in his eye suggested he wasn’t on some sort of solo patrol mission at the border. He was used to walking across the moors in the low light of the end of the day after full days of training. Not that he felt such a strong need to get away from Frightpaw so often—she was a fine apprentice, as eerie as she might’ve been.

No, he just wondered if there would ever come a time that a clan would stop feeling like a crowd.

The dimmed light of dusk did just fine illuminating a pale tabby and white form across the Thunderpath, a Shadowclanner, familiar if only from their coincidental proximity. He expected for there to be a brief moment of eye contact, perhaps a stilted word or two of acknowledgement, before one or both of them shuffled off to return to their respective aloneness. But she speaks, and without a crowd, he had no reservations talking back without much forethought. Old habits, old habits…

“Not tonight,” Foxglare shook his head, and then asked, “Ya find anything interesting ‘long the path?” At least, that’s what he assumed she was doing, sniffing around so casually. He knew some cats liked collecting bones and whatever twoleg oddities they could find by the path. He himself kept clear of anything twoleg-associated, but it seemed as fine a hobby as any other.

  • OOC:

  • meztli . sun . fox . foxpaw . foxglare
    — he/him. 19mo moor-runner of windclan. Mentored by shalestripe. currently mentoring frightpaw. formerly mentored sunlitpaw.
    — a scarred, hulking white and golden tabby tom with gray eyes
    — taciturn, vigilant, reserved, self-righteous, restrained, independent, humanitarian, unyielding
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by eezy
maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
" Not yet - but surely, the Thunderpath won't fail me, " It's almost disappointing really, how easily she falls into old habits. She knows this isn't Sunflowermask, and yet the words that fall from her lips do so easily - ah, perhaps it's that affecting her mood... but no, its probably just boredom. Thee is little to do but idle about, and even fewer cats to do so with - for all that she is not friendly towards others, Maggotfur has always craved company. Eyes narrow briefly for a moment - commiting the toms face to memory as tail waves slowly. If nothing else, it will be good to remember should anything go wrong or a fight break out - not that she feels particularily like crossing the blackened path just for a tussle. " You got a name then? I assume you windclanners have those, at least, " this time, her jest is more clear - if not from the laughter in her tone then by the way she continues to weave about, clearly having decided that Foxglare poses no threat to her search for trinkets.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?